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Everything posted by Sekaru

  1. Sekaru


    And I can't wait to get it to a "fun" state :P. I thought I'd work on Holes and the whole dungeon system a bit more today. For one thing, Holes that spawn in sand will always teleport you to Sand-Themed Dungeons. Also, in order to prevent yourself from falling through the universe, you now need to put down Ladders by clicking a Hole, and it'll look like this: http://i.imgur.com/DuW9P.png If you want the explanation why you don't die if Ladders exist then read this Official explanation: Portals in Crawle are made of Sekaruium. Sekaruium only creates Sekaruium solution (which is the portal-entering substance in the middle) when it reacts with wood that is in a ladder-like shape. Because of this you can go through portals and not go through the universe and that's why not having a ladder will kill you. You'll get this lovely message if you forget to place down a ladder: http://i.imgur.com/kQT8H.png Now, keeping up our reputation of making what most would consider as one of the most dickest games out there, there is a 1 in 50 chance that you will slip off the ladder and die before the ladder has reacted with the Sekaruium. You'll get this message: http://i.imgur.com/umL52.png That's about it. Good news though! Exams are starting to spread out more now and so I should have a load more free time ;].
  2. Sekaru


    If only you were around a few weeks ago xD. Nah, it's alright we've already got a musician working for us but thanks a lot for the offer and thanks for your thoughts on the game.
  3. Sekaru


    Awesome thanks :D. Also respect to you for being a Tribes player ;]. --- First of all let me just apologize for the lack of updates. I've already mentioned that this is the time of the year where I have exams and can't really spend much time on any of my hobbies (i.e. programming) and since no one else on the team is able to program I've been doing small things bit by bit. The first major change is the much cleaner and generally better looking world gen. This came about from doing a speed-programming session (however I found the bug that caused worlds to look ugly after the session). Things will no longer (or shouldn't) spawn in places where they shouldn't be, such as trees in water and flowers on stone. Here are a few screenshots of this 'new' world generation: http://i.imgur.com/67YJ2.png http://media.indiedb.com/images/games/1/17/16130/forest.1.png In addition to this new world generation, I've also added a new Swamp biome. The graphics for the plantlife and other things in the swamp are still in development, but here's a screenshot of it in it's current state: http://media.indiedb.com/images/games/1/17/16130/swampprogress1.png On top of that, our new pixel artist, Gol3m, has created a brand new dungeon theme including a brand new monster: scorpions! http://media.indiedb.com/images/games/1/17/16130/newdungeonteheme.png Although these were implemented in 0.3.0, they never really looked good or served a purpose. House interiors have been revamped with a whole new set a graphics, here's an early mockup (a few things have been added but it's still very much in development): http://www.indiedb.com/games/crawle/images/mockup-subject-to-change-new-insides-of-houses#imagebox Our plan at the moment is to create a handful of interior styles and apply a random one to each house. Now let's move on to something that has been asked for time and time again, the ability to name your worlds. It's finally here! To be honest, this took me two minutes despite me dismissing it as impossible almost 3 months ago. http://media.indiedb.com/images/games/1/17/16130/worldnames.png As you can see my three worlds are named. And yes, there will be easter egg worlds for worlds with "special" names. So finally, I've added a very basic NPC interaction system, you simply click an NPC to talk to him (like you would if you were attacking an animal). This will bring up this very culturally-aware written interaction box: http://i.imgur.com/7nrWa.png That's it for all the visual stuff, here's the changelog, it's got a load of fixes and changes. Oh and I'd like your opinions on whether or not world deletion should have a password system or simply a confirmation box: 0.3.1a --> 0.4.0 # GRAPHICAL CHANGES - Updated the disease graphic. - Fixed up the item description box. - Completely new and revamped house interior graphics. - New sandstone edges. - New tree types: willows and dead trees. # FIXES - Hitting no in the esc menu in fullscreen mode should no longer quit the game. - You can no longer create new worlds if you already have 3 worlds. - World data folders should now properly be cleared. - Various optmisations. - Fixed random teleportation to dungeons (non-existant holes). - Fixed the random tree leaves without stumps. - The enter key should no longer break textboxes. - Fixed some NPCs not having names. # CHANGES - You can no longer press the delete button if you have no worlds to delete. - You can now only press the play button if you're in "delete mode". # ADDITIONS - The ability to name your world! - Worlds can now be password-locked. - House exits. - New dungeon theme. - Varied tree heights. - Cleaner and generally better looking world generation. - 20 new NPC names! - Olaf the Farmer. - NPC interaction (click to talk).
  4. Sekaru


