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Everything posted by Kiriashi

  1. That wasn't pirate talk.. :nono4:
  2. You should go until a certain time, not value. My vote is cast.
  3. Yeah.... but ye have no hat.
  4. Kiriashi


    I think that Joey is in awe of how many accounts you have. I am too. :pirate:
  5. But I live in America... :ermm: Anyways, would you mind making it possible to change the position of the logo?
  6. It's in my sig. Click "Join my crew", and out a hat on your sign. :P
  7. Heheheheh... I'm waiting for the high number. :P
  8. RMXP has more features, and it cost.. less? And did you really buy it? Your signature says otherwise. :rolleyes:
  9. <_< Lulz are not worthy of MotMz
  10. Polraudio showed me that site; it isn't me. The golden retriever picture has been around the internet for a while, and then I.P boards adopted it as an official avatar for their gallery. Anyway, WELCOME ABOARD MATIE. Have some grog and hoist the flag!
  11. Hey hey hey now, no need to start a flame war. No matter how he expresses it, even in a grim way, The Hooded Man is giving his opinion. Just take it into account, and move on. Calling someone a noob is completely unnecessary. The site looks pretty snazzy!
  12. Aww... shi* It's true. If you are in a small boat, it will be hard to hit you. And WELCOME ABOARD OMAR! Glad to have ye. All the scallywag chumbuckets best know that they be fightin' the mightiest crew of the seven seas. Free grog for all me maties! (Notice the KKK at the bottom)
  13. I just noticed that everyone in this topic has a pirate hat. ;P
  14. Please don't nominate either of us just because we are funny. You gotta include something like being helpful as well. That way it will be fair. You made my day though. ^_^ Welcome aboard BTW.
  15. RESET! :P You guys are never going to make it. ;P And yes, I am staff. http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=stats&do=leaders It just doesn't say so next to my avatar. :rofl: From now on we can count me as a regular member to be fair though if you want.
  16. From the gallery? Yeah, that's what they are there for.
  17. Wow. I couldn't even watch the whole thing. Why youtube, WHY?!
  18. Autorun is used to impair movement, not all controls. Keep that in mind. ^_^
  19. C'mon Marked, get your sh*t together. @ RATED-RKOFRANKLIN: Those look pretty neat. ^_^ However, The project logo goes where you put the characters.
  20. Suuuuuuuuuper blurry... But I'm guessing that #10 is your desert eagle.
  21. This game sounds pretty cool. If you need any mapping help, you know who to ask. Holy **** your sig is awesome. :shok:
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