(Actually I like Aqua Teen Hunger Force) I guess they hate "Japanese cartoon shows" because they're not "educational", "to violent", or "to revealing" (you know, like in Inuyasha, with Miroku and his pervy hand and his famous line "Would you please consider bearing my child") and more along that line. -pretends to vomit- Compared to most of these american shows, I don't care! Besides, Anime is way better then a lot of these american shows. (did I get off topic? Sorry if I did, back to AS) Hopefully AS will show some new anime. Like....... Historys Strongest Disciple Kenichi (or as america calls it "the Mighty Disciple Kenichi") true it's only about 50 episodes, but the only time I watch it is when I'm planning to watch every episode :P What, I like it that much :) They could show in the comercials a messege to all viewers to send AS e-mails/letters on what we would like to watch.