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Free To Play

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Everything posted by Free To Play

  1. Lol sorry about that, those were supposed to be numbered.
  2. NO. We don't need your help. But if you could help us, we could really use it.
  3. Well we can't just give the password out like candy, that might bring more bots or hackers. There should only be three or less people who know the password.
  4. Free To Play


    Y'wanna fighta'boutit? Lol. Banned for liking pokemon games
  5. I think the mods now (Not counting Polraudio) should just deal with them. I haven't seen any mods besides Polraudio and Marked online since they came here.
  6. What's that? You don't understand this thread? HAH. I feel accomplished.
  7. I don't see why people are attracted to that family. They're all so severely brain damaged that they border retardation. I'd rather have a conversation with a rock about water. At least it would have the common decency to shut the fuck up when it doesn't know what it's talking about.
  8. LOL. I hate when that happens to me in notepad. The whole feeling of "Fuck it" kind of take over your body. Then you go get a snack. Did you know? 1/10 people will unconsciously move their lips to the thought of what they just said, like an echo?
  9. Free To Play


    Are there REALLY? Screw whatever game company makes pokemon. That's not fair. ^Banned cuz I am dissapoint.
  10. You like DMX, ace? Nice. I like that group too. I'd kill all of you by poisoning your water supply with carotene. YES, CAROTENE.
  11. This was a triumph... Lol no. Probably "Hit that" by the offspring.
  12. LOL guess who's votes are now leading in ALL THREE CATEGORIES? :D When we have upwards of ten people, we should assign a staff to oversee everything. (Yay, more voting.) So nobody tries to go all hitler and deletes everything from the FTP to spite us.
  13. Free To Play


    Epic jigglypuff is epic. Banned for finding awesome pokeymanz.
  14. Did you know? Most of the Galaxy (70%) is just dark matter?
  15. Free To Play


    ........ ^For because.
  16. Free To Play


    lol where should I shove it? :D ^For not realizing you just zinged yourself.
  17. Not many people use Skype. Well, not many people here, anyways. That poses problems. Instant messaging isn't bad, we all just need the same messenger system and all to have each others e-mails. LOL. That's an oxymoron.
  18. Yes. Did you know? Andy Samberg was on SNL before he had a band?
  19. Free To Play


    to all the fellahs out there with ladies to impress, just sit right back and follow these steps. ONE Cut a hole in a box. TWO Put your dick in that box. THREE Make her open the box. AND THAT'S THE WAY YOU DO IT. Put my dick in a box. ^For not putting your dick in a box.
  20. [size="4"][b]Positions[/b][/size] [b]Organizer[/b]: 1 Requirements: [list][*]Be an active member. [*]Must pass assignments to others when on hiatus. [*]Must have extensive knowledge of RMXP. [*]Is responsible for having the actual game on their computer, at least in all parts [*]Needs to be active and have back up the game online weekly, the actual game project. [*]Responsible for the FTP host, which can be free. [*]Downloads the uploaded files maps etc, and pastes them in the correct directory. [/list] [b]Resource Gatherers[/b]: ∞ [list][*]Gathers relevant game resources and uploads them to the FTP.[/list] [b]Credit Manager[/b]: 2 [list][*]Responsible for keeping track of credit, works and resources.[/list] [b]Mappers[/b]: 5 [list][*]Must have moderate-advanced mapping and layering skills.[/list] Essentially since people have different mapping styles each mapper will do different types of maps on their own computer and upload it [b]Storyboard Developers[/b]: 4 [list][*]Responsible for developing the story for the game.[/list] [b]Storyboard Editors[/b]: 4 [list][*]Compiles and completes the story, fills plot holes, fixes grammar and any other storyboard-related assignments.[/list] [b]Dialogue Developers[/b]: 4 [list][*]Develops in-game dialogue.[/list] [b]Storyboard Managers[/b]: 2 [list][*]Focuses on the story with game functionality in mind. Assigns scripting and eventing tasks as needed.[/list] [b]Eventers[/b]: 10 [list][*]Each eventer will work on a specific task or map. [*]One eventer per map at a time. Procedure: [b]1.)[/b] Eventer will be assigned a task. [b]1.)[/b] Eventer will download the most recently updated game file from the Organizer, which contains all variable/ switch/ database info. [b]1.)[/b] Create the event. [b]1.)[/b] Use Comments as necessary. [b]1.)[/b] After finishing, the eventer will post it up on FTP. The Main Eventer will compile it and send it to the Organizer.[/list] [b]Main Eventer[/b]: 1 [list][*]Standardizes all event code, debugs events and develops system-wide event code.[/list] [b]Script Designers[/b]: 3 [list][*]Works with the Storyboard Manager to put scripts into the game. [*]Develops custom scripts.[/list] [b]Main Scripter[/b]: 1 [list][*]Oversees and evaluates anything involving scripting and database debugging.[/list] Revised. I shall be a mapper or an eventer.
  21. Okay, I'm an idiot, that doesn't excuse you from being a troll and spamming a thread with flame.
  22. Free To Play


    Banned for not eating yourself
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