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Everything posted by Kiriashi

  1. Kiriashi


    OH! The yellow flash should totally change to random colors each time!
  2. Kiriashi


    Well maybe a little...
  3. Kiriashi


    I don't think I am...
  4. Kiriashi


    Am I posting to much?
  5. Kiriashi


    Rather nice Mr. Marked.
  6. Kiriashi


    And the screen even scrolls up for quick reviewing!
  7. Kiriashi


  8. Kiriashi


    When you fast reply there is a TOTALLY RAD yellow flash.
  9. I've been wondering what that was for quite some time actually... :rolleyes: When I was looking up cheats a while back when I was younger and still play Age of Kings (well, everyday I mean... of course I still play it from time to time) I wanted to look up some cool cheats... and all I found were hints. It is rather stupid.
  10. What scripts are you using? I've never seen anything like that in RMXP.
  11. Kiriashi


    Wait Whaaaaaaaaa...?
  12. Kiriashi


  13. When do we get the new smilies?! :dragonwant: I voted....
  14. I just noticed that you were banned on Anime Step... what naughty thing did you do?

  15. I clicked the logo but all I got was some stupid spam site, you should fix that. :rolleyes: The game looks pretty cool; I'll look into it some more. ^_^
  16. I get free cabin usage because I'm MotY... right? Anywho, welcome to the forums Aqua. I don't care to play along with all this wolfy-RPing stuff so I'll just say hi and ask you to stay active. :P
  17. Holy Sh- How could I miss this?! Thank you all so much for your appreciation! I've tried my hardest to be a good member, and it looks like I'm not doing too bad if I do say so myself. ^_^ Heh.. well at least I always return! I was on a road trip to Texas to go attend my brother's wedding, and I had a little vacation on the way up. :lol: I've actually been back for like three days now, I just didn't log on. I've been hard at work on RMXP School, so I can't say that I'm becoming active once more, but I'll defiantly check around everyday. Once again, thanks to everyone here! ~Kiriashi~ P.S. I'm a guy Hebi. <_<
  18. Well I said that assuming that you (the reader) cannot upload to the downloads manager. The OP said that he couldn't anyways. I'm sorry if my point was not made clear.
  19. I see wut u did thar. This is what happens when I smash my keyboard with my face:
  20. Please make a new topic for new questions. Also please elaborate because I don't understand your question.
  21. Kiriashi

    sneak help?

    (Double posting kills kittens) If you don't want to do something in RMXP because it's too hard, then you need more practice. Making a game isn't going to be easy no matter what.
  22. Guys, please don't necropost. Furthermore, the OP hasn't responded at all, so we can assume that he is a dry-up user. ALSO, all the help the OP could need was already posted. And for the record: That's not always the case. ^_^
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