    It isn't really how I wanted to release this patch but unfortunately over the next two months I won't have time to even work on Crawle, so I've released this to try and get something out to make up for my absence. Enjoy! Changelog below: 0.2.5 --> 0.3.0 # GRAPHICAL CHANGES - New bars. - Improved the day-night cycle so it's more realistic. - NPC names turn red when they become hostile (i.e. at night). - Added a item description box. - Added a death menu. - Added information boxes for world modes. # FIXES - Fixed sound and music. - Fixed sound and music options. - Fixed the camera system! - Fixed the merchant not changing to his zombie sprite at night. - Fixed NPC names not centering. - Fixed the save button in the options menu not working. - Fixed inputs not being recognized. - Fixed action messages (e.g. "Level Up!"). - Fixed pressing esc in menus opening the options window. - Fixed chests being able to give you multiple portions of EXP. - Fixed diseases not properly generating. - Fixed diseases not properly clearing. - Fixed chests blocking. - Fixed world border collision. - Fixed spawning outside dungeons after logging out. - Fixed tree collision. - World loading should now be much faster. - Fixed resizing in fullscreen mode. - Fixed music in the options menu. - Fixed action message positioning and fading. - Fixed item drops jumping about. # CHANGES - New random generation. - Reduced Merchant spawn rate. - Increased disease rate. - Going below 50% hunger or thirst will drain your health. - Dungeons are no longer saved in the world file. - All worlds except Unforgiving worlds are now based on 'death chances': - Die once: sent back to respawn point. - Die twice: lose items, exp, etc. - Die three times: like Unforgiving mode, your world is deleted. - Hard mode only has two chances: lose items, exp, etc and permadeath. - Reverted dungeons back to old maze format, temporarily. - Even more code cleaning! - NPCs now respawn every 30 seconds. - Improved NPC AI to comply with the new collision system. - Folder cleaning. - Added more NPCs to dungeons. - Time is now saved in the world data folder. - Removed F to unlock FPS. - Randomised the spawn point. - Added a border around the world. - Increased the energy regen rate. - Sound engine no longer loads if music or sound isn't enabled. - Chests now open (visually) after being used. - Attacking is now based off energy and health. - Balanced disease rate a bit more. - Randomised the Merchant spawn point. - The Merchant will now leave if you enter a dungeon. - You can now delete multiple worlds. - NPCs now drop loot. Stays on the ground for 30 seconds. - NPCs' attack hits are now based off their health. - All inventory items are now dropped on your 2nd death. - Attached the inventory to the player files. - Items now drop to the ground (and are pickup-able). - Earthquakes! - Changed the position of returning from a dungeon to stop holes bugging out. - Rewrote the village system. - Made the amount of villagers dependent on the amount of houses. - Changed baskets to follow chest logic. - Dungeons are now saved in the world file. - Dungeons now have a randomised spawn area. - Animals no longer become 'evil' animals at night. Realism, etc. - Bunnies now have a 70% chance to run away from you. - Faster intro sequence. - Balanced out the animal's damage. - Animals' damage are now based on the type of animal they are. - NPC AI tweaks. - The intro can now be skipped using Space. - Folder structure and name changes. - Chests, baskets and pots now give you items instead of EXP. - You now need at least 14 energy to run now. - You lose 10 energy for not sleeping at night. - Villagers now spawn outside their specific houses. - Villagers now spawn with a random direction. - Villagers' names are now saved. - Combat is now click-to-attack instead of walk-into-to-attack. - Easy mode no longer has permadeath. # ADDITIONS - Health bar. - Holes now teleport you to dungeons. - Collisions. - EXP bar. - You now gain 15 EXP per day and 30 EXP per week. - Very minimal and temporary combat system. - NPC health bars. - Dungeon portals to teleport you back home. - Escape to exit to the main menu whilst not in-game. - F to hide/show the GUI. - M to hide/show world info. - Added action messages. - Proper inventory system. - More NPC names. - Biomes. - New seed type: long grass. - New seed type: cactus. - New seed type: dead weed. - New seed type: sandstone. - Improved the world generator to be more realistic. - Cut down on world generation time significantly. - Dungeon themes. - Chickens! - Dungeon pots. - Added back running. - You can now enter houses! - GUI scaling for the world info. - Language support for the new strings. - Hit and impact sounds. - 'Miss', 'Dodge' and 'Parry' luck rates. - N to return to the menu (while in-game). - Right-clicking the 'world mode' button will not cycle it backwards. Download: http://www.downloads.sleepystudios.com/crawle/Crawle030Installer.rar
  5. Sekaru


