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Everything posted by Bob423

  1. *Has to see the imgur viralizer BS before fully realizing it's april fools day.* I have never been more of an idiot than I am today.

  2. >.> edit: This was actually cleverly done, Pol. You posted at a time when Mark is usually online, used the same image hosting site that he always does, somehow created a GDU 3.0 image thing, probably with photoshop or gimp (I honestly wouldn't be surprised if that part was real) and the IP address for that post is private so I can't compare it to yours. I also saw the post before going to bed, so, to me, it wasn't actually April 1st yet. So good job. Not to mention I forgot that you and Marked always post about leaving or something similar on April 1st...
  3. YOU SON OF A B**CH I SWEAR I JUST HAD A HEART ATTACK! Welcome back you scruffy looking Nerf herder, we missed the f**k out of you.
  4. *Evil laugh*

    1. Bob423


      I want mark to come back even more now to see/read his reaction.

    2. zahraa


      Damn you bob! I thought it's Mark all the time when I was reading forum X[ I was so happy to see him again

    3. Bob423


      If he hadn't changed his avatar this wouldn't have happened :P

    4. Show next comments  99 more
  5. *has his butt handed to him by Seymour* *"level" grinds for a few minutes* *kicks Seymour's butt* I hate him so much...

  6. It's okay, we're a pretty quiet forum so it's not really a big deal usually. So...It seems that #ku doesn't actually want to post in this topic. I waited all day yesterday and no one posted. Posting here is no longer necroposting, but it seems like there isn't anything to actually add. If you have something to add to this topic you have 3 choices: 1. PM a mod or admin and ask for the topic to be reopened. (Do not use the report feature for this, it is for reporting spam, rule breaking, and douchbaggery, not contacting us.) 2. Make a new topic for this. You should probably wait till this one has died and is too old to post in without necroposting though. 3. Just don't. It's probably not a big deal and enterbrain is too stupid to make anything better than rmxp anyway. (sorry if this one seems rude...I may just be part Canadian though.) Have a nice day :D CLOSED *scary red text*
  7. #ku has requested that this topic be open. I will do that, but if no one else continues the discussion it will be closed again. Although this is a pretty old topic... It probably would have been best, in order to avoid this, to just make a new topic. OPEN FOR NOW On topic: VXAce should have been XPAce. wtf are enterbrain thinking? Nothing because they hate progress and have no idea what they're doing. I would love to see the notes and extra effects systems that are in Ace be added to an XP update. Unfortunately this will never happen because enterbrain is stupid. (Oh, crimson inferno already said all that) So we're all just dreaming here then... *waits for omar to tell me I made a mistake or something*
  8. I love the pokemon battles in Final Fantasy X

  9. Tip: Trick the taxi driver into driving backwards so he has to pay YOU.

    1. #ku
    2. Bob423


      Or, instead of that:

    3. Bob423


      By the way, I'm very picky about what I watch. Especially music videos since I very rarely watch them. Sorry :(

  10. How am I cracker if most crackers are brown?

  11. I've posted some topics (ok, it was just 1 topic) and was, at one point considering posting this exact topic, but figured he would check the bug reports section anyway...oh well. 1. My game is well over 20mb, so I need to use dropbox. Whenever I try to change the url, it says "Please enter a valid Dropbox URL." So I have to keep overwriting the file I have on dropbox and can't rename it. 2. (Not actually a bug) Marked REALLY needs to add a quotes editing system, at LEAST for mods 3. This topic seems to have not been seen at all. (Normal members shouldn't be able to see it anyway) http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/topic/10621-moderating-in-the-games-section/
  12. Composer? WHERE!? lol why hide from me? I just need battle music and would rather not use Final Fantasy battle music all the time. Welcome to GDU! I guess everything else has been said.
  13. http://imgur.com/gallery/3SRDrQT In case you were curious, this is what I'm going to reply with if anyone desides to continue that joke about me sending porn to Marked.
  14. Well this is interesting http://imgur.com/gallery/V59WXwa

    1. zahraa


      Hmmm...Where is "Like" button? Sorry I couldn't find it ^.^

    2. Bob423


      There's one on that site. :P

    3. zahraa


      LOL I'm too lazy to make an account to like it.

      "Like" *middlefing...* oops! *thumb finger*

    4. Show next comments  99 more
  15. Toured a community college today and the fact that there's a new episode of Community today would not leave my head.

    1. Bob423


      The name of the college starts with Green, which didn't help at ALL

  16. I switched my DEF and HIT stats back to what they're supposed to be instead of the confusing way I had it set up, because I was having all the problems I thought I might have, and then some...Plus this makes other people's scripts more compatible.

  17. If the Isla De Muerta can't be found except by those who know whne where it is, how did anyone find it in the first place?

  18. I think I need to re-organize a few things

  19. So imgur played a full game of Jeopardy using coments http://imgur.com/gallery/9jvMoTR and they may do it again.

  20. So I just realized that one reason no one wants to finish THCoA is the same reason I lost interest in Starbound. Too many updates, bugs, and changes in the beta version

  21. I nominate Black Mage for...both? He's one of the few active scripters we have here and has been very helpful with my game's shop system.
  22. Our new toaster is really quiet. Toasters should not be quiet, they should be loud, because my toast is cold.

  23. Besides the small status window stuff overlapping, what do you think? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZfITsgzo3w

    1. Bob423


      The "equipment details" window is also unfinished btw

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