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Everything posted by Kevin.ds

  1. Thx again for the cave =) I made some changes in the "summon room" this is how it looks atm "in-game"
  2. let´s talk in the chat room =)
  3. Hey guys , i have been working on my project for some time now and there is one thing that I just cant get the way I want ... CAVES!! i couldn´t do a propper cave even if my life depended on it. So Iam looking for someone that could do my cave maps for me , I wont tell you how to do your mapping only in what area I need them in and how big they should be. (Like if in a desert / desert cave.. etc) Any help is appreciated :alright: ( You will get credits ofc )
  4. Hey welcome to the forums =) (Iam new myself , joined yesterday) :P are you working on any projects at the moment ?
  5. i didnt mean to post i was trying out the diffrent commands you could use on the forum and accidently pressed the post button so please remove this :unsure:
  6. Dragon born Since the post is still here and i hate the fact that i made a stupid misstake and posted this , ill show some "Prolouge" on my project , just to make this post "Less" boring :P [Noctis age 18] [Prolouge] 7 years ago ... One of the immortals attacked our village. We didnt stand a chance since our village was not made for battles.. especially not an immortal. We did the best we could to protect the women and children but there wasent enough time.But there was One man who took up his sword and fought the immortal by himself , Sasuke was his name. We didnt know much of the man , he ,his pregnant wife and his son had just moved to our village. My first thoughts about them were "Sasuke? could it be that Sasuke..Legendary captain of the 9th immortals?But then I came to my senses the man didnt look like a fighter at all, a normal family guy nothing more nothing less.. Until this day when he took up arms to protect our village when no one else did. The flame in his eyes i had never seen anything like it , it must have been the magical power of the immortals.. Iv only heard storys about the Immortals , that they are powerful wizards who control elements and that there arent many of them out there , and those who are left are a rare sight.. but here I was seeing two of them going head to head against eachother..I remember the last thing they said to eachother like it happend 5 min ago. While they were fighting i could hear Sasuke screaming to the immortal "You will not have him!!" I couldnt understand what he ment have who? and then the immortal answeared "It´s his birthright!" the fight went on and the village was burning , then it happend Sasuke pierced the immortal with his sword.the immortal leaned on Sasuke and wispered something in his ear , and then Sasuke took out his sword and turned around. I could see him looking straight at me .. His eyes I will never forget them , they were filled with sorrow . Sasuke was crying , he fell down to his knees. A moment later i could see the immortal getting back on his feet , I tried to warn Sasuke but I was to afraid to make a sound. But the immortal walked right past him and was walking towards Sasukes wife. A little boy stepped in front of his mother "Get away from my mother!" he screamed , but with one quick movement from the immortals right hand the boy was on the ground. The immortal kneeled down in front of the woman and said something , I couldnt make out what he was saying but the woman seemed suprised. Then all of a sudden , at a blink of an eye Sasuke was behind the man and a strange light surrounded them ... and I must have been knocked unconscious because when I woke up Sasuke was laying on the ground and his wife was holding a new born baby ... This baby is know today as "Noctis"
  7. Oh no i didnt mean it like that , i ment more like if you wanted him to be a merc , blacksmith or anything like that, then I would do my best to make him fit in and give him or her some meaning. Um iam gonna make a topic about my project as soon as I have enough to fit the req for making such a topic :P
  8. Hey guys ! Iam currently working on a project called "Dragon Born" and Iam doing the diffrent characters atm. And since iam gonna have quite a few characters in the game and have to many sprites to choose from, why not put some in that was suggested by you wonderful people? So what I was thinking give me a Sprite sheet of how you want the char to look like what weapon type you would like him to use, name and backround is optional and ill put him/her into my game =) btw: the sprite has to be standard Rpg maker xp like , since iam using that kind of sprites. you will of course be credited in the game =) thx in advance and iam hoping for some good ideas =) // Kds
