1. well, i don't really understand what you mena about the barrier of langueges? like, the cat is speaking a cat language and the actors a human one, or that you are forced to use one specific language for the whole game, instead of having a variety? if it's the second one, i believe it's something very restricting. i would like to make my game in greek for example, but who would bother playing it then?:( if it's the first on,e then you'll have to find a wired cat'frenzy solution, for example the cat hears what it wants to hear, despite of the fact that noone actually tells him anythng etc.P:
2. well, it's like i said before. the cat hears whtat it wants to hear and not what the tell him. nd if the cat things he is a super kngigh, so will look the answers he'll be given. if he things he's something else, then the answers woyld be totally different.;)
3.well, you know my opinion on that one. i did'nt think it was/is a spoof at all;)
well, hope i helped you a little! keep going!