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Everything posted by SpriteZilla

  1. Just what the title says. My first demo http://www.gdunlimited.net/gacp/83/downloads hope you like it. Please, feedback is highly encouraged. Thank you and enjoy the game ^___^
  2. Oh sorry guys about the quadruple posting. My bad.
  3. Yes I did. Like in one of the FF games. Maybe FF4? 1) Hey thanks! It worked. That is freaking awesome. 2) I have added a defend. Haven't seen them perform one yet. I keep killing them too soon lol. 3) It was an ability in one of the FF games where the caster would "Cover" an ally with his body thus taking the damage himself. Pretty nifty skill. Thank you for your help. Thank you so much for your info. Now that you mention I do remember that in the Basic section. Man, I spaced that one lol. Thanks again. Yes. Please use the edit button next time, unless it has been three or more days, instead of double, triple, and quadruple posting. :ok:
  4. 1.) My first question is about the defend (or guard ability). I'm using Rmxp. I want to know if I can add an animation to a guarding actor. If so, how? Sick of seeing that white blink effect! 2.) Is it possible for enemies to guard? 3.) and lastly, I have been scouring google for Cover ability scripts to no avail. Any Ideas guys? P.s The first two requests are more important to me than the third. Thanks for any response given. Good day guys!
  5. As the title above states. I could really use a zoom script. My sprites look too small and I want others to see the detail i put into them. I know it's probably a lot of work but I think a lot of people could use this not just me. Thanks for the replies guys. I'm editing this to ad pics right now. Thanks. Bye 4 now. Oh yeah, I found a script that will zoom the sprites. Is it possible to alter this script to zoom the map in as well. Here is the code. Credit goes to Neo-Bahamut. I didn't make it, I just want to alter it. class Sprite_Character #von Neo-Bahamut >:3 # Alle Charaktere (true) oder nur der Spieler (false) ? Zoom_AllChars = true # Zoom-Stufe am oberen Bildschirmrand (in Prozent) Zoom_Top = 200 # Zoom-Stufe am unteren Bildschirmrand Zoom_Down = 200 # ------------------------- alias_method :nb_aliasmethod_smallzoomaddon_spritecharacter_update, :update def update nb_aliasmethod_smallzoomaddon_spritecharacter_update update_nb_zoom end def update_nb_zoom return if !(Zoom_AllChars or self.character.is_a?(Game_Player)) y = self.y dif = Zoom_Down - Zoom_Top per = y / 480.0 zoom = (Zoom_Top + (dif*per)) / 100.0 self.zoom_x = self.zoom_y = zoom end end Here's what the sprites look like. http://gyazo.com/d0adc3b0d18ad1a944b23e3ed5c6e831 Edit : 1/22/2014 Hello guys. Thank you all for the feedback but I felt i should let everyone know I ended up using the one by Neo-Bahamut and just got rid of my battle system because it was having problems with the zoom script. So mods I guess this is solved. Thanks for your help everyone. As a side note, I'll be posting a demo soon of my new NES style rpg game! Later guys. Edit : 7/17/2014 Okay guys here is the one that works for the characters on map. class Sprite_Character #von Neo-Bahamut >:3 # Alle Charaktere (true) oder nur der Spieler (false) ? Zoom_AllChars = true # Zoom-Stufe am oberen Bildschirmrand (in Prozent) Zoom_Top = 200 # Zoom-Stufe am unteren Bildschirmrand Zoom_Down = 200 # ------------------------- alias_method :nb_aliasmethod_smallzoomaddon_spritecharacter_update, :update def update nb_aliasmethod_smallzoomaddon_spritecharacter_update update_nb_zoom end def update_nb_zoom return if !(Zoom_AllChars or self.character.is_a?(Game_Player)) y = self.y dif = Zoom_Down - Zoom_Top per = y / 480.0 zoom = (Zoom_Top + (dif*per)) / 100.0 self.zoom_x = self.zoom_y = zoom end end AND Here is my own edit of the script that works for battlers. class Sprite_Battler #von Neo-Bahamut >:3 My edit :D # Alle Charaktere (true) oder nur der Spieler (false) ? Zoom_AllBatts = true # Zoom-Stufe am oberen Bildschirmrand (in Prozent) Zoom_Top = 200 # Zoom-Stufe am unteren Bildschirmrand Zoom_Down = 200 # ------------------------- alias_method :nb_aliasmethod_smallzoomaddon_spritebattler_update, :update def update nb_aliasmethod_smallzoomaddon_spritebattler_update update_nb_zoom end def update_nb_zoom return if !(Zoom_AllBatts or self.battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)) y = self.y dif = Zoom_Down - Zoom_Top per = y / 480.0 zoom = (Zoom_Top + (dif*per)) / 100.0 self.zoom_x = self.zoom_y = zoom end end Note: These both work with the Default Battle System. I have no idea if they will work with another one. Try it out and see. Peace and Enjoy !!!
