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Everything posted by Kiriashi

  1. That big block of white space takes up way to much room! IT'S POINTLESS!
  2. No, I'm suggesting that you get rid of the highlighted area, as the comments should be thinner than posts IMO.
  3. Yes. I believe it's supposed to be a cog though. *downloads*
  4. ... You cannot just upload the EXE file in RMXP, you need to compress it. Go to File > Compress Game data. Please test downloads before you even post them; and use mediafire.
  5. I'd send you a gift.. but I could only label it to: Lucas Dolan Somewhere in the middle of the U.S. Looks like Harry Potter And that probably wouldn't arrive at your doorstep. :unsure:

  7. Hello Back!

    -_- Arky commented on your profile?! No fair!

  8. I believe tomorrow is the last day.
  9. Well this topic inspired me, so thanks! It's sounds like a good idea to gather up tutorials we've made and make sure they are on this site as well/only. :lol:
  10. :o This looks great Marked! :) However, you should get rid of all this stuff:
  11. I'm too busy with my project to work on all of my mapping tutorials. <_< Nice tutorial love; wait a sec, do I smell necropost?
  12. This is the most beautiful topic I've ever seen. :mellow: One thing though, save screenies as PNGs!! The game looks pretty interesting, keep up the good work.
  13. Aya.....? xD Welcome back I s'pose.
  14. Kiriashi


    This has happened before? :o I want one...
  15. Wha wha wha whaaaaaaaaaat?! It's not? Grrr...
  16. Kiriashi


    Wait what? :blink: How the- Did Wal-Mart play a prank on you?! :lol:
  17. ;) I think this is the most amount of votes we've ever had.
  18. Let me guess, hydrocortisone cream! :P Am I right?
  19. I know what your thinking... it's not going to happen!
  20. Well then everyone that has started a project needs to stop procrastinating and GET BUSY!
  21. Thanks for post this The One. Maybe some less experience will obtain some help from it!
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