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Everything posted by Kiriashi

  1. .. Did ye just spit the words "Flag not important" from yar keel hauler?! Shiver me timbers! Look at the Bilge rat that crawled out of the bung hole! (Just tell me when I'm over doing it)
  2. Well before ye downl- I mean re-buy da Adobe applications, yar flag needs hoisting. No seriously, it will take me a minute. Just give me some colors and a logo.
  3. And if ye be joining my crew, I will... make... a map for you?

  4. Aye matie, I don't bite when mah cap'n hat be on mah head. So ye be safe fer now.

  5. Okay, what do you want it to look like? And what should I use for the logo? (In my case, it was a pirate emoticon.) Colors? Name?
  6. If you are talking about this: You can change that manually, and to whatever you want. Play around with your personal settings. ;) AND JOING MAH CREW! http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/4270-i-am-captain/
  7. You guys need a flag (userbar). ;)
  8. I have Polraudio and Marked in my crew FOR YOUR FRICKIN' INFORMATION!! :jay: No, you forgot to say Yar. Your = Yar. Yee = You.
  9. http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/4283-poll/
  10. Kiriashi


    This is a poll. See Joey?
  11. Well I'm basing my opinion on what I've heard, not seen.' Supposedly the features are very limited (Like the projectile thing), ergo, horrible.
  12. Did someone say mapping contest? :rolleyes: Emily, I think it would be best if you would post the tileset everyone can use. Also, what are the map size limits? And how many maps do we have to make? Will we get a better score if we make more maps?
  13. You can too make a poll... Click edit this topic's poll at the top of the page in the ADVANCED EDITOR.
  14. Kiriashi


    /me wants popcorn... actually I'd prefer icecream right about now.
  15. I'll get back to you on this tomorrow with an example map. I don't have RMXP on this compy. ;(
  16. I'm sorry, my point wasn't that you are inexperience, it's that making a fan game is really hard to do and rarely ever turn out finished.
  17. We are welcoming flame by letting him know how our conversations work. ^_^
  18. Kiriashi


    And right now you have 333! ^_^ You must be lucky. Grats.
  19. You're making a fan game? And you don't know color commands? I think you might wanna practice a little more before attempting a fan game.
  20. She is a fake captain...
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