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Everything posted by nanou-gr

  1. sounds interesting! i always thought of doing something with maths!:P well, i believe it should deffinitle have a lot of puzzles and a world totaly educating! mabe it should be an rpg type one, with a quest to save the world etc, where you'll have to go through many tasks concerning chemstry?:)
  2. well, i've been using google chrome and opera, and iexplorer and mozila in my dad's old computer to see what would lag less. i deffinitely vote for opera, since it;s the simplest and lightest and have enver caused me real trouble. plus it keep all my tabs saved so i can turn on and of my pc whenever i like. i believe chrome tries to copy a bit of all the browsers at once, but it quite fails. it's easy to use, ok, but it lags and can't handle amny tabs at once and it's got all those anoying adds. and i do agree that google is using our data.
  3. happy new year!!! it's still 2010 here, but anyways!P:

  4. hahaha! i told you it was stupid!:P i can use rtp and custom made tilesets, but i can't really make some on my own yet, it needs some practise!:)
  5. 1. well, i don't really understand what you mena about the barrier of langueges? like, the cat is speaking a cat language and the actors a human one, or that you are forced to use one specific language for the whole game, instead of having a variety? if it's the second one, i believe it's something very restricting. i would like to make my game in greek for example, but who would bother playing it then?:( if it's the first on,e then you'll have to find a wired cat'frenzy solution, for example the cat hears what it wants to hear, despite of the fact that noone actually tells him anythng etc.P: 2. well, it's like i said before. the cat hears whtat it wants to hear and not what the tell him. nd if the cat things he is a super kngigh, so will look the answers he'll be given. if he things he's something else, then the answers woyld be totally different.;) 3.well, you know my opinion on that one. i did'nt think it was/is a spoof at all;) well, hope i helped you a little! keep going!
  6. well i haven't played it (yet) but it seems to be a nice idea! i believe it would be really funny, especially if you had short episodes, like a once in a moth series for example!:)
  7. wow! my first village actually works! now i need to make the quests!P:):

  8. then why are you not dead yet?:) (just joking, you know thatP:)
  9. well i like them all, but why are they not having a hat from the back? and i like the gold one quite well. you've chosen the colours very nicely:)
  10. don't be so nice...:P you're gonna bite your tongue and die by poisoning:P... well, anyway, hello from greece and i hope you'll find all you need for your projects!:)
  11. well, i don't know uch about you and her, but i know how it feels tobe on top of the world just like that!:) i'm very very glad for you both:):):) i liked the second ring best, but you really do have to know the reasons why she doesn't like diamonds. maybe she has some bad memories or something, and you really should'nt remind her of them;) well, have th best of luck and happiness!:)
  12. well, as i told you i can't test them right now and i saw in your video that his walking actually sucks. :S so, as soon as i get home to my very own pc i'll give him a major edit (i promise you he'll have his hands totally fixed;)) so, what's up next?:) i really liked your promo!:)
  13. well, did you actually get my mails? i m getting a liiittle worried you know...:P
  14. another megaman sprie done;)

  15. nanou-gr

    News to me

    well i don't believe a staff position is all about how active you are. sometimes maybe you need to be descreet to do your job nicely. i've been in many other foras and tis one works quite smoothly. maybe there need to be some changes, but you shouldn;t be so offensive about how to do it. (my opinion at least:)...)
  16. well, keep up the good work, and let us know more about your game soon):):)::)):
  17. well, i think your story is a very prototypous one (meaning i'v never heard something like that before!) i really like the idea of the concept and i believe it cn be very very educating and interesting, since you are actually playing with psychopathy there. i can't wait to see your progress and of course he actual game! if you need anything just contact me. as for the sprites for rmvx to rmxp, i've accidentally done it before an it actually looks quite nice, especially in yu case as you;re looking at everyting from the perspective of a cat, right? it's just a bit trickier, so test them really carefuly to make sre they work alright. mine were quite faulty:(... (well, since then i think i'got much better but anyway:)..) good luck with your project guys!:)
  18. merry xmas from greece! (a day before it's actualy xmas here...)

  19. Name:nanou Preferred Rpgmaker:xp, mostly prefered map size:whatever, but not really big need RTP?:(stupid question, what's rtp?:) specialites here:spriter, story writer:)
  20. a hi from greece here! welcome and good luck with your project! i really liked it, so if you need anythink, just name it:)
  21. i'm on it:) i'll mail u as soon as i have some progress:)
  22. well, i think i can help. name nanou free time, a lot maps to do, well, as much as you think sould just please pmme, cause i;m having some trouble with my internet..:P
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