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Everything posted by Moonpearl

  1. I hate people who ask for help with a script issue and then make everything they can to avoid the questions you ask in order to solve the problem.

    1. kellessdee


      Moonpearl, I owe you an apology. Looking back, I was far too harsh and wasn't thinking correctly; and it was unfair of me to attack you like that. My comments are probably a result of feelings I have had about myself in the past, which although doesn't excuse my actions; perhaps may explain a bit. I'm going to send you a PM to better explain my positioning, but I wanted to apologize and hope we can still get along. You are right, I had no reason to attack you like that, and I feel...

    2. kellessdee


      I could have handled the situation much more maturely

    3. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      In the long run, you did handle it maturely. Good on you.

    4. Show next comments  45 more
  2. Right, but this bit doesn't show me how you set the event ID variable at all, so I really can't help with so little info.
  3. My best guess is that you've set the event ID variable to an invalid value (that is, the ID of an event that does not exist). Please check that the variable is set to a valid ID at the time you call the failing Show Message command, and if it is, a screenshot with the event commands involved would be appreciated to provide better help.
  4. That's normal. The script replaces texts by available text-images wherever they may appear in your project. Two simple ways to work around this issue: Draw similar images for other battle commands so that they all look the same Edit your CBS script and replace the "Skills" by "Skills " (with a space in the end). This will make Ruby consider it as a different text and thus it won't be replaced by the text-image
  5. Well, good examples indeed, cause at least the two latter games mentioned above don't play like classical RPGs at all, do they? They're being mixed up with other RPGs because they don't know where to put them, but they're actually a different genre. And although Square Enix is the name that comes to mind, other companies' RPG are essentially the same.
  6. No, nothing like that. I'm just stating facts. As you describe things, your Game_Event class should indeed inherit Game_Character's properties, so I have no idea why it doesn't work on your side. The "you must be doing something wrong" part was sort of a prompt for more info, since one can't help you unless you say some more. How are you even trying to access this new property you've given Game_Character? You say it doesn't work, but what does that mean precisely? Getting any errors? Unexpected behavior? Be specific when asking for help, just saying "I tried that and it didn't work" can only be answered by "too bad for you, try something else".
  7. Of course not! Trying to think whenever playing a RPG is actually counterproductive. This is one thing I hate about the genre: you don't solve a RPG, a RPG solves itself by telling you what to do and where to go, and it's not possible (or otherwise useless) to try and do anything else. For thinking to take place in the player's mind, they must be presented with choices in the first place. Ironically enough, puzzle games, which require you to find the one and only way to go, offer many more options, and thus involve actual solving, than those so-called "roleplaying games" - in which the roleplay aspect is limited to moving the character along maps, you don't even get dialog choices. Yes. That (among others) is what I call thinking.
  8. That's right, there's something you must be doing wrong.
  9. That's what you call games in which you have to think? Well, I guess it does explain a lot.
  10. I agree with that, except that FF1-3 are already modern games to me. They may be old but they were the precursor to everything I hate in nowadays games. Recent FF titles, for instance, are their legitimate descendants, since they have barely evolved in terms of gameplay. There used to be games in which you actually had to think, and if it hasn't been for FF, there might still be some of them around.
  11. Thanks Polraudio, your comments are always as pleasant to read. :)
  12. Moonpearl

    Installation problems.

    And if still doesn't work search the web for a rgss104e.dll download and put it in your Windows/Sytem32 folder.
  13. Thanks. :) It needs some adaptation but I'll have that done within a week or so.
  14. Perfect then, you're welcome.
  15. Here you go. Let me know if that satisfies your needs.
  16. Otherwise, you can give a go at my Animated CMS. You can easily make an animated background with it, and it will apply to all menu scenes, including the title screen. Then again, if you don't want to use it for all menus, you can just grab the code for Scene_Title and delete that for all other scenes.
  17. Rejoice, ye ACMS lovers, for a brand new version has been born! I've been asked for new features here and there, and since I also had my own plans for it, I thought it was about time I did something. I first came up with a draft for a v1.12, then thought of further improvement for an hypothetical v1.13. Then, I thought to myself, since I'm there, why not do everything I have in mind at the same time. It took me long enough, but here's the result, and I doubt you'll be disappointed with it. So, here comes v2.00, with TONS of new features and fixes, and also a forth theme - the three older ones still need to be updated to work with v2.00, so please be a little patient. See the main post for more information. Ane please leave a nice comment if you like what you see. :)
  18. ACMS v2.00 finally released.

    1. Calvinchun


      Cool down. XD

      Maybe they did not have time. Well but i support everyone in this forums.


    2. Calvinchun


      Cool down. XD

      Maybe they did not have time. Well but i support everyone in this forums.


    3. Moonpearl


      I wasn't angry, just disappointed. And I was just explaining my point. I know perfeclty well people have a life beside RPG Maker.

    4. Show next comments  45 more
  19. You're absolutely right. This is a recurring mistake, I did it again while writing a script a few minutes after posting.
  20. Game_Map does not feature the map name because it's never actually used in-game, only for referencement in the project, you have to look for it inside Data_Mapinfos.rxdata. class Game_Map def name data = load_data("Data/MapInfos.rxdata") return data[@map_id] end end
  21. I'll see what I can do within the following days. I have other business to attend to right now, so please be patient.
  22. You have to edit the title scene, which requires scripting skills (though very basic ones). You also need to have a script which reads save files and assesses whether one of them is "finished" (whatever that may mean). The easiest way to do this in my opinion is to reserve a switch that you will turn on only at the last save point/before saving upon beating the last boss/at whatever moment you consider this is a finished game. Then the script can search the savegames for this switch being on. As JonBon suggested, we can have your "new game +" option turn on another switch. Then, you just have to tweak your events having them execute different commands based on this switch being on or not. As long as you do not want the "new game +" to enable fancy system features like making the enemies stronger or change the actors' skill trees, just the above needs scripting, all the rest can be done through eventing.
  23. Just showing a window with a choice upon pressing "new game" is pretty easy to program. The question is, what should choosing either "normal" or "easy" do EXACTLY (and by that I mean please don't give me an obvious answer like "well it makes the game more or less difficult because I figured as much by myself)? I did not understand a word to that.
  24. Oh, my goodness. So, you're right, they've rewritten pretty much everything. Actually, they've kept so little from the original RMXP that it just feels stupid of them not to have written their own engine. As I understand it, this Pokémon stuff is pretty much incompatible with any other script out there, be it mine or not. Soooo the choice is up to you, you just have to know that using it will prevent you from adding any other code feature, unless it is written scpecifically for it (which means the scripter has to know all about its unique architecture beforehand). Wish you the best luck (I think you're gonna need some of it).
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