    Okay so lets start off with something I've said before: delays. A while ago I said I'd be taking a short hiatus. Unfortunately that's not possible for me since this game wouldn't even get worked on if I left it. So, I'm trying my best to work on it from time to time, getting a few things added here and there, making little tweaks. Therefore, 0.3.0 will be delayed. 0.3.0 will also be a bit different the next time you see it but we'll save that for later. Alright so a few of the things I've done are balance related. Animals' damage is now based off their type (e.g. a bear hits harder than a chicken) and like before their health. Earthquakes have been reduced to a 1 in 1000 chance (down from 1 in a million) because frankly, content restrictions are plain silly. Also, the Merchant spawn rate has been bumped down (a lot) and diseases have been bumped up again. I've added another "dimension" as it were, houses (which I've mentioned before). There houses are mainly to shelter you from the night but we do have zombie invasion plans (so that they break in and murder you while you hide ;]). The game is a lot more optimised now: worlds render and generate faster and use up a lot less memory as does the game in general. Currently I'm working on fixing a leak coming from the text rendering system that takes your FPS down by about 10. A big thing for me to finish for 0.3.0 is world generation. Currently, I'm working on my biome system and now I've finally got round to reducing the chance of things spawning in awkward places (not quite there yet, but I have yet another idea) and having empty land. In the screenshot below you'll see that most of the world is covered up by things: http://tinyurl.com/cpakoxb And finally here's a changelog of all the changes from this week: # FIXES - Fixed tree collision. - World loading should now be much faster. # CHANGES - Faster intro sequence. - Balanced out the animal's damage (and based it off what type of animal they are). - NPC AI tweaks. # ADDITIONS - GUI scaling for the world info. - Language support for the new strings. - Added hit and impact sounds. P.S. I think I did mention that we're on Twitter now, I'll be posting links to news there so it's a pretty damn good way to keep up to date. Also people who would like to 'beta test' new releases (not public ones) can still PM me.
  6. Sekaru


