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Everything posted by Nisage

  1. Happy Birthday Joey, wherever you are.

  2. Sad that a favorite VX Script Site is down :(

    1. Nisage


      Tried that Kiriashi, they don't have their Scripts now.

    2. Broken Messiah
    3. Broken Messiah
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  3. I think I'm more late then you Kiriashi..... Greetings and welcome to RMXPUnlimited.
  4. Happy that he got the Samurai Pack for VX and wishes there was an XP version of it.

    1. Polraudio


      Was it worth the buy?

      I wish there was an XP version.

    2. Nisage
  5. There's not even a lot in here, unless if you count the Face Graphics. There's some decent Animations (11 total), like one that could be a Mach Punch from Pokemon but toned down a bit (only Fist Animation I know). But I do like the Grizzly Bear Battle Graphic, with and without the glowing yellow eyes. Plus, it's Samurais, they're awesome.
  6. Greetings and salutations. We're not dead, we're undead :P Not going to comment on that joke :)
  7. Thanks, I need some good luck right now ^^'. A minus? Well if it works for a plus, then why not a minus. I'll have to try that on the next google search, arigato (thank you). I did have a question on the homework, so while I was asking him I decided to show him the calculator. He liked it, but he did change it a bit, ok he wrote a whole new script for it. He told me why this was easier, but I plum forgot. I do have a new question. How do you align check-boxes and radio buttons with the style setup? I can put them in, but they won't align correctly on the right. Right now they're like this..... But I need them to be align on top of each other like a list and on the right side. Hopefully having Caramel in that empty spot on the right of Toppings. I have more questions, but let's deal with one at as time. Code for the Forum. <!-- chkToppings --> <label for="chkToppings"> Toppings: </label> <div class="LeftAlign"> <input type="checkbox" name="chkToppings" id="chkToppings" value="caramel" /> Caramel <input type="checkbox" name="chkToppings" id="chkToppings" value="hotfudge" /> Hot Fudge <input type="checkbox" name="chkToppings" id="chkToppings" value="sprinkles" /> Sprinkles <br /> </div> Script for Checkbox. #frmCombos input[type=checkbox] { width: 25px; margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; } Script for Label (like Toppings). #frmCombos label { display: inline-block; /* Otherwise ignores width */ width: 170px; text-align: left; border: solid 1px red; } Maybe I set up something incorrectly, I'm not really sure.
  8. Sleep is important. I never hear of it, but I'll take a look at it. Well, I think as long as I understand how it works (which I do a bit), he'll count it, I'll ask later just in case. Back to Notepad++!
  9. IE is horrible, hence why I use Firefox, but since the teacher said to make sure it runs in IE (or something close to it) I have no choice. This computer has IE version 8, and same here.
  10. Really? -Checks line- ................. Once again, Typos are victorious today. Fixed it, and it works, except for when I try to run it in IE. Clear button works in IE, but not Calculate. Any ides why?
  11. @Jon Bon: Interesting google tips for Scripts, I'll have to try them out, thanks. @Marked: The clear button works ok, it's the calculate that isn't. Maybe it's because I'm on Mozilla Firefox, let me try IE before I post this. Wow, neither button works in IE, who knew? I probably should have left this comment in the script <!-- Container for Box Method. Use child selector so it applies to immediate descendants only --> <!-- Notice how clean and straightforward the code without tables. --> No idea if the Child Selector means anything.... I didn't know at all. Here's the entire script woth scripts, styles, and the form. I'm really stumped as to why the buttons aren't working in the form....
  12. JQuery? Never heard of it before. That was the only question, but I think I inserted document.getElementById('Total').value=document.getElementById('txtTotal').value; incorrectly in the code. Maybe the problem is in the other half. <script type="application/javascript" language="javascript"> function btnCalculateTotal_Click() { //Note: the parseFloat function turn strings into numbers var txtValue1 = parseFloat(document.getElementById('txtValue1').value); var txtValue2 = parseFloat(document.getElementById('txtValue2').value); var myoperator = document.getElementById('ddlOperator').value; if(myoperator==0)//plus { var final_value=txtValue1+txtValue2; }else if(myoperator==1)//minus { var final_value=txtValue1-txtValue2; }else if(myoperator==2)//multiply { var final_value=txtValue1*txtValue2; }else if(myoperator==3)//division { var final_value=txtValue1/txtValue2; } //if the calculation cannot reutrn an arithmetic operation then show an error if(isNaN(final_value)) { document.getElementById('txtTotal').innerHTML='There was an error with your calculation.'; }else{ document.getElementById('Total').value = document.getElementById('txtTotal').value; } } </script> <body> <!