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Everything posted by nanou-gr

  1. well, i spent the whole week trying to understand what it's alla about. a veeeery very interesting lesson for everyone, from the beginners like me to the experts i believe. the funny part f the sory is that i tried to use translator directly for greek. well, a total failure. the definiton of "it doesn't make sense!!"v anways, thanx a lot for your find, i hope i will get better and better as the time goes by. if you have a look at my topic about spriting, you'll see that i've actually done some progress (even though still dont know what else i need to fix...:P)
  2. well i've been trying to imprve myself a bit lately, so here's my last attempt.i thought it would be best to correct my previus mistakes first and then start a new sprite, so here's what i got so far...:) please, help me become better, so that i can help the whole community...:P :)
  3. do you have any samples? i can try, but i'm still al learner, so i'll do my best, but no promises!:)
  4. a theme would be nice, like, sprite a girl, or sprite an alien or something like that! i'm in for the competition, even though i dont think i'm actually gonna do something worth mentionin. my last sprites were a disaster and i didnt dare try again since...:( ju7st remind us in december 4th so that i dont forget it:)
  5. i couldnt agree more! face friends are only there to make you miserable. when you keep them away, at least they cant hurt yuo. just be careful not to hurt yourself either!
  6. well, see again! first of all i cant recall a single video where they actually wear a condom. if that's not a wrong ethics lesson for a young person, then what is?:(
  7. nanou-gr

    Santa Sprite

    ok, i'll try to fix it:) now?:)
  8. nanou-gr

    Santa Sprite

    well... i hope it works for you!:)
  9. interesting topic. especially all those facts about Christianity... yeah, god looooves porn:P well, in my opinion its not a matter of legalizing or not legalizing porn, but of educating people. right or wrong most of young children and teenagers get all their sex education out of porn, and they get it totally wrong! i believe that banning porn would do nothing, but i'm sure that educating people and giving them right and positive ideas about sex issues and affairs would. personally i don't opose anyone who watches porn, but i opose everyone who has no idea abou the reality of sex and of human relations (and all the dangers they might have). also i stand against all those who mistreat their partners or dont keep the hygiene rules, just because that's the way it happens in the movies... because that's why aids and unwanted babies nd all kinds of illnesses and bad behaviours come...:(
  10. hi there! and welcome!:)
  11. well we 're waiting! you're doing an awesome job so far:)
  12. mapping and mapping and mapping...:)

  13. well no country can actually be tottaly good or bad. we might say that about areas, but not whole countries! every place on earth has a good and a bad side i guess! thanxmarked i really do love it:)
  14. well, i guess we have a grammatical missunderstanding here. when i saw stuff i mean thing, not staff, meaning personel:P i mean just to dd new things! :P:) anyway, its all up o you guys:)
  15. nanou-gr

    need faces

    well, thanx for the tip:) still dont know what to do with it though:P:):):)
  16. well, actually it would, simply because they would get more motivated...;)
  17. nanou-gr

    need faces

    well, thanx!:) never heard this word in my life:P:)
  18. nanou-gr

    need faces

    you mean you need us to make you a faceset?:) and what the heck is a grappler??
  19. o.m.g. awesome work! is this REALLY your first game?? my god, its amazing!:)
  20. is it still on? i can help with maps/grafics:) also i'm a writer:)
  21. well, loving the place where you live is what matters, even when it's not the place you were born, or your country of origin. what matters is to ppreciate what you have! i wish i coud see your town one day!:) i also dream of visiting barcelona! every architect in my school is mad about that city and all the buildings of gaudi!:)
  22. well, i've completed the poll a while ago, but i wanted to stay a little longer arond before i state my opinion. i believe you have an interesting site with lots of resources, but that has suddenly gone dead. i've checked out most of the tutorialsand they are all written long ago. i checked out the resources and they are a lot, but there's not enough refreshment. there's not enough new stuff, and there's no real motive for new members to try things out, i believe. if you eant a succesfull commutity, you have to make it a community that is challenging and interesting. give new "missions" to members. urge them to map, and script, and sprite, and draw. make new compatitons! make a community project. like a game that will be made by all of us. like, each and everyone will have the opportunity to make grafics, or maps or scrips etc for it, and the most active ones will actually be in the party and chose their characters style etc. well, for the domain name and what it represents, i believe it should be changed if you want a broader audience, apart from rmxp/vx. but i have no suggestons on that, because i cant really handle your lagnuage and syntomografies well enough. also, i use opera and the site loads pretty quick. maybe a renewall on the disigns would be a nice thing to attract older members etc, but i like it the way it is.:)
  23. oh please! those are not friends! this really sucks i think! just do yourself a favour and stop being so depressed. you dont deserve it! really!! think of all the little things tha make you happy and try to appreciate them. enjoy everything as much as you can! and let go of the rest. you're too young to fell so sorry...;(
  24. nanou-gr


    cool!!!! and nice music btw!!
  25. you are right. sea does affect the culture. greece is half made of islands and half is quite far from the sea. i was born on an island and when i moved to the city i study it was totally different because people were away from the sea. they had totaly different mindsetes, some didnt even know how to swim, or some very common types of fishes etc...:) but the forests of the northern greec ar bautifull. they are vast and green. there re many rivers and there's an awesome compination of light and shadows...! i love them!:) yep, ships are extremely common. of coyrse there are airplanes and trains in the mainland but for the islanders its mostly ships:) decadenttia are you spanish? i was about to begin learning spanish this year, but i had to swift to italian because of my busy schedule. i'd love to visit spain! it's an awesome country and i love its architecture!:)
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