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Everything posted by forcebreaker

  1. ....you know...Kange....your sittin right in between A white, and green...You understand me black?
  2. ...Ok...you win..time for dinner. :)
  3. Hey, how do i leave a comment without creating an account?
  5. Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut!!!!!? You talkin to tha Force Kare3? Pessssshhh.... lol
  6. Kare3 your sooooooooooooooooo awesome :3
  7. I dont think ive read enough yet, but ill just ask you. Are you saying we can go to the site and subcribe now....or whats this about?
  8. (sorry im getting confused with all these RE post, keep forgetting which one im on, lol. when i said Lets kill this topic, i thought i was on the old RE 1 topic....) Anyway, wheres the new berry?
  9. ....your kidding....right? *shivers*
  10. gottcha, lets kill this topic and keep with the PM instead. Agreed?
  11. ok...ive got a small beef with the barry....think you or Kare3 could sprite him a beard or five o' clock shadow, or at least some bushy eyebrowns? make him look a little more...mean...no, tuff. he looks a little to young. Just my observation though, otherwise, hes looking reall good. :)
  12. hey, could you send me a copy or link of that blank sprite template?
  13. YAY! I thought you said you wernt any good at spriteing.....fibber....ya did wesker, and no your fixin to pop out a berry....
  14. LOL YEAH!!! LOOK REALLY GOOD!!!! Did anybody catch what city that was?
  15. ....dude...your wesker sprite sucks......................................................NOT!!! That is a top notch wesker!!!! I cant wait to see Him bowling over zombie legions!!!!!
  16. yeeeeeeaaaahhh...but...it lacked depth....i wish there was more....actually, i havent played the wii version, but i think separate ways has more to it on there
  17. Kange- For being NICE "and" ACTIVE! :D
  18. You know....i would really just like it if they made a game where you could play with Ada as the protagonist....THEY NEED ONE!!!!! Then, i would be happy.
  19. i mean are you gonna take some blake sprite like you did with wesker, and try to draw some of them with there arms pointed out, shooting a gun?
  20. ...eh-hem...(clears throet) time to practice....OH NO! WE GOT SOPA'ed D: .....just being prepared for anything..

  21. @Noob Siabot- Yeah! actually for me its a tie between 7 and 9. People make a big deal about how Square went back to keeping each character in a specific role during battle.....i think the whole Game was a step up from its Predecessor.
  22. @Kange....did i? i dont remeber that.
  23. Well...its just that weskers hair is always slicked back...i think what it needs is some lines indicateing slicked back hair. then i think it would be just great. also, what are you going to do about gun fireing animations? anyway ttyl
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