    [Deveopment] 8/4/12
  7. Sekaru


    [super-Development] 7/4/12
  8. Sekaru


    [Development] 5/3/12
  9. Sekaru


    [Development] 4/3/12
  10. Remember the good ole days when games used to be challenging? So do we. Crawle is essentially a survival dungeon crawler sandbox game. Crawle focuses on realistic survival using mechanics such as sanity, hunger, thirst, energy, diseases and permanent death. Your task is simple: survive. (Note: Some of these images are pretty old) A randomly generated environment. There is no EXP in the game and therefore there are no levels - you are not restricted in any way. After a while your supplies will run out. Fortunately, you can visit a dungeon to grab some supplies and resources. Going without food will cause your character to become sick, diseases may also develop on your character from eating raw food or being around dead animals, increasing your death rate. They will also decrease certain stats. Dungeons can be found through holes in the ground, be careful though because sometimes you can end up in other worlds. There are bars for hunger, thirst, energy and sanity, if any (aside from energy) reach zero, you will die. Depending on the type of world you have you only have two or three chances in the world. Unforgiving mode however only gives you one chance. Sometimes a travelling Merchant will drop by to say hello. In the mean time, you can trade with villagers. Earthquakes can occur, causing new holes to appear, revealing new dungeons/caverns. There is no traditional health system, instead your health is based off your blood content and the damage to your body parts. You can also bleed out. Animals do not despawn, instead they can be skinned, picked up and taken to your house or just left to rot. Multi language! http://www.sleepystudios.com (Main Site & Forums) http://www.sleepystu...play.php?fid=45 (Crawle Board) http://www.indiedb.com/games/crawle (IndieDB Page) Crawle 0.5.0 PTV 3: http://sleepystudios...ead.php?tid=495
  11. Sekaru


    A bit of a news update on Avian: I've released the Avian engine as an engine (i.e. its source). In my opinion, this is a brilliant start for anyone wanting to program their own online RPGs. Some of the features includes a dynamic quest and conversation system, guilds and weather. You can download it here: http://sleepystudios.com/showthread.php?tid=224 Finally, due to a bit of a problem (I say bit but really I mean some guy not knowing how to open VB6 and ending up deleting half the code and corrupting the project files) I can no longer make progress on the Avian 2.0 engine I was working on. So, instead I'm working on a custom engine in DirectX8. Oh and we've updated the site. http://www.sleepystudios.com I'd love to hear your opinions and suggestions.
  12. Sekaru


    So after way too long, we've finally finished Avian Classic. You can download it here (please read the instructions): http://sleepystudios.com/smf/index.php?topic=307
  13. Sekaru


    Just a quick update. We've released a quick test demo for the game in order to iron out any bugs before release. You can find the download here: http://sleepystudios.com/smf/index.php?topic=272
  14. Sekaru


    Avian is certainly not dead! As part of our 10 game bundle, we're patching, optimizing & polishing up the final alpha patch which we're calling 'Avian Classic'. For those of you who've saw this topic a while ago you would know that we used to use RMXP graphics before the upcoming beta patch and this, Avian Classic, is basically that. Along with all the great stuff from back in the day we're adding in a lot of new content, features, etc. Some of which are the new zones (Sventor and a dungeon, Nez'tor'an) and a brand new quest system. Finally, on launch, we'll be celebrating our third anniversary with a special Christmas event. All development posts, updates, etc can be found here: http://sleepystudios.com/smf/index.php?board=65.0 And a preview of the Christmas event and probably final changelog can be found here: http://sleepystudios.com/smf/index.php?topic=268.0 We hope to see you there!
  15. Sekaru


    So we've taken to redesigning the whole game because in all honesty it was pretty damn generic. Below are some notes I took down from a meeting we had: - No quest log. - Lots of random 'missions'. - PvP focus. - PvP helps the war effort. - Battles lost/won effect lore story. - Public questing. - Random events. - Random invasions. - Combine character and inventory. - Players on an event's map will be alerted (event added to their log) - Players on other maps will recieve a global message. - A player's faction is there chosen town (chosen at level 10 with their lore path and 'class') - Depending on the amount of members the faction will get some sort of extra support (e.g. more guards in cities, boss to help)
  16. Sekaru


