I'm having a bit of an issue. On Tuesday I found out that a couple of my stuff was stolen. Playing cards if anyone is interested. I'm not talking about some cheap cards, I'm talking about roughly $160 worth (9 cards were stolen). I only noticed this after a friend went through my cards to see if I "stolen" any of his from Saturday. Problem was, now that I think about it, I was nowhere near his stuff on Saturday since I was busy in a tournament. I had then on Saturday, I know that since I used them then. He did say that he noticed them missing yesterday (he said that on Tuesday, so "yesterday" is Monday) But no one was looking through my cards that day. I already filed out a paper about this to the campus police, but they won't help me unless if I (I think it was) press charges (or something a bit less then that) since they don't want to take 2 to 3 hours observing security cameras to see if a friend "might" have them and just get them back.
So basically I have to "press charges" for them to observe the video tapes and, if he did take them, they'll get the cards from him and send him to jail for thievery. But if he's innocent, would he be able to press charges for "falsely accusing him"?
I should also mention that he somehow has copies of the cards that were stolen and is wiling to trade then for cards I keep saying I'm not willing to trade. He keeps forcing me to do the trade, which is making me more suspicious of him really stealing them. I need to know if I should tell the police "yes, I'm 'pressing charges' (cannot recall waht it was, it's not pressing charges, but something similar to it)", or just try and get the cards from ebay.
I'd like to know before tomorrow, since there's a regional tournament Saturday, my cards might be gone for good if that happens.
Please and thank you.