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Everything posted by kare3

  1. It's okay, but the little preferences are just too confusing for me
  2. Every time I find a tileset I just CANNOT set all those little bush flags and bla bla bla.. I need like some town tilesets with insides but like in a demo where the land tags bush flags and passage marks are already set and they have like little maps demonstrating how the tilesets should be used. I really need this
  3. meep? o.o

    1. kare3


      -pokes with killer hamster- >.<

    2. RageMage


      no not the killer hamster -dies- x.x

    3. kare3


      - gets out killer beef taco -

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  4. I kinda need help with this I'm using Rune's CMS(at least I think) but I'm not exactly sure how to incorporate this into the CMS.. I fail at ruby
  5. There are 2 options thou may use: Option #1: You can download Face Maker and mess around with the controls until you get a face that looks like what you want it to look like. LINKY! http://www.mediafire.com/?9kolws1xtk9 Option #2: At creation asylum they have some faces for the RTP characters. I don't own any of these, however. LINKY! http://www.creationasylum.net/forum/index.php?automodule=gallery&req=sc&cat=41 Hope this helps c:
  6. How about we all sit back and enjoy some soft-shelled beef-only tacos with some orange juice
  7. - SCREAM - Proxima Centauri is HURTLING INTO DA EARTH and will destroy it >.<

    1. RageMage


      O.o Proxima Centauri is the star that is closest to our solar system at 4.22 light years away. I really doubt we have anything to worry about, maybe our great great great great great great great great grandchildren will get to see it, that is unless the meteor that is supposed to pass very close to the Earth in what is it 40 years comes close enough to give off super magnetic waves that knock out all electronics in the world and then the masses go ballistic and we have a tribal warzone kind o...

    2. Bob423


      i love how people freak out about the absolute worst case senario.

    3. madanchi


      so do I :p humans tend to like fear, sadness and drama

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  8. kare3

    Typical - Mapping

    If you want, I could make a demo that has a few nice-looking maps and you could build from those. But I can only make a RMXP demo, since I don't use RMVX.
  9. Right now, Proxima Centauri is hurtling toward the earth and will cause the earth to go out of its orbit and crash into the sun.
  10. Answer to question 1: I have no real idea. Answer to question 2: I like basically every color.
  11. Good idea, my dear Watson, but one small problem: NO TENGO MÁS RECURSOS PARA CARGAR!!! (spanish for I HAVE NO MORE IMAGES LEFT TO UPLOAD)
  12. MOREEEEEE CREATIONSSS Link: ~WARNING~ BEFORE ENTERING THIS AREA OF LINKS, PLEASE NOTE THAT THE FIRST LINK HAS A CHARACTER THAT NEEDS POSITIONED PROPERLY DUE TO THE LAZINESS OF THE AUTHOR http://s1188.photobucket.com/albums/z417/kidslovepie09/?action=view&current=mage01.png http://s1188.photobucket.com/albums/z417/kidslovepie09/?action=view&current=mage01.png#!oZZ1QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs1188.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fz417%2Fkidslovepie09%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3DTerelll.png
  13. Another creation o.O Linky: http://s1188.photobucket.com/albums/z417/kidslovepie09/?action=view&current=derek.png
  14. Link: http://s1188.photobucket.com/albums/z417/kidslovepie09/?action=view&current=orangehairedgirl.png
  15. This is an old creation I had made, it was intended for a shopkeeper type thing. Link: http://s1188.photobucket.com/albums/z417/kidslovepie09/?action=view&current=blacksmith.png
  16. Story for the vampangel: Once upon a time a very normal-looking RTP angel was strolling down the street to get ice cream. A vampire was behind the ice cream shop and attacked her. Then she was turned into a vampire. Sadly, the creator of her sprite was too lazy to color in the robes and halo and wings.
  17. Items used to make this vampire: RTP Vampire Monster Body RTP Pink-Haired Fighter Head Then I recolored it.
  18. My newest sprite/recolor.. I can't tell you what it is because it's SECRET. Unless you gave me an ice cream cone c: Link: http://s1188.photobucket.com/albums/z417/kidslovepie09/?action=view&current=vampangel.png I didn't color in the robes or the other accessories because I was too lazy
  19. Actually I just used a basic recoloring method.. I never thought it was like amazing.. thanks..?
  20. This is my newest sprite.. -Drumroll- THE VAMPIRE SPRITE! http://s1188.photobucket.com/albums/z417/kidslovepie09/?action=view&current=vampnotdone.png Getting a picture to appear in a post doesn't work for me so here's the link to the picture on Photobucket.
  21. kare3


    I think I know the answer to #1 and #2! #1 Explanation: Letters Vowels Words Number 9 Things The letter A #2 Explanation One guy didn't get his hair wet because he was BALD. Was I right?
  22. Well, the title basically says the first sentence I was about to say. I would like to introduce myself to all of you, since I'm new here. I usually don't use RMXP very much but I'm pretty good at using it. Usually, I sometimes make sprites from the RTP... Basically I'm having a LOT of trouble introducing myself right now >.< So basically this is my not-so-spectacular introduction thread I suppose..? Baiiiiiiii c:
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