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Everything posted by Moonpearl

  1. I have a technical question: with your script, are the MIDI files still played with RMXP's synth, or with the host system's synth?
  2. Nope, I was talking about mine (basically the same as the ACMS one but without all the fancy layout). http://moonpearl-gm.blogspot.fr/2012/02/biography-menu.html
  3. Well, this is not, so what's your point? You want the same with a different layout? Maybe you haven't noticed it, but there's a stand-alone, non-ACMS version of my biography menu.
  4. Well then you know everything, don't you? What did I miss in your question?
  5. Well there's only one explanation - the condition at line 59 is never met and thus the troop local variable is not defined.
  6. Look RMXP's help for the RPG::Enemy::Action class, it says it all. There are all those condition variables, you just need to retrieve them.
  7. This is one of your own custom classes, isn't it? We can't help you unless you post its code. I'm probably understanding your script's purpose wrong, but you didn't say a word about it either.
  8. I see no reason why this shouldn't work, except maybe for the break statement which seems out of place to me;
  9. Use a MIDI editor like Cubase. Insert a "control" event at the right place and set its main value to 111.
  10. If your song is a MIDI file then you can use the 111 control. Put the intro and the main loop in the same file, then add a control 111 event right when the main loop starts. RGSS will then know it has to go back to that precise point whenever the song is finished.
  11. How did you manage to do that?
  12. This is not a matter of how sophisticated the system is. After all, my Balloon Messages System's main part (namely the balloonskin compiler) has its own architecture and thus is completely independant, so it would just be a matter of "reconnecting" the message dsiplay to Pokémon Essentials. The thing is, for someone to modify Pokémon Essentials requires them to KNOW how things have been done there (since they have nothing to do with RMXP's standard architecure), which means studying those specific scripts for hours and hours before even being able to modify very superficial features. Plus, part of my motivation when writing a script is that I know it may be useful to other people than the requester (sorta killing two birds with one stone) - well then, in that case not only would it require tons of work, but it would benefit only to Pokémon Essentials users. So, no matter how simple an edit you request on Pokémon Essentials, it would require tons of work from any regular scripters and thus is very likely to be turned down. So, just as bigace said, if you're not considering learning Ruby yourself (and if you do, by the way, you'll probably find that Pokémon Essentials' scripts really suck), drop Pokémon Essentials because there's virtually no chance you find someone who's willing to help you on this.
  13. Well, this Pokémon Essentials stuff is the worst thing i've ever seen regarding compatibility. They've rewritten pretty much everything, and it's compatible with virtually nothing. Making any scripts of mine (or anybody else) able to work with it would mean rewriting Pokémon Essentials' scripts completely so that they're based on RMXP's default features. I strongly suggest dropping Pokémon Essentials and considering other starter kits instead.
  14. Moonpearl

    Class Name

    You must find the Scene_Menu's refresh method. There should be a collection of such commands: draw_actor_name(...) draw_actor_level(...) draw_actor_hp(...) ... Each of them handles the display of a specific feature. You should add a draw_actor_class command.
  15. The battler's graphic is a Sprite_Battler object. From what we can see in the following code, it gets its position from the associated battler's screen_x, screen_y and screen_z methods: self.x = @battler.screen_x self.y = @battler.screen_y self.z = @battler.screen_z Since actors and enemies are placed in a different way, those methods are defined only in the Game_Actor and Game_Enemy classes. Soooo at the very end of the Game_Actor entry, you can find them. Just override them to your liking.
  16. Kailia wants balloons to take different shapes, see my Balloonskin system for an illustration.
  17. Animations appear at the same position as the sprite they're supposed to be played on. If your animations don't appear on the battler, this must mean that... somehow the battler's sprite must be elsewhere. How did you manage to change the battler's position?
  18. Alright, let's face it: VX's graphic style is clearly ugly, isn't it?

    1. Joey


      You're just now realizing this? lol

    2. Moonpearl


      No Joey, I realized this as soon as I saw the first screenshots of projects made under VX. But I dont understand why there are people who still use it. And each time a person publishes a screenshot of their VX project and ask for feedback, I must refrain from replying "This is VX, this can't be beautiful".

    3. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      Indeed, it definitely read as a plea for the greater good. My ol' lady swears by those sprites, and I really can't stand them. And I would play Dragon Warrior 1-5 today at the drop of a hat. Some people are 'crazy'.

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  19. This is for switches. NuKa_BuBble wants to deal with selfswitches, which is entirely different. Usage for selfswitches is: $game_self_switches[key] = true/false Using: key = [map_id, event_id, switch_id] With: map_id: ID of the map the desired event is on (as displayed in the project editor) event_id: ID of the desired event (as displayed in the project editor) switch_id: ID of the switch to change (0 = A, 1 = B, 2 = C, 3 = D)
  20. Events that show tiles from tilesets are special - they are passable if said tile is passable as well. If it is configured as impassable, though, there shouldn't be a problem. I wouldn't be surprised if that ABS would have somthing to do with that, but the best way to know for sure is to test in a dummy project with the exact same tileset and without the script.
  21. Those guys from that other board who post topics to recruit for all positions.. In short, they want others to do their project in their place. :p

    1. Bigace360


      Um actually I've seen some threads like that. RRR usually gives them 2 days to add details or they close it. These projects your talking about never even make past that page any way, because some 13 year old found this software thinks that he can make a game without doing the work there self when in reality real video games take more time and detail then they think.

    2. Joey


      People in the past kept thinking I was like that...which didn't make much sense since I was asking just for resources and scripting. xD

    3. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      @Bigace; I agree wholeheartedly mate. That's why I think there should be a 'hypothetical game' thread, where those people 'should' post, and then anyone can pick their idea up and do it themeselves. That way if the idea IS good enough someone who has dedication will follow through. Because agreed, they never make it past that page, but it's really because they don't understand how much work it takes. Can't expect a child to have good work ethics.

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  22. Well then, you know what causes your problem. Now if you want to find exactly what part of your custom scripts makes things that way (and even more if you hope for someone else to find it), you'll HAVE to give a list of them.
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