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Everything posted by Heretic86

  1. Heretic86

    Newbie here

    I think he is asking for a Real Time Battle System. Look to the Scripts for those.
  2. I've got this script. Heavily modified. Lot of fixes. Mostly not in english and cant translate. There is a section of the script I dont like. Adding the option to "Escape" with every Actor. I'd like to pull this "Feature" out. I'd also like to yank out the "Level Up" extra BS, but I think I can either do that myself or live with it. Due to the rewriting, I think it best works to try to call it inside "increment_battle_turn", which fixes the screwy nature of ATB fights. I dont understand the window input calls well enough to be able to do this, but I've come a long way so far... Anyone care to take a crack at it? http://www.775.net/~heretic/downloads/ATBGauge.txt (and yes, its the same damn script I've been working on now for a while...)
  3. Then I wont be able to compare values in the cloned array to the other if not by reference. Probably a Ruby thing that I am definitely not used to, but using that, trying to do this: old_party.actor[1] == $game_party.actor[1] Always returns false if not by reference. Suggestions?
  4. I had to put this down for a few days. Cooked my brain pan! Kel, had any chance to take a look and figure out why this script is not able to directly modify those arrays?
  5. Like this? Then use THIS Image: Credit goes HERE
  6. This actually clears a LOT up for me. For one, I didnt know that Ruby handled everything by Reference instead of by Value. It would seem to imply that creating a new array as a temporary placeholder and making attempts to modify that would modify the original objects properties. I found the "inspect" method earlier, but didnt think to try to use print object.inspect, that pumped out some very useful data. As for the script itself, it is so hard to work with, all of the Comments in it are foreign language characters that no longer translate, and I cant seem to find a translatable copy. Failing isnt bothering me either because I am learning a great deal more from my Failures, and the explanations of how and why it is failing. I know damn well it took some time to write that, so your efforts are not wasted at all, and very very appreciated. This thread seems to be turning into my Ruby Bible until I have a solid understanding of everything mentioned here. Very very different from PHP.
  7. I'll reply again in a sec, but as requested, here is the script. It is HUGE. Section I am working on starts about line 500. Gah! Overloaded the Forum, posting as link... http://www.775.net/~heretic/downloads/ATBWIP.txt (NON DEVS DO NOT USE - NOT STABLE) Huh? Post Too Short error from the FOrum? Hope this fixes...
  8. Grr, ran into a problem. It probably is easier, but the way ruby handles arrays seems to be very strange for me. And yeah, they have sub arrays, thus, making things much more difficult for be to wrap my head around. Im pretty much stuck using that @count_battlers (no clue why author called it that), used it, and didnt assign properties to teh $game_party.actors class instead. But that is essencially what is happening in the script. There is another property in there called ".cp" which is a numeric value from 0 to 65535, when at 65535, player can input a command. Like a counter for a Progress Bar. The properties dont seem to be included when using array comparison (&, |, -) so although I can go "print $game_party.actors.name" I am not able to "print @count_battlers.battler.name" or in @watched_party. @watched_party is new, comparing that to $game_party.actors but not @count_battlers because once it is initialized (using $game_party.actors), it doesnt get updated, which is what Im trying to do. The problem I have is when an actor is added during the battle, since they arent in that initial array (which is all over the place in the script), their "CP" (Progress Bar) thing doesnt update. When removing them, then adding again later in the same battle, Im trying to reset their "CP", but I cant figure out how to access those methods or properties (I suck at OOP) or even get an Index by iterating and comparing each value. Even when I do something like "if added_actor == @count_battlers.battler" and they are the same, it doesnt return true for me. Get some sleep, I dont wanna rack your brain that hard.
  9. Nevermind, I got it. @watched_party = @watched_party - (@watched_party - $game_party.actors) Simplified version, finds the removed actor, then removes from @watched_party. Boy do I feel dumb.
  10. I tried to document as best as I could, but I can understand if some parts of this come out a little hard to understand. If you do end up with any questions, feel free to ask, I'll try to answer as best as I can.