-- Simple Calculator --> <form name="frmSimpleCalculator" id="frmSimpleCalculator" action="" method="get"> <div> <!-- Value 1 name="txtValue1"--> <label for="txtValue1"> Value 1: </label> <input type="text" id="txtValue1" maxlength="5" /></input> <!-- Operator --> <select id="ddlOperator"> <option value="0" selected="selected"> + </option> <option value="1" > - </option> <option value="2" > * </option> <option value="3" > / </option> </select> <br /> <!-- Value 2 --> <label for="txtValue2"> Value 2: </label> <input type="text" id="txtValue2" maxlength="5" /></input> <!-- Line --> <hr width="95%"/> <!-- Total --> <label for="txtTotal"> Total: </label> <input type="text" id="txtTotal" maxlength="5" readonly="readonly" /></input> <!-- Calculate Total --> <input type="button" id="btnCalculateTotal" value="Calculate Total" onClick="btnCalculateTotal_Click( );"></input> <!-- Clear --> <input type="button" name="btnClear" id="btnClear" value="Clear" OnClick="btnClear_Click( );"/></input> </div> </form> </body>
  13. No matter how long I googled, nothing looked close to this. I do have a question, how do I show the answer in a textbox, like txtTotal? <!-- Total --> <label for="txtTotal"> Total: </label> <input type="text" id="Total" maxlength="5" readonly="readonly" /></input> I managed to get the rest to work, but that's the one problem I seem to be having. Other then that, the math works, yay! (<- Obviously google has failed me) Maybe it would help more if I showed you what the thing looks like, one second. I'm also using Styles for input[type=text] and input[type=button], hopefully the Style tags aren't messing anything up.
  14. ZTBS (Zenith Tactical Battle System) http://www.creationasylum.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=16989&hl=ztbs Download Link (Since the one in Post #1 is dead) http://www.4shared.com/file/50684712/820bf572/On_Working_ZTBS.html?start= I like the classic kinds of fighting. I use it in most of my XP games, I even have one set-up as to where one enemy piece won't move until you kill 5 of it's allies (or was it 4?).
  15. I'm having a minor problem with a calculator script. There's 2 text boxes where you input your 2 numbers, and a drop-box that has either +, -, *, or /. I can't seem to figure out how to set it up, so I tried this method "what would I do in VB.NET?", "Use the IF..ELSE statement". One problem solved, new problem, no idea how to set up the IF..ELSE statement in java script. Here's what it looks like for the math part.... <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function multiply() { a=Number(document.frmSimpleCalculator.txtValue1.value); b=Number(document.frmSimpleCalculator.txtValue2.value); c=a*b; document.frmSimpleCalculator.txtTotal.value = c; } </script> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function btnCalculateTotal_Click() { if (document.frmSimpleCalculator.ddlOperator.value == 1) { a = Number(input.txtValue1); b = Number(input.txtValue2); c = a + b; document.frmSimpleCalculator.txtTotal.value = c; } else if (document.frmSimpleCalculator.ddlOperator.value == 2) { a=Number(document.frmSimpleCalculator.txtValue1.value); b=Number(document.frmSimpleCalculator.txtValue2.value); c=a-b; document.frmSimpleCalculator.txtTotal.value = c; } else { alert ("<b>Error</b>"); } </script> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> function btnClear_Click( ) { document.frmSimpleCalculator.txtValue1.value = "0"; document.frmSimpleCalculator.ddlOperator.value = "1"; document.frmSimpleCalculator.txtValue2.value = "0"; document.frmSimpleCalculator.txtTotal.value = "0"; } </script> If I have to post the whole script, I will. I should mention that this is related to homework, so please don't give me the answer right off the bat, hints are nice though. I already tried googling this problem for 5 hours and found no answer, so..... yeah. The thing related to homework is the math set-up (input a + input b = answer c) the IF..ELSE is my way of trying to set-up the drop-box list for the operations. Oh right, I'm using Notepad++ to type this out, if that helps out in anyway. Edit: Oh yeah, forgot I asked for help on the Flash button....... Oops..... ^^' The button went well, sadly, had to change it around a bit. Sorry for not replying to it, hated that term.
  16. Anyone here good with Javascript?

