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Everything posted by Kiriashi

  1. ^______________^ HURRAY FOR PROGRESS!
  2. This is fricken awesome. I absolutely love it. :3
  3. :< that poor, poor piggy. In all seriousness, looks pretty darn cool.
  4. Gary the Duck is our test subject. Now I have to kill all of you.
  5. Hey arushu. The Introductions and Farewells forum is for... well... introductions and farewells. Please try to post things in their appropriate forum. It's really quite easy to tell. Just browse through them next time. ^_^ I moved this to Game Making Support for you. Also, you didn't specify which program you are using. You need to do that. I went ahead and answered the question assuming you were using RMXP: I just tested the default battle system, in RMXP, and it already tells you when a character levels up after battle. http://gyazo.com/c4704e4427a6c0270f80dada198dc345.png
  6. Thanks for submitting this, Ragnyrok. It's nice to see that there are still people using the classic systems. :3


  8. Inorite?! When did all that happen and what the heckles did I do to deserve it?

  9. I just noticed I have 99 reputation posts.. so I wanna see what happens when I get 100. :3
  10. Dude.. bigace. No one was nominated.
  11. Welcome to the forums RB9... now we just need to get you a nickname.. something short and easier to remember... hmm..
  12. You should have gone for Bobbles.
  13. That's actually quite a good idea. In fact, you should just not have polls at all. :3 Lol that's how I read it at first too.. Anyways. On the matter of a storyline... well I can't come up with stories if my life depended on it. I did pick six