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Everything posted by nanou-gr

  1. hahaha, it's one of those topics that make me feel depresed, like, "god, my game is never gonna happen. i fucking dont know how to event:P!" you're very very realistic. it's difficult to make a plan htat is actually working and keep being devoted to it till the end... you just have to have some motivation and lots of help, and most of us dont.
  2. just change your player's starting position on the event map...:) it should work...;)
  3. well, i think the same as you, but let's listen to some more people who know more than us. and then you decide:)
  4. i prefer the first one. this one doesnt look so good to me. red is sticking out too much...:)
  5. i'm participating with... guess who!:P (it's just a test to see if he's recognisable) ps. enigma it's awesome, keep going and i wanna see more sprites!!!;)
  6. it probably looks like necroposting but i just found this on a site with rpg resources. first of all i'd like to share the site and second i'd like to show you one traditional greek outfit:P they are called "tsolias" :) so... here it goes!:) the site where i found this is http://www.untamed.wild-refuge.net and it's got plenty of resources!:) it's deffinitely worth to have a look at it:)
  7. yeah baby! just a qustion. can we use a template for the body analogies? or is it all from scratch?:)
  8. yeah baby! just a qustion. can we use a template for the body analogies? or is it all from scratch?:)
  9. i had exactly the same problem. the only thing that got to work is making a new account. i realised lstter that it was hacked, so i just stopped using it. if you log in to your windows live account and read carefully all it sais, yuo might have the same problem:)
  10. hi there! well i;m not an author but still welcome!:P:)
  11. welcome from me! w;re almost the same.... i think! anyway glad to help you anytime!:)
  12. well, i believe that making a game takes a lot more than just eventing or making nice map, or having awesome battles, or a nice story. i believe that making a game that is worth it, needs all of it together. i dont know for sure if a single person can have all the tecnicall skills needed for a game to the same extend, but he has to know something! you cant make a game just with a awesome story and crappy grafs and think it's awesome. image is killng the story. and you cant make a game with awesome grafs and no story, because the player will get sick of t. i dont believe its a matter of age or experience, hiw well your result will be, but mstly a matter of will and perfectionism. always trying to be better and not being stuck with what you already have, that's what makes i game rock. i've been playing a series for a decade now. it started as fan made and the next parts became commercial. the writer is award winning now, but i still cerish far more his first parts of the story, because they were more authentic. everyone is different and it is wrong to judge in such a strict way. stop being mean and please, stop being rude to each other. it's just wrong.
  13. well, this is a thing i've been trying for soemtime now. thank god i found this tutorial http://rmxp.tigerseye.uk.com/tutorial_resource9.shtml and finally managed to make my random tilesets actually work. it seems that i have never found a world map tileset to completely satisfy me, so i gathered all i had and made this giga tileset...:P i tried it out and works quite alright. feel free to use it, but please credit me. it took me way too long to make it:)
  14. would something like that suit you? i just did one side because i wouldnt bother doing the rest if it was no use...:)
  15. thank youuu!!:) yes, i could really use another autotile. this one's boring!!:P:)
  16. thanx a million! much more than i could ask for!:):)):) <3
  17. is there any basic template for sprites in rmxp? i just realised i spent my past 3 days doing sprites that simply dont work. i;m still new to this, so i'd beg you for some help:) thnks a lot!:)
  18. thank you!!:):):) well, thought i would add the extra flowers etc later, along with some events...:) (chests etc) well, i'll be back with more soon enough!:)
  19. well, it seems quite nice!! keeeeep going!:):)

  20. wow! nice tiles!!!:):) you should really do something with them! they do give a VERY interesting result!:):):) well, here's a little something from me. it's almost finished, but i'd like to have your opinion:) here it is!:) http://img528.imageshack.us/i/nothronia3.png/ it's a random forest with a cottage in it.
  21. well you're good!! i've been doing some stuff myself, but i still have a long way to go...:( i might post them sometimw, when i feel like i've gathered enough good work...:)
  22. hi there! and welcome! hope we see more of your project soon!:)
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