    So I've updated the GUI (I'll update those over-saturated bars too soon enough): One of the many new things in the beta patch. Currently working on a few other.. ingenious mechanics and redesigning and making other a lot more userfriendly. All development updates will also be posted here: http://sleepystudios.com/smf/development/
  17. Original post: http://sleepystudios.com/smf/site-news/the-avian-archives-ii/new/#new Title says it all. I managed to find a few more things hidden away on my old computer. I didn't feel as if there was any need to sort them out or even put readme's this time because it's fairly simple stuff and they're almost, almost, the same things as in the last one, with a few extras as what not. Just like with the other archives we'd like you to spread the word, tell your friends, post on forums, etc. And of course enjoy them. I've also added support and discussion boards for both Archives should you need any assistance or clarification. You can find the download here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=I7TSD54U
  18. So after 3 years I've decided to release my Avian archives. Basically whats included is any graphics we used/made (including photoshop layers), almost every patch and it's source code along with the C# and VB.net projects and a few text files with extracts of code and whatnot. You can find instructions on how to get 'em here: http://sleepystudios.com/smf/site-news/the-avian-archives/msg182/#msg182 I will also be offering support for the archives, but bear in mind some of these projects date back to 2008/2009. Everything belongs to either me, Relly, or it's been listed in one of the information files. If you do use something out of there, credit us & Sleepy Studios.
  19. Sekaru


    Starting zone: http://i.imgur.com/RnY3c.png Indoor map: http://i.imgur.com/8Eu65.png
  20. Sekaru


    Demo of the new, better, weather system: The trollfaces, creepers, nyan, etc, are all for a laugh, they won't go into the full release (maybe ;]).
  21. Sekaru


    New patch is out with the possibly finished quest system. The main purpose of this release is to test out the quest system. Client: http://www.sleepystudios.com/client.rar Library Files (Install these first): http://www.sleepystudios.com/libraryinstaller.exe Support forums: http://sleepystudios.com/smf/support-suggestions/
  22. Sekaru


    We've moved to We've moved to a brand new domain! Portal: http://www.sleepystudios.com/ Forum: http://www.sleepystudios.com/smf Also the test client should be coming out quite soon (possibly today).
  23. Sekaru


    More updates! Initially after finishing 1.2.0 I decided to begin work on 1.3.0. I've now decided to merge the two together, so here's the additional changelog from 1.3.0: - fixed some gui errors. - temporarily removed the 'change sprite' label. - various menu changes. - clicking the game screen now makes you lose your target. - if on a pvp map, you can use tab to target other players. - added projectiles. - added back the IP option. - administrative tools. - completely redid the gui: - holding down ctrl shows the vitals bars/hotbar. - chat is now drawn. - to view the icon menu a new button has been added. - m now also opens the menu. - fixed the panel stacking with keyboard shortcuts issue. - you can now see the options you've already set in the menu. - added some error handlers to various commands to prevent anymore issues. - fixed the click animation on menu buttons. - removed directsound and replaced it with fmod. - added a /gquit command. - added a /trade command. - fixed the bug where the server didn't clear you properly out of your guild after leaving. - guilds can now only be created by talking to a guild master. - guild requirements changed to: a length of 14 and a level requirement of 10. - the guild panel now properly updates when using the guild-panel-hotkey (G). - panels are now moveable. - added a multiple panel option. There's still a few huge features yet to be implemented though. For example. The new guild system, here's whats different: - Guilds can only be made by being level 10 and speaking to a Guild Master. - Guild leaders can now set options, for example, what ranks can talk in guild chat, promote and demote and kick. - Every exp point members earn go towards the Guild's Level. Increasing your guilds level will reward you with an EXP boost. The EXP boost grows with each guild level and I've planned on Guild Rewards too (but I'll do those in a later patch *wink*). I've also finished the lore and plot behind the first zone available for testing, Gro'Maash swamp and I will be hosting a few patch tests a bit later on when the patch if fully completed (i.e. the guild changes and whatever else is on my long to-do list). Also, check out the forums for new updates: http://www.avian.draignet.com/forum New changelog page! http://www.avian.draignet.com/patchnotes.php
  24. Sekaru


    Early screenshot of the orc starting zone:
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