  6. No Problemo dude. :thumbsup:
  7. What's up. Ok, so this is the closest script I could find to do what you want. http://www.atelier-rgss.com/RGSS/Battle/Script_Bat23_Code.txt You have to paste that above main. And then go to Element names in System (Tab all the way to the right side) in the Database and add an element called Shake (You must spell it just like this!) Then make a skill that your enemy will use. Finally, simply check the shake box on your skill under element and in the Enemies tab give the enemy the skill that has the shake element attached to it. I don't know if it will work with other Battle Systems but I tested it and it does work with the Default Battle System. Enjoy! P.s. Give creds to MOG this is NOT my script. Thanks. Peace.
  8. Did you ever get any help with your request?
  9. Hey are you using Tankentai or Atoa's script ?
  10. Thanks a lot guys. Yes I did make them. Glad you like them. I have another version of the same guy with some crazy armor and blonde hair. Check it out : Edit: Better Shading. http://gyazo.com/4d0...88e980f372f8afd Edit: More Variations. http://gyazo.com/a9a...7abc3628446d48e Halo Style. http://gyazo.com/34ec91e5a1c9232e5dccb81aa2721d80
  11. This was a post i tried to delete. Sorry for double posting.
  12. I'm just curious if anyone thinks these style sprites would look good in an RMXP game? Please comment below. Bye ^__^ http://gyazo.com/2b86a233604d0c8a0193fcaaf90b368e Size is 64 by 64 pixels
  13. Sweet. I can always use a little help with eventing. While I'm here I guess it cant hurt to inquire a bit eh? LOL. So anyways, I want to have more lifelike NPC's for example : when they walk then stop and blink and maybe punch some keys on a cpu. Idk just suggestions but I'm not sure how to do this...Although I'm sure it can be evented. Somehow. System : Rmxp Battle Script : Enu Tankentai ver 2.2 Update - July.15, 2012 - Nothing? Anyone?
  14. Hey this isn't the same script as Atoa's CBS is it? And if not can someone link me to it please?
  15. Sweet thanks I'll look into it. Peace my good man.
  16. Nice thanks man. I like the Atoa system. The only thing is, I want to use the Default Battle System with animated enemies and battlers without any scripts (if thats possible) I can sprite no prob but scripting.......eh not so much lol. But I DO appreciate your help kind sir.
  17. Oh my bad lol. Well what I mean by animated is while idle in battle they are breathing and plus when they attack instead of just seeing a slash you see the actor move towards the enemy and slash with a weapon so that it is a little more realistic. Can this be done as simply as just setting up the battler graphic to move in such a way? Tell me it's not that simple. But god I hope it is lol.
  18. Hey NightmareFelix I don't know if you have found a solution that you liked yet so I found a script for splash screens for ya! Here's the link http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/4599-introduction-splash-screen/ I hope I helped you. Later guys!!!
  19. I am curious if there is a way to use the default battle system (Rmxp) with animated battlers and enemies? I haven't been able to find a script like this. And I cannot script yet. I can however, make the sprites necessary to do this. The question is how to implement them into gameplay so that they are animated. One difference I would like is that the actors sort of face up. As if you were viewing the battlefield from right over their shoulders. If this is possible please let me know how it can be done. I would like to do it without unecessary scripts if possible. Anyways, please leave suggestions. And thanks in advance people. Bye !
  20. Oh and sorry about calling you master of the mind Polraudio lol. I thought that was your handle, oops. Sorry for the necropost earlier too, I wont lie I didn't even look at the dates. Sorry !!! :P
  21. Here is another random idea that may potentially help a lot of beginners and even experts with Rmxp. This would have to be a script (im assuming) but to have some sort of spellchecker would be great. The reason for this is that there are literally hundreds of great games and game ideas made all the time by people who aren't so great with proper spelling. I don't mean this in a negative way im just stating the fact. I strongly believe that a spellcheck script for development puropses could be an extremely powerful tool for helping those with spelling errors. So that people who speak English primarily can enjoy these games without noticing a spelling error and immediately reducing their thoughts on any particular game. Anyways, I have no clue how this could be done but scripters could probably easily do this so that others may implement it into development. Well, thats all for now. Suggestions are encouraged !!! Peace out folks.
  22. Hey man everyone else can say what the want to but I like this idea. I plan to implement these kinds of sprites in my game as well and much much more. For example NPC's cooking in the backgrounds or preparing food stuffs. Also people exercising/training and eating. Talking to each other. Playing rock-paper-scissors. All of the above!!! Great post man. Peace.
  23. Hey thanks MasteroftheMind !! I guess open world isn't the right term to use... It's more like you start off at the center and you can travel outwards in every direction (horizontally and vertically and also diagonally.) But to maintain that retro look of classic sidescrollers in the past your character will remain facing either right or left whilst moving up and down. See what I mean? Just something I thought would be nice to see because there are very few if any at all that are like this. P.s. Thanks for offering to help. My scripting skills are non-existent but my eventing and spriting are my major plus'. So if anything I may have a scripting question for ya. Thanks again. Later !!
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