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Everything posted by zahraa

  1. OK guys,I fixed it by myself.Here's the solution: In "Battle Configurations",Go to line 1384 and change the number to ID of venom state.Then go to line 1418 and change the number to ID of venom state. That's it! :) I appreciate myself :P
  2. Hi! Many things happened to me in these days.But I back to work after all and problems are coming out again! You know when your state is venom,your HP decreases every turn,But in ENU SBS,When your state is venom,Nothing happens at all.Overall when you choose "Slip damage" for an state,nothing happens.How can I solve it? MY 100th POST!!Hooray!Waiting for 1000th! :grin: Thanks
  3. @Dolarmak: I don't know...I'm so confuse right now.I just want to think about it.If they didn't stole my idea and if I think this way It's not THAT unbearable but if they really did it then it'll be really hard for me,In this case every time I want to continue my work I tell myself : You worked hard for about a year and 5 month to make a very unique game but now what happens?You can't even protect your idea.What if someone make a similar game to yours when you finish it,You can't even protect your game in that case... EDIT: Well I thought about what you guys said and i have to say that all of you are right,I won't give up now and i don't let it go.I should learn to be stronger. :) I'll get back what's mine and nobody can stop me because it's "me". Let's go back to work!The best game ever is waiting for me,So goodbye for now! :wave:
  4. Hey guys! What are you talking about? arrogant?!!!How can i feel arrogant?!Every time I open RMXP,I feel so down and confused,I don't care even if the biggest company ever stole my idea,I just want to bring it back.It's like a thief came to your house and stole everything,You'll never think about : He came to my house and stole everything because I had many valuable things in my home!and you'll never get proud of it! You just want to bring back your stolen things. @Evalloc:I agree with many parts of your words. BTW,I'll send a copy of my game for you when I finish it. @Marked:Do you...Do you mean i can bring back my idea?! :excited: Please please explain more for me...I didn't get what you say,You know my English is too bad...Please tell me if there is any way.
  5. @bigace: This picture is so funny,you made me laugh!Thank you. :) @Polraudio:I didn't posted my game in this site,I posted it at www.amaranthia.com.I guess companies check each other's sites to figure out what's new...I don't know...Thank you anyway,Your post made me feel better.
  6. Hi everybody. Yesterday something awful happened to me.I got that a company stole my idea for a RPG story.My idea doesn't have copyright so it's so hard to prove that. :cry: I'm sure you understand me.I can't sleep,I can't eat or drink,I can't continue making my game... I just wanted to share my pain..
  7. I hope you like that new town! I'll miss you too :ehh: I know this is going to be so hard and annoying without internet. :angry:
  8. What's this?! :huh2:
  9. Hi everybody! I have two problems with ENU SBS,Let's start with the easy one: 1.Choose "All Enemies" option for a skill.then start the battle and cast this spell.You'll see that cursors show all enemies,then you have to press "Space" button if you want the actor to cast the spell.But in default battle system,the spell works immediately and cursors won't be shown.I want it to be like the default battle system.Got it?! 2.In default battle system you can see enemy's and actor's state.But you can't see any state in ENU SBS.It would be much better if you could see states... Yeah,you can easily see how bad my English is. :oops: Thank you. :)
  10. Welcome! I hope you find what are you looking for in this site. Just don't give up on your game.GO ON AND FINISH IT! These sentences always make me feel better when I'm tired.Hope they help you too: There are many people out there who finished their games,also there are many people who don't.But I don't care about them,I'm here to develop the best game ever no one can stop me.Why?Because It's me! Enjoy! :)
  11. Well,here it is: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { cout << "Hello World!"; return 0; }
  12. Hi everybody! I know,I know this site is about game developing not programming languages,But I prefer to come here and ask my question. Well,I wrote a very simple "HelloWorld" program but when i want to start debugging it shows program for about 0.5 sec and then closes it immediately.If i try to start program without debugging it just shows "press any key to continue" instead of output. Also i searched at Google and found many suggestions but they didn't solve my problem I'm really new in C++,So please explain simply. BTW I'm trying to be more active. :) Thank you.SFBE
  13. zahraa

