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Everything posted by Calvinchun

  1. You right crimson i been practicing lately and getting nicely.. About spriting tutor yes i would like to get the link! And kange i really thanks for your advice... I am using GraphicGale Free edition... THANKS GUY!!
  2. Calvinchun

    My first sprite!!

    Hi guys! Today i just learn how to sprite by a little... Thanks to hamsterman... tell me ur opinion.. THANKS!!
  3. Happy Chinese new year GUYS!!!

  4. Calvinchun

    Fire sprite

    what is chibi sprite? this is an example i post... Author Is punk blood
  5. Calvinchun

    Fire sprite

    yes but it gonna be long-time build becuse the cutscene, mapping and many character sprites is missing like Claire sprite... thanks for supporting.. (P.S : I am big fan of resident evil too... LOL) Here is an example of leon sprite... AUTHOR : Punk blood if use please credit punk blood...
  6. Calvinchun

    Fire sprite

    HI guy and first i'm chinese So i want to wish you all HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!! (P.S : Sorry about bad grammar >.<) So i am making RE 2 Leon the cutscene have been done with the help of bigace but i have upcoming problem.... In this month I making my game while try to learn spriting but it take time so i need help... can someone post a Big Fires With smoke Character sprite? I really need it... (Im getting shy to get help... LOL) However THANKS FOR HELP :-)
  7. hi... i have ideas too. Have you try http://cooltext.com/ ? If not you can give it a try.... XD
  8. LoL i can't beat ao oni too... When im alone i think ao oni is beside me... SPOOKY though...
  9. LOL XD... I agree with kare3 and kellesdee...
  10. Calvinchun


    WOW This help me a lot!!! THANKS !!! XD
  11. Calvinchun


    Thanks... Maybe it did not allowed in my country...
  12. Calvinchun


    The link is down... But thanks i found what i looking for and here is the link :-) http://www.neoseeker.com/forums/22121/t1145992-kain-nobel-splash-script/ Thanks For reply !
  13. Yeah Marked right... Even we download "illegally" We did'nt hurt anyone... But don't Download any dangerous item such as you know.. "Sx" And other thing.. That is completely wrong...
  14. Oh i think you use the adress from the 1st pictures LOL XD
  15. Calvinchun


    Greeting Everybody... Hey all today i just tried a project called Midnight Genesis Project which make me enterest.. So i need a script like Resident Evil Game... Before it goes to title it would show the manufacture name like "CAPCOM".. Is there any script like that? I google but did'nt find any.. (P.S Thanks For helping, Supporting And reply)
  16. LOL... We have the same opinions... XD And im gonna make reason for my answer.. 1st pictures show a flower but sparklies.. The flower in sparklies make it 100% effect (Because there are no flower like that XD) 2nd Picture like alien spaceship turning around in space... LOL 3rd pictures Butterfly swift movement... (Not recognized either) 4th Pictures Like fire effect surrounding animals.. 5th pictures Image see like wheels turning so this might be called (Effect) Was i right?

    1. Joey


      ......You're late. lol

  18. I guessed you talking about effect...
  19. WOW you ultimate in graphic!! Thank You!! And did the dog has the ded body? with lot of blood surround it?
  20. Well i think this is epic you wrote the song with feeling... And i felt proud of it!! :-)
  21. OMG!! DUDE THANKS SO MUCH!!!! I owe you one!! And can i ask 1 more request? Resident evil 1 Spritesheet Sorry...
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