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Everything posted by forcebreaker

  1. Yeah, i had alot of fun with the regenerators too. Do you remeber the one called the steel maiden? The first time i played RE 4 it took me forever to kill that sonnava gun. I couldent figger out why my thermal scope wasint working... >:-(
  2. Ok, well, i was going to make my own resources including sprites, but i found out i totally suck at makeing them, especially chibis. So, if anybody knows an easy-ish way of makeing some good quality chibi sprites for rmxp that dont look out of place with xp tiles ( as the rtp vx ones do) Such as with a program, et cettera... or you dont mind lending me some of your own original chibis and allow me to maybe tweek them for my game, I WOULD SOOOOOO APPRECIATE THAT!!! Thanks for reading.

    1. Polraudio


      Make a topic for help :)

    2. forcebreaker


      Um...ok, ill try to figger that out without spamming..


  4. Good bye my friends...i must take my leave for a few days...parting is such yummy sorrow...BUT ILL BE BACK.

    1. Bob423
    2. Bob423


      and may the force be with you

  5. Some recycleing is good though, i think.
  6. LOL...Well, i like the new water zombies there comeing out with in RE Revalations. They sort of remind me of silent hill a little.
  7. Yeah, i played a little of RE 5 on 360 with a friends 360, i didint like them going back to the slot thing either. It seemed to me like it was even worse than the old version, atleast when you went into the inventory on RE 1-3 you didint have to worry about getting hit by anything. Also, what did you think of capcom introduceing the plaga? I was a bit disapointed they dont have much of the zombies anymore...
  8. Well yeah, but they still seem to have a weird, unfriendly sort of closeness with each other, my question is why. I was just thinking it would be cool if they elaborated on it a bit more, maybe even make an ada/wesker exclusive game. Also, i was thinking once, What if Ada was...drumroll...A SURVIVEING WESKER CHILD!!!!!...and Capcom just hasint said yet.
  9. I LOVE RESIDENT EVIL!! <3 Lets talk about that! Ive always wonderd if anyones noticed this. Capcom has yet to make a game or give a background on how Ada became so chummy with Wesker, at least not that i know of, and i think i would know. THEY NEED TO DO THAT!!!!!
  10. What i ment by confuseing was that i heard that in that game, a cure spell could sometimes be more effective than a curaga spell...and that when fighting an eidolon you dont need to kill it but "impress" it with your battle skills....which could sometimes be random. Oh well, ive never really played it, so i cant say much...
  11. Crap...I spamed again.

    1. forcebreaker


      Appearantly it means i I tripple posted...and also, appearantly this it the second time in a roll that ive done it :..-(

    2. kare3


      Off with your head o.o


    3. forcebreaker



    4. Show next comments  36 more
  12. Crap...I spamed again.

  13. I never played the first one (dont have a ps3 or 360... :..( ) but yeah, i heard it was kinda suckish....and short....and confuseing.
  14. This is my tile set im working on! Yeah, i know its 'way' not finished yet, but i couldent wait to ask what you think of it so far. If you do like any of the floor tiles i made here, feel free to use them. There sortof suposed to be for a castle or church like area. And the reason i made more than one of each, was cuz each one is just ever so slightly different, and it just kinda bugs me using the same exact tile everytime. (like say for what ever reason, you wanted the floor over here in X direction to look clean and perfect, and then in Y direction you want it to look scuffed and mard...does that make any sense?) Oh well, plz tell me what you think of them so far. ...Wait, some thing messed up (maybe me) Oh ok, its that little link at the bottom...sigh. My tileset.bmp
  15. ehhhhhhhhsh.....i must have screwd up somewhere....mine was horrible.
  16. Wow! i really like that! I think im going to try and use Gale for a while :)
  17. oh...WOW! you just introduced me to the Gale graphic editor!!! This is what ive been looking for!!! thanks!
  18. forcebreaker


    Nin looks kinda like cloud to me :)
  19. go to the forums, and under creativity and design, theres a section that i think is called showcase or art or something, its way at the bottom. Put it there, i think that would be fine. But Ive only been on here for about three or four days, and ive already....SPAMED...(gasping all around)....so i hope im right, cant wait to see it.
  20. OH! I "KNOW" I cant believe how hard it is to make grass!!! usually what i do is take yellows, greens (of course) browns, and just click like heck!!!
  21. COOL! i just joined too, and im pretty much where you are in the exspirance department. Maybe we can help each other in the future. Right now im makeing my own custom tileset from scratch! Friend me if you want! ttyl.
  22. Say i wanted to ask someones oppinion of a tileset im makeing? Would i start a new topic of that, and if so what section would that go under? Im trying not to spam again, lol.

    1. RageMage


      Yes you can start a new topic for that, I'd say under the RPG Maker XP section of Engines

    2. Polraudio


      Resource Showcase & Critique

  23. Hey, where exactly would i post something asking for advice on makeing resources. Im trying not to spam again, lol.

  24. WOW! What a way to begin the year... But hey, that sounds like something that might happen around here, my neice was born on friday the thirteenth, lol. (i joke about that alot)
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