    Need Icons

    They're amazing and I'll use them in my amazing game,too :PDo I have to credit anyone for this? Thank you Kevin for posting it!
  14. Hi everybody! I really REALLY need some of latest savefiles of Aveyond 1 & 3, Millennium 4, Skyborn, 7 Deadly sins 2. I played all of those games before and I had savefiles but I lost everything when I formatted the windows. Please help me.I don't have enough time to play all of these games.I'm sure one of you guys have some savefiles.Even if you have one or two of these savefiles,please send them for me. This is very very Important.Please PM me if you have something.It'll be a big help.Also I'll credit anyone who help me. Thanks a lot.I'm waiting for your PM. :)
  15. zahraa

    Appear Halfway

    Hi! I think this is the 6th problem that I have with ENU.But I won't give up. ;) When you select "appear halfway" for an enemy,you can see its battler graphic in the battle but you can't attack it but I want it to be like default battle system: "you can't see an enemy unless you can attack it." Got it? I guess you can change some things around line 87 in Sideview 1 to solve this problem.I only guess it. Thanks a lot.I'm waiting for your answer. SFBE (sorry for bad English) :grin:
  16. zahraa

    User Animation Problem

    I really enjoyed trying the way you suggested, because it helps me to understand how does ENU work. :thumbsup: Also you spend your time to solve my problem,Thank you soooo much!It means a lot for me! :heart:
  17. zahraa

    User Animation Problem

    No,I mean the second animation called "Cast Magic".It appears when an enemy casts a spell.
  18. zahraa

    User Animation Problem

    Hi I've a problem with user animation.When i choose an user animation for a skill,It just shows second animation (which is stored in database) in battle.I think this is because of ENU sideview battle system.Yes,I use this script.You can change a line in this script(I can't remember which line) to change that user animation,for example you can change it to the first animation.But i want every skill has its own user animation.Can someone help me? BTW,I know i was disappeared this month and i'm going to tell you i'll be disappear 2 month later.Just Don't ask me why. Thanks. :) sorry for bad English.I was so nerves when I wrote this post.
  19. Is it OK to use default RMVX Ace face generator for this?
  20. Welcome! I'm so glad to have you here.I like writing too,when i write a story it feels like I'm flying in a forbidden fantasy world . :heart:
  21. Welcome! :) I hope you enjoy your time here.
  22. Here you go: http://www.gdunlimited.net/media/uploads/manager/d-23287.png I hope you like it. :)
  23. NOOOOOOOOOOO!It's not fair...No...It can't be... :ehh: I..I really like this site.This is only place that i can feel free and comfortable.As Pol said,It's like my home on the internet My English is too bad and I can't make progress in every site but here,members are so kind and they help me however,i can't guess what will happen to me and my problems if this site goes down. It's not just me,As you said before we have many lurkers here and they need help,too. :upset: I know some of our active members are disappeared,but maybe they come back after a while also we still have active members. Well,I write a post here because this is all i can do to ask you to change your mind.I hope you wont let me down... Sorry for bad English BTW
  24. Here's my choice: http://www.123rf.com/photo_19907270_delicious-chocolate-cake-with-cream-and-berries-on-a-cake-stand.html :excited: I know,It's not very big but that's enough to make me nuuuuuuuuuuumb :dizzy: Oh,I don't need to stay in shape when I died,Do I ?!
  25. zahraa

    Choice window opacity

    I'm not sure what do you mean by option windows.If you mean "menu",then here it's something that can help you: class Window_Base < Window alias :zahraa_menu_init :initialize unless $@ def initialize(*args, &block) zahraa_menu_init(*args, &block) menu_opacity? end def menu_opacity? return unless $scene.is_a?(Scene_Menu) self.back_opacity = 160 self.opacity = 160 end end class Scene_Menu alias :zahraa_main_map :main def main @background = Spriteset_Map.new zahraa_main_map @background.dispose end end This script is written by Bigace.Don't forget to credit him if you use it :)
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