    1. Nisage


      Yay. I just need some help with an "If..Else" statement for a calculator program for when a combobox is on a different math sign (+, -, *, and /).

    2. Marked


      Can you make a topic? I've written javascript before, hopefully the forum can help you out for a change Nisage :P

    3. Nisage


      On it, and it has helped me many times before :P

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  17. Thank you Marked. Sorry for the late "thanks", been busy.

  18. Really? That's cool. I didn't know that. Right now, all I have for the button is...... What do I code to change the text?
  19. The actual button or the text I want to change? Just in case, both are "buttons" right now. Hope you can explain it :) I like to code, I find it fun :) As long as I know what to code that is :P
  20. I can? I didn't know that. Sadly I don't have Adobe Flash Catalyst or the CS5 Suite, I only have Adobe Flash Professional and Photoshop. Can Flash Professional still work for what I want to do? Really, creating a website without scripting at all? Wow.
  21. I've already tried searching for what I want, but it seems google has failed me, again. I'm making a Flash program where there's a button that whenever you press it, it'll change the text around it to something else. I want the button to change the text roughly 4 to 7 times, then an explosion happens. The explosion I believe I can set-up, but the coding for the button to change the text I can't figure out. Here's what I have so far..... The button right now just opens Youtube.
  22. Question, where do I post a topic for help in Adobe Flash? I need help with a button project.

  23. Sadly, the campus police weren't any help. However, I did see my cards in his trade binder (I recognize the small bit of play-ware anywhere). So tomorrow I'm going to the campus police letting them know I found them and hope they can help, doubt it since I think they don't care but who knows. Wish me luck again ^^' Edit: I guess in one way of putting it, I'm going to try the direct approach and say "I've been to the campus police, they're going to back me up on this. I don't want to press charges on you, I just want my cards back, or we're going to have some problems". Something like that.
  24. Glad you got your DBZ cards back. Well he did quit Yu-Gi-Oh and, from what I heard, sold all of his cards. Also after overhearing a conversation (which means I didn't hear the whole thing so I might be missing something) he said he saved a few cards for a certain deck theme, and those cards are ones that were stolen. I am pretty sure he did, since I did leave a deckbox at home on Saturday, and now it's missing 2 to 3 cards from it, which I brought with me to school Monday of this week, including that Tuesday when he was looking through everything. I mean, he was trying to get me to duel against someone else while he was looking through everything (I should have waited until he was done looking). So I'm certain he took them. I just hope the police will help me, since they don't want to help me just get the cards back and leave it at that. The Officer probably was having a bad morning or something. Edit: Ok, I know what to do now. Wish me luck tomorrow and thank you everyone :)
  25. I want to say a "typo" error since it's hard to text on phones, he could have meant today (Tuesday. Yeah, I don't like to think negative much) But when you put it that way, I do wonder how he "know" without looking.
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