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Everything posted by Bob423

  1. Why have I never seen this topic before? http://www.gdunlimited.net/media/uploads/manager/gdu-17220.jpg
  2. I didn't know what the problem was at first. I kept saying that I can't re-upload my game for some reason and I had no idea why, but the other day I thought to change the url a bit and forgot to tell you lol
  3. Important thing about dropbox! When you get the url of a file, dropbox will give you "...dropboxusercontent.com/u/...." This doesn't work on this site and needs to be changed to "...dropbox.com/u/..." for it to work.
  4. Bob423

    how can i do this

    If I understand you right, you could... A. Make a blank tileset and change the passability (difficult and stupid) B. Make events with a graphic that is either a blank image, or has an opacity of 0 (possibly laggy as well as stupid)
  5. I do something for this site that probably no one will ever notice. When you accidently post the samething two or three times, I delete the extras for you. You're welcome.

  6. There is an extremely dangerous animal in your house and it's eating your food.

    1. Polraudio


      *types* "Look for weapon" *enter*

    2. Bob423


      Pol failed the test. Anyone else want to try?

  7. Do not take 12-hour non-drowsy allergy meds any time after noon.

    1. Polraudio
    2. Bob423


      It keeps you up for 12 hours. I stupidly took some sudafed at 6pm, went to sleep at 11 or 12, then woke up at 2 and couldn't go back to sleep.

  8. Will Smith always place the same character. Everything he's in is part of the same story about a time traveler and it starts with The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. MIB 3 explains how he can time travel.

    1. Bob423


      It wasn't that bad actually.

    2. Marked


      The main bad guy is a New Zealand actor, that's where I'm from :> Weeee. I found it to be a huge disappointment which was a huge disappointment coz the first 2 were so good

    3. Bob423


      May not have been as good, but was it ever going to live up to expectations? The bar was set pretty high.

    4. Show next comments  93 more
  9. I honestly feel like I leveled up today.

    1. Marked
    2. Polraudio


      Id say so. Maybe 10 levels.

    3. Bob423


      Teamspeak for the first time with someone I haven't met in real life. Namely Pol, Tatsu, BlueLiger, etc. on a Minecraft server.

  10. Kell has 960 posts. 40 less than he needs to be a veteran.
  11. Not sure I like the new changes... And I'm a little disappointed that my avatar's transparency doesn't work anymore :(

  12. Not surprised that I recognize all those names. Yay for more stuff!
  13. I would say "The great eye is ever watchful" but Mark won't change his avatar back and doesn't want anyone else to have it because it confuses him. It confuses me too, but still. I want to make that joke.

  14. While that is probably the most correct sentence from you that I've read, I have to wonder... Why did you make an account except to post in old topics and then preach to us? Seems like spam to me. Since you're such a new member, I suggest you start posting other places because this site is not a religious debate one. PM me if you have a problem. I'll read whatever you throw at me. CLOSED
  15. *rambles on and on about Xenosaga to Omar, but then fears that he won't read all of it and will just leave.*

  16. "Crap, I screwed up that conversation, didn't I?" - A very common fear

  17. Omar, go back on steam, I wasn't done lol

  18. So...essentially you want a character generator, with monster sprite parts? Sounds like it should be pretty easy (Not for me though, as I can't code much other than a bit of RGSS). However, it seems like you could do that by adding monster pieces to your project's resources and just use the same generator.
  19. According to a monk somewhere (I'm sorry I can't provide any good sources :() the part about "gay marriage" in the bible does not actually refer to gays and is actually referring to not cheating on your spouse or something. I forgot exactly what I read about it, but I do know that there's nothing wrong with it. I don't think there's anything to add to this 5 year old topic and on some forums posting in it would be against the rules, as it has clearly died, but here we don't care about necroposting. I, personally, would like this topic to be locked since I don't think there's anything to discuss. However, there is nothing that is actually wrong with posting here. I'm glad that you can still accept people that do things that you do not approve of. It gives me hope that, although some people still think that homosexuality is a sin, there are people who pay more attention to the "god loves everyone" part than the other parts that were not originally supposed to be taken literally anyway. Unfortunately, it isn't always clear which parts were meant to be taken literally, and which parts are metaphors. I believe that it only takes common sense to know how to treat others. It seems like you're the kind of person who is very religious, but obviously not without sense. I think many people would do well to remember this: "I do not mind what your way of life is as long as it doesn't involve trying to change mine." -As far as I know, this is a quote by me.
  20. Does anyone at all have a legit reason for why they don't like FFX? All I hear about is how they just don't like it, they don't like it because of that one misinterpretted laughing scene, and there were a couple things that bothered them. I won't pretend it's perfect, but in no way is it a bad game.

    1. kaboth


      I like it, it kinda reminds me of FF8

    2. Polraudio


      This should have been a topic :P

    3. Bob423


      I wasn't prepared to have such a lengthy reply to kaboth's comment lol

    4. Show next comments  93 more
  21. Oops, I seem to have advertized GDU http://imgur.com/user/Bob423 (Not actually oops, it was on purpose)

  22. The only things I ever hear about GoT are "it's awesome" "tons of people die all the time" "There are dragons" "lots of sex and incest" and "i hate joffrey" And after seeing some of the death scenes and not knowing anything about the plot, it is one of the few things that I actually have less of a chance of watching after seeing it a bunch on the internet.

    1. Bob423


      the "it's awesome" part is only implied too, so really it's just dragons for me and talking about the sex will be make me think of it as a porno, so it just sounds like the plot is terrible and the fans are just weird.

    2. Bob423


      Show me the feels, the funnies, and maybe some cool parts, THEN I'll consider your show...weirdos

  23. You didn't break any actual rules! Come back! Noooooooo..... by the way, this is a really cool message system: http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/files/file/63-ccoas-ums-18/
  24. Well I like FMA: Brotherhood's ending better than the other one's

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