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Everything posted by Bob423

  1. kell, your PMs. check them

  2. Finally I finished most of the first Black Knights base, the "Forest Tower" Each floor is different, and most have some kind of puzzle, like a moving arrow maze, like in pokemon, or a push block maze. on the fifth floor, there is a miniboss, and on the 8th floor, is person in charge of the operations in this tower, as the boss. Both the miniboss and boss are accompanied by normal enemies, for the first time in this game. (in this case, they are Black Knights) I just started on the boss. I'll be releasing the second demo soon. I've decide that im not going to make it small playable parts of the game. instead, it will be like the first demo, but it will be much more like the final release.
    1. Polraudio


      how come all your links are youtu.be and not youtube.com?


      Very nice btw :D.

    2. Bob423


      click the share button under a youtube link. it'll give you the shortened link for that video. youtube also gives you the shorten version as soon as it's done uploading one of your videos

  3. wants to share a minecraft server with someone somehow...

    1. Foxkit


      Ethernet cable

    2. Bob423


      somehow i thought it might be that, but i wasn't sure

    3. Foxkit


      the one cable that really matters :(

    4. Show next comments  222 more
  4. im back! where was i? dont feel like explaining all the details, maybe later, but here's the short version. i should think before i act...also tired because of some kind of cold. my nose kept me up all night, could barely breathe out of it

    1. Polraudio


      I know the feeling.

    2. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      Welcome Back!

    3. Bob423


      don't kick your d*** of a dad when he takes away your computer for not turning it off when he told you, even tho it was in the middle of turning off.

  5. 42...nuff sed

    1. Joey


      You ruined it for me. T.T lol

    2. Joey


      There we go, back on top. xD (had a typo anyways)

    3. Bob423
  6. welcome to the rmxpu, the epic forum of awesomeness, where people are actually friendly to noobs, unlike other "communities"
  7. jon's just that awesome is all lol
  8. it's official, i talked to pol on skype, and we found out that it's yet another problem with blizz-abs
  9. ok, so there's a part in my game, where you have to go through a maze with arrows on the ground. like in pokemon, the arrows make you move in the direction they're facing until you land on a certain floor tile, or land on another arrow. what should happen: i step on an arrow facing north. it takes me to an arrow facing east, i go east. what actually happens: i step on an arrow facing north, it takes me to an arrow facing east...i just sit there. plus, when an arrow is facing towards the player, it is possible to get over it by continually pressing in the direction you want to go, even though the arrow is making you move back.
  10. didnt even look at the other's until AFTER i clicked jon bon
  11. so far it doesnt look like there's going to be a voting topic edit: oops, jon bon nominated people never mind
  12. hay fever is back today. it was gone for a couple days, but now it's back and is trying to make me want to murder my nose

    1. Joey


      QUIT EATING HAY! lol

    2. forcebreaker


      Ouch...my mom gets that alot. I think ive gotten it once or twice. Not fun.

  13. ...yup, jon bon, sounds about right
  14. on monday, while i was at school, my mom went through my room to look for blue jeans...she looked under my pillows since i've been sleeping on a matress on the floor lately, and she fpund my DSi, which meant i had been playing it at night. when i got home i couldnt play video games or use my computer all day. luckily i was able to watch TV, and caught a re-run of the first episode of the legend or kora :D D:

    1. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      Heh. Nothing wrong with that mate. But I'll tell you one thing you may not realize, saying all that in a public place like you did shows you are mature and confident, seems like a young adult move to me. I would actually classify that as above normal to be honest. Good stuff.

    2. Dragon324


      Well Jon your right and wrong, while it can be a matter of trust its also a matter of safety. The struggle between privacy is another big issue while yes the child lives there and its their room the parents own the home, and pay all the bills ect. I honestly dont have a cut and dry solid answer on this whether its right or wrong just one of those things. I will say however installing video cameras, and voice recordings are against the law where people have an expectation to privacy.

    3. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      I agree Dragon, it's not cut and dry. My logic is the parents need to teach their children privacy because it is a valid lesson in life, to learn about respecting others personal boundaries. In any case, parents reserve the right to break any social rule when it comes to their children's best interest, and rightfully so.

    4. Show next comments  222 more
  15. there is a part in my game that permenantly re-colors the main character's clothes

    1. Bob423
    2. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      Hehe, that would make me mad, love it.

    3. Bob423


      why? the re-color is meant to signify him becoming the legendary hero person after pulling out a sword from it's pedistal (zelda-ish i know) but thanks :D

  16. hi mister, welcome to rmxpu! enjoy your stay :D
  17. after re-reading this topic i noticed i didn't tell the full story of my name im horrible at coming up with names, and i would always come up with "Bob" or "Joe" or something, and it kinda transfered over to rmxp, hence why 2 of my main characters are named that, and why my main, main character is always Bob i originally was going to do Bob123, but didn't like the whole...123 thing lol so i went with 423 instead. out of pure coincidence, my middle name is Robert, and Bob like a nickname for that or something.
  18. ACHOO! sorry, hay fever. google it if you dont know what it is...

    1. Joey


      Have you been eating hay again?

    2. Bob423


      yea, been spending to much time with horses

    3. Joey
  19. my credits list is getting longer. if someone would kindly help my with that little scripting problem, they'd get their username in my game. (unless i already have it lol)

  20. mmk but first its important to know exactly what this script does. it makes it so ALL events, are impassable unless the "through" box is checked. i want it to only do that for events that have graphics, so im still waiting for help on the other forum. edit: LiTTleDRAgo made a new script that fixes this again, this script is made for blizz-abs
  21. i figured it out :D it was the abs. "LiTTleDRAgo" on chaos project gave me a script fix for it.
  22. that doesnt help, i tried the exact same map without blizz-abs, and it worked perfectly. but its ok, i posted a reply to the official blizz-abs topic explaining my problem. i hope someone can fix this. thanks anyway
  23. when two people send a message at the same time, or very close to the same time, the second one isnt displayed correctly. the box is completely empty
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