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theoryoferin last won the day on August 15 2021

theoryoferin had the most liked content!

About theoryoferin

  • Rank
  • Birthday March 2


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    google search

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Central Florida
  • Interests
    reading, writing, rollercoasters, gaming, halloween, tattoos, dftba.

Engines I Use

  • RPG Maker XP


  • Prefered Engine
    RPG Maker XP
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  • Other Skills
  • Project(s)
    All the King's Men
  1. Wow, thank you so much for this incredible resource! My game is still far from finished, but I'm definitely going to be incorporating some of these tunes / SFX into it!
  2. Welcome! Can't wait to hear more about your game.
  3. That's where the switches come into play. At the end of the event where you're talking to the person, it will trigger a switch. Then, with the door, you'll have [a minimum of] two pages of events within the door. One will have what happens if you haven't had the conversation yet, and then one with what happens when you've had said conversation. On that page, you'll have it only be available if the switch has been activated.
  4. Admittedly, I work in RMXP, not VX Ace, but from what I've seen around the internet / these boards, the engines are relatively similar in operation. The tutorials that I found most helpful when I was first starting out and learning how to operate the software were these: Tutorials. Like I said, they are for RMXP, but to give an understanding of how eventing and switches work, they should help out a bit, I hope.
  5. I'm torn. On one hand, it would be nice for newer members to have the same shot [but then, eventually the newer will be old... And then what of the new-newer group?], but also it's kind of fun to see who has 9k+ points and go in to see all of the hard work that they've put into the site.
  6. Looks like an awesome map. It sounds like the way you're incorporating the seamlessness would be really interesting / original, too. My only crit would be to watch sudden landscape changes / boxy sections. Over on the right edge of the map the land is really straight and then where the desert changes back into the grassland [on both the north and east borders] is very straight-lined as well.
  7. Welcome! I'm unfamiliar with Tibia, but I can say that this forum has helped me a LOT with my own mapping / scripting abilities. Hopefully you will also find it helpful. [:
  8. yay! more new members is always awesome! welcome.
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