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Everything posted by Blackbound

  1. IndustrualCraft 2 Red Power 2 Buildcraft PlasticCraft ThaumCraft Rei's Minimap Too Many Items AdventureCraft Equivalent Exchange Tomes Mod Portal Gun and Railcraft
  2. ... Beta and Classic are two COMPLETELY different games o_o.... also; Beta has Creative mode which is an expanded freebuild.
  3. Sign me up! I could use a new game~
  4. While(Kiriashi.IsAwesome()){

    cout << "Yer Awesome Kiriashi :D" << endl;


    //cautin, this produces an infinite loop

    //because that condition is never false

  5. Still looking for people who want a more advanced than normal Minecraft challenge

    1. Bob423


      what would a normal one be?

    2. Blackbound


      "Standard issue Yogscast-already-covered-adventure-map"

    3. Bob423


      that makes no sense to me

  6. looking for someone willing to play some Minecraft CTM maps

  7. Im seeing a rather lack in variety when it comes to Keys.... I would like to see more keys put into this pack :) other than that the stuff looks beautiful :) EDIT: as for unconventional weapons.... Could you add Katars and Chain Weapons?
  8. "The Tomb of the Night Sky" from MGLN A's Series.
  9. a few things: 1: Technically, Manga and comics fall under the catagory of "Graphic Novel" 2: as for ideas.... 2a: Underground Lair of forgotten and lost monsters.... a Yuki-Onna manages to find her way into the real world and simply wants to return home, then she meets one of the RMXPU members and... things happen (someone else decides what :) ) more to come :)
  10. Blackbound

    My Return

    That actually gives me an idea.... attaching a series of chainsaw blades to the front bumper (with an axel) of a vehicle and "mowing" the zombies off your lawn. :D
  11. I would use Aether but not only has it not been updated; it is also not MCForge friendly :(
  12. Favorite Minecraft Mods Blackbound/Tatsu Equivalent Exchange Red-Power Industrial Craft 2 Buildcraft Zeppelin
  13. imho: Vanilla is only good on Single Player and as an ice cream. Vanilla SMP is a bad idea from a security standpoint. reason: griefers
  14. Ya know; for the longest time I had uninstalled RPG Maker XP because I disliked the original battle system and felt that ABS was rather difficult to control.... I am now reinstalling RMXP just to try this awesome system :D good work man, good work :) EDIT: Except I have a minor bug that makes the game crash whenever I load a save.... EDIT 2: ok bug only appears during game debug....
  15. Possible languages involved in making games: Ruby/RGSS- RPG Maker scripting system Python- General system- found easily with Blender Java- please see Minecraft for a perfect example of this C++- this is the bases of 90% of games currently out there. The source engine uses this (Valve), so does the Unreal Engine. However while there are books and tutorials out there, I dont recommend trying to learn this first. C#- XNA Studio and Xbox Live Arcade; nuff said- see above. C- Predessor of C++; Less feature-active than C++. If you must go with any of these, I recommend C++. VB.NET- not so good for making games, but very very helpful in making various windows applications; also very easy to learn and master.
  16. I would actually consider giving SMF a try. I use it for all of my forums because 1: its free 2: its very easy to use 3: it has a modding framework like nothing youve ever seen :)
  17. There's actually alot to consider when deciding to make your computer a webserver. Are you going to keep your PC on 24/7? Do you have a domain registered to your name (if you need a free one then use http://co.cc ) do you have good upload speeds? (not download) do you have a good firewall installed? Do you know how to port forward? Personally I don't recommend using a home PC for a web server. Is it possible to host a webserver on a windows machine? yes is it recommended? no... No NO! If you want a good recommendation for a good hosting company, I have a really nice one that does customizable plans :) I host a few sites myself so yeah.... Take it from someone who has expirence with this :biggrin_002:
  18. "Sounds like your leakier than WikiLeaks" "Would you like to try our Portable Edition?" "Let off as much steam as you want, but use an air freshener for the sake of others" *farting music version Nyan Cat*
  19. Take it into the store and ask for a refund. If they don't accept returns then tell them that the product they sold is defective.
  20. Fix'd because your only referring to the 4kids version of Pokemon (there have been entire episodes cut from that series)
  21. IMO: Nintendo is crazy... Intelligent... but crazy! Ive had Kiriashi read off the specs from the Japanese page and from what I heard; WiiU will have more power in it than the PS3 and the Xburn 360 (ahem RRODs ring a bell?) I own a Wii and a 360 and as it turns out the 360 is never on for more than an hour at a time. Also- if you think just mario and zelda are gonna be at launch..... Assasins Creed is comming as well- YES THATS RIGHT! I watched the full confrence from Nintendo. Pit is comming back (3DS) New Smash Bros (WiiU(?)) Mario Kart 3DS Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time (3DS) Legend of Zelda 4 Swords (DS) Legend of Zelda Links Awakening (DSi - VC) I also saw some sort of shooter that I wasnt expecting to see for the WiiU, I dont reconize it however. Nintendo wants to bring back both the hardcore and the casual gamers to the new WiiU. My question is- how expensive is it :blink:
  22. once again its a 3 way tie...... I voted IRC because I would like something that is easy to access for me o: (that and I like IRC because of stuff :P )
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