  11. It does make some sense. I suck with ruby, but do much better on PHP and MySql. What if I were to get an Index, then delete the index, would that remove the sub_array from the larger containing array? More a less stuck figuring out ruby syntax...
  12. I am messing with a screwy custom battle script. Short and simple, elements of $game_party.actors are moved to a new array. I compare the new array with $game_party.actors to find changes in the party, such as a Battler being Added or Removed during combat. Im trying to use this: @count_battlers.delete(watched_party - $game_party.actors) "watched_party" is a copy of the array I am comparing to because $game_party.actors changes when Characters are Added or Removed, but this doesnt work. @count_battlers is another copied array of all Battlers and Enemies (used for Progress Bar Gauge thing). This part of my script is trying to handle Removed Battlers, Added Battlers is super simple, uses actors.push(actor). More of a Ruby in general question. How do I get this to work?
  13. This script will help you simulate Clouds. Clouds and Fog are essencially the same thing. Condensed water vapor. The difference between the two is that Clouds are quite high up off of the ground, and fog usually covers the ground itself. When a Player moves their character on the screen, a Cloud that was higher than the camera would move at a different rate. Fog does not. That is what this script allows you to accomplish . The above Screenshot also shows a fog set to Maximum Opacity. Because the Cloud (Fog) has an Alpha Channel, the visibility is determined by the Alpha Channel and not Game Opacity. The Alpha Channel Fog is included for you in the Demo. A Still Screenshot cant really show you what this script does because it affects the way the Fog Layer moves. The Demo can. LATEST VERSION: http://www.775.net/~heretic/downloads/rmxp/CloudAltitude0.2.zip Feb 18th 2012 DEMO: http://www.775.net/~...oudAltitude.exe (Obsolete) Installation: Place somewhere above "Main", but below any SDK's if you use them. Legal: As long as you give me credit, you may alter and distribute this script and my Alpha Channel Fog freely, you may post it on other websites, and you may use it in any Commercial Games without compensation.
  14. Fixed Bug #2 Change this line: battler.cp = [[65535 * (rand(15) + 85) / 100 * battler.agi / @agi_total * 4, 0].max, 65535].min to battler.cp = [[65535 * (rand(15) + 85) / 100 * battler.agi / @agi_total * $game_party.actors.size, 0].max, 65535].min The assumption of using 4 Characters was made when this part of the code was written. --- Bug #1, when ADDING a Character DURING Battle, their Progress Bar (or whatever you call it, Script calls it CP) does not fill AT ALL. Suspected solution: I found an Array called "@count_battlers" which is created at the very start of the battle in INITIALIZE. This never runs again, thus, a New Party Member is NEVER added to that Array. Reinitializing crashes the game. I dont know how to do anything about this. --- Bug #3, Performance: Possible Solution. While waiting for Input from the player (to hit a button), a variable @cp_thread.stop is set to TRUE (CP being the Progress Bar thingy...) and is turned off with @cp_thread.start. It appears to run as a Parallel process so its performance is horrible. That is to say, it is continually calculating and updating the bars at the bottom, which wouldnt need to occur while say a creature was fading in. I might be able fix this, unelss anyone else has a quick fix they'd like to share...
  15. Ok, I cleaned up the code so you can just copy one script and put it above main. It does require the use of a Parallel Process to work correctly. I am sure that can be redone to run better, but that will have to come with time and practice on my end. Im not exactly a super duper coder, and needed quite a bit of help to get this script running to begin with. I never liked the Fogs that came with RMXP because, although RMXP supports Alpha Channels in their fogs, none of their fogs have one. So I included a very nice looking super easy to customize (white, just tint it as you wish) totally tileable Fog with an Alpha Channel. See the pic in the original post. Enjoy!
  16. Im glad you like it! If anyone else is interested, I can clean it up to be more compatible, but for now, it suits my needs. Has anyone ever played the old Phantasy Star 2 on the Sega Genesis? That was the effect I was going after. I could replace the Cloud Layer with something like Electrical Conduits overhead to give a more "Techy" feel...