  9. Hmm didnt think about doing a new "suikoden" game just using the sprites :P since making a fan game is not an easy task <_< Iam working on a more "Fantasy" based game with inspiration from naruto/bleach and alot of rpg´s. Iam making a thread on the forum about my project as soon as I find a good spot to make one :P then if ur intressted we can team up and work something up that fits us both :clap:
  10. Btw: if you havent seen you should check out the already made fan suikoden game called "Exit fate" it´s cool :P
  11. I tried making a game using suikoden sprites when I first tried rpg maker (wich was rpg maker vx) but the limited tiles and my experience that project kind of died. I just got back using rpg maker and using xp wich suits me better and i started with suikoden sprites but they are also kind of limited and its a pain adjusting them for the xp . so Iam sticking to the basic xp sprites since there are endless of them out there :P and focusing more on my story telling. Yeah I would be happy to team up for a project =) (little video I made while using the Vx ) Wanna make a new video on my xp project to but for some reason fraps wont record when iam in full screen =/
  12. George isn´t the only one lol you get some inside scoop on a couple :P but yea u deffinetly should. lol same here bought and sold the ps2 so many times i cant remember BUT using a ps2 emulator now :biggrin_002: , Iam not into future stuff either but ff8 is a very good game story wise to =) btw you making a game ? if so gimme some info :D
  13. Love the pic lol. :shok: didnt like ff 8 ?! i loved it haha , 7 is my favorite to and I didnt play tactics util like .. after i played ff 10 ? so that game didnt really do the trick for me at the time :P and about suikoden 5 I really liked that game becouse they went back to their good old story telling and helped me get rid of the feelings I got after suikoden 4 ( didnt like it at all ) the only thin I didnt like about suikoden 5 was the main character ... really not my taste at all and he is just plain ugly. But other then that the game was really good and I totally recommend that you play it.If iam not convincing enough look at this pic GEORGE from suikoden 2 that should be enough reason to play it :D ps: he is a big part of the game not just a "Found on a cliff" character :D
  14. haha lol :D suikoden 2 is my favorite of them becouse of the story.. you gotta love the story in that game. And lod since iam a "uber" fan of transforming and crap when that game came out it was like a dream lol. (and it was good to!!) and about the final fantasy i love them all but especially 7-8 also becouse of the story (story freak) (Jizzed pants when i first heard of advent children and crisis core, and even more when i saw and played them) lol. BUT i really and i mean REALLY didnt like ff 13 ... had such high hopes for it and it was such a let down :shok: even so the graphic were stunning ! but graphics dosent make a game in my opinion :P. Have very high hopes for versus 13 though , that game looks EPIC!!! lol cant stop writing...vliked breath of fire 3 to, but 4 more :P and HATED the fifth and to be honest never even heard of Shining force :shok: haha :P
  15. lol :D , thx ! um I like pretty much everything but the ones that have painted my childhood so to speak would be , Suikoden 1-2 (3-4-5?) liked the 2 first ones ,the others were meh.. Lod (Legend of the dragoon) one of my all time favorite games EVER.. and then there is of course, ALL final fantasy games yes even final fantasy 12 loved that game . hmm what else iv played a bunch of rpg´s lol but i would say those that i mentioned will always be my favorites. (Welcome to you to) :D what games do you like ?
  16. If you are bored :P i kinda need some sprites. The same format as the standard xp sprites, atm I just need a "Sasuke" (from naruto if you didnt know) :P and one of Vincent in final fantasy 7) if you are bored :P lol. // Kds
  17. Iam sure I will lol , um I started with vx about 6 months ago. But switched pretty fast to xp and have been hooked since then :P thanks =) I pretty much listen to everything :P and you? Thanks you to =)
  18. Um if Iam seeing correct you have "Transparent ON" at 1 line but you never turn it "OFF" you should try that
  19. Hi guys my name is Kevin Iam 20 years old and live in sweden... Hmm what to say about me other then that Iam a "nerd" so to speak and spend most of my time in front of the computer. And when Iam not doing that iam doing my best to fix my grades ( didn´t go to school that much ) if you know what I mean :P. Anyways, Iam not much of a forum guy so bare with me , if you wanna know anything about me dont hesitate to ask. Best regards Kevin
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