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Everything posted by ForeverZer0

  1. Try this. It should eliminate the need for any events and work automatically. I haven't tested it, but if you need any edits, let me know. class Game_Actor def weapon_skill(weapon_id) return case weapon_id # Setup like this: # when WEAPON_ID then SKILL_TO_LEARN when 1 then 1 when 2 then 2 when 3 then 3 when 4 then 4 when 5 then 5 end end alias zer0_weapon_skill_equip equip def equip(equip_type, id) zer0_weapon_skill_equip(equip_type, id) if equip_type == 0 && equippable?($data_weapons[id]) @skills = [weapon_skill(id)] end end end
  2. You can call me whatever. I've been called many variations of my name :P F-Zer0 Zer0 zero F0 ...it doesn't matter to me. Its just an alias. ;)
  3. Thank you, all. It's nice to receive such a warm welcome to the community. ;)
  4. Here's what my rpgmakers.net looks like. I changed the CSS with Opera. Valdred just won't remember to add it to the site. >8U
  5. It helps to know C# well before moving onto XNA in my opinion. Some sites I have used: http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/ http://www.csharp-station.com/Tutorial.aspx Microsoft's online help at MSDN can also be helpful. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/vcsharp/aa336706 If you are solely interested in XNA, try some of these: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb200104.aspx http://www.xnadevelopment.com/tutorials.shtml http://www.riemers.net/
  6. I can give it a go. If you know the exact script that is causing the issues, either give me link to it, PM it, or post it so I can see what the problem is. If you have no idea which one, a copy of your Scripts.rxdata will do just fine.
  7. I apologize for the assumption, I was wrong to make it. You are right. I am wrong. I am done posting in this thread.
  8. 1. I quoted a Bible verse. 2. You discounted it, and basically said the Bible is not a reliable source. 3. I explained to you that where it came from does not change the simple logic. I fail to see how that is confusing, but I hope my explanation is helpful for you.
  9. Whether that came from the Bible, or homeless Bob down the block, it is still true if you actually process the information logically, instead of just discounting it out the gate because "it came from the Bible", and being a supposed atheist is the new "cool" trend these days. Prepares for the slew of people to attack
  10. Although sexual sins are not "more evil" than other sins, the Bible warns that they are an especially dangerous and destructive one. Here is one of many warnings found in the Bible:
  11. Thank you both, and I'm glad you like it. As for the error that you were getting, did you find a way to resolve it. I may be able to help you make them compatible if you haven't already.
  12. To believe it would make you contradict your own belief. If you believe in God and the Rapture, then you would also believe the Bible where it states that "no man, no not one" knows the time of the second coming of Jesus. If you don't believe in God, then you can't believe in the Rapture because that too would be a contradiction, so the question can not be answered logically on that standpoint either.
  13. Yes. The new window class has actually already been redesigned, and it does have this feature. You can adjust the padding on the windows for each side individually if you so choose. There are more added features than that, but I promise the default Window class will allow much more control than RMXP's. EDIT: The ARC engine is now complete enough for emulation of RMXP games. It still has a great deal of more work to be done, and this does not begin to demonstrate what it will be capable of in a few months, but here's a sample: ARC Dev Release Build There are still some minor bugs, but as of the moment you could play a full RMXP game with ARC. :D
  14. Yes, 60 is pretty much the industry standard. The majority of monitors only refresh at 60 Hz or less, so there is really no benefit to be gotten by more than that.
  15. The RTP is still being created, and there isn't really enough yet to put full screens up yet. The link in the original post will lead you to the RTP section where you can view some of them. Not all that we have are posted up yet (mainly due to the laziness of the mods there ;) ), but you can check the ones that are there out. As for the cost, that is of no real concern. ARC is being developed as free software, first and foremost. We just figured that if someone was going to make money using something we created, we would like a minor reward for our efforts. The cost is not really too steep in my personal opinion. If you sold your game at the cost of $5 per unit (a reasonable price), after selling the first 80 copies, everything you make is pure profit. If you you can't sell 80 copies of a game, or fear not enough after that, you should probably rethink the idea a commercial game.
  16. Agreed. I apologize for my sarcastic response. I am not here to make any enemies. Be assured that we will look into the legal issues further before anything is created, so as to be sure we are not breaking any laws.
  17. That is not illegal. If it was, I will supply you with a long list of programs that are illegal. Actually, it would be much easier and a shorter list for ones that are not, if this is your line of reasoning. I buy Adobe Acrobat. I create PDF document. I then use Foxit to read the PDF document. According to your logic, laws were just broken. That is all the more ARC will do to a RMXP project. Under what law exactly is that a crime, other than "I said so, because that's what I think.". Regardless, you need not be so concerned with the possible legal ramifications we may suffer, though we appreciate that you care so deeply.
  18. No, not really. We've done our homework. Point me to the law book that you read that in, or some examples of court cases, and we may change our minds, though. Any software we use will in no way alter, modify, or use Enterbrain's software in any way that is not specified in the End User's Licensing Agreement. In fact, it has absolutely nothing to do with Enterbrain's software or RTP. It will not touch it. Notepad++ does not break any laws when it opens a text document that was created in Microsoft Word. Were not even doing that much with the converter. It doesn't even open up the same "text" in a manner of speaking.
  19. It sounds like a problem with your setup. Make sure you have everything configured correctly.
  20. Its all still scripting. The there will be different classes, and the scripts will obviously be structured differently (RMXP needed that anyway), but anyone who used RMXP will be able to pick up right into it after they become a little familiar with the new scripts. No different than although I only write scripts for RMXP, I know I could easily write a RMVX scxript after about an hour or less of reviewing the differences.
  21. You are running in compatibility mode for XP aren't you, and running as Administrator? There are literally a few thousand tutorials on how to to that. Just google "RMXP Vista"
  22. It will have 100% original scripts in it. Due to legal reasons, it has too. He's just saying that RGSS scripts WILL work in it.
  23. I added a "Frequently Asked Questions" section. I will update that as the need arises. Thanks for all your support!
  24. Test, test, test, then test some more. Its the only sure way you can make sure the game is balanced.
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