  17. This one is way way over my head. And probably most other peoples as well due to the fact it was originally in Japanese, the Documentation doesnt translate, and that it isnt supported by the Author. Those two things said, I think this is a very nice (looking at least) script. But, there are numerous bugs. #1 Adding a Character DURING Battle, that Characters Progress Bar does not fill as it should. #2 When less than a Full Party is in a fight, the Progress Bar fills strangely, like triggering actions immediately instead of waiting until the Progress Bar is ready. #3 Script behaves poorly (lag) with Scripted Battle Events, like for Bosses, or if another Enemy is flagged "Appear Halfway" then triggered with "Enemy Appearance". I would like to use this script, but in its current state, I dont think I can. Anyway, here is the script: http://www.775.net/~...wnloads/ATB.txt Anyone care to take a crack at it?
  18. Ok, I got exactly what I needed! Even made a Demo! Had to modify some other of the core scripts to be able to do what I wanted, although I am sure there were other ways to go about it. But namely, because the speed of the fog adjusts based on the players speed, I had to modify $game_character and make move_speed attr_accessor so I could read its value, then base the fog speed off of that. I dont think it will work with 8 directional movement scripts cuz Im only checking for 4 directional movement. The effect is supposed to make it feel like the Fog Layer is actually a Cloud Layer and the Camera is above that. Check it out if you want. http://www.775.net/~...ogScrolling.exe
  19. I tried that already. $game_map.scrolling? == true only evals to true when the Scroll Map Event is used, not when the Player is just walking around. It seems like an obvious answer, but no luck so far.
  20. This script will help you simulate Clouds with Altitude. Clouds are basically just a Fog, but move different than a normal Fog. Imagine it this way, you have a ground level, then higher up is a cloud, then your "Camera". When the screen moves, the Clouds move a different direction to simulate that they are much higher than the ground level. The Default Fogs included with RMXP do NOT contain an Alpha Channel. I made one for you WITH an Alpha Channel so you can turn your Opacity all the way up and still be able to see your surroundings! I think it looks quite nice! (You need to play because it deals how the "Clouds" or "Fog" moves, screenshots dont cut it) Notice how you can only see half of your Party? That is the Alpha Channel! --- Script and Fog are included in the Demo. Just put somewhere above Main. http://www.775.net/~...oudAltitude.exe Heck, if you dont want the Script, you might want the Fog because of the Alpha Channel! --- EDIT: This was my original post. Special thanks to ForeverZer0! Im trying to write a script or an event that allows me to check if the Screen is Scrolling. Short and easy, you get close to the edge of a map, your character moves but the screen doesnt scroll. If your character is in the middle of a big map and moving around, the screen is scrolling. I've tried a bunch of different things to try use this, but I cant ever seem to get it to Eval to either TRUE or FALSE. Can anyone help? --- Long version: My intended goal is to make it appear as if a fog layer is high above the players head by changing the speed and direction of the fog. But in order to do that, I need to be able to check if the screen is scrolling or not. I've tried creating new variables in the $game_map.scrolling? class and set them to TRUE if that is ever called, but apparently it is not, which is strange...
  21. Are you reducing health outside battles? You might be able to use a Parallel Event that checks if Players Health is Zero, call the Game Over screen. But as far as the fun factor of that, do you think it might be a bit of overkill? Challenging to the point of being frustrating does not a good game make...
  22. Holy crap! I just tried the main page on that link and stumbled across this: http://fayforest.sakura.ne.jp/gallery.html or just http://fayforest.sakura.ne.jp and just click links...
  23. This is a common problem so I feel it important to add a little bit to this. There may be occasions where you want an Autorun to run every time you enter a map, say like a Town Name that displays briefly, then goes away. Things like Cutscenes, you dont want to run them again every time you enter the map, that is when the Conditional Switches are useful. But for things like Town Name, use Erase Event to run the Autorun Event, then stop running it as long as you are still on that same map. Even in Battles, when you come out of the battle, that Autorun wont run until you leave and come back. The Erase Event command only erases the event for that particlular time you are on the map, but doesnt erase it permanently. I hope that helps.
  24. If you know the answer to that question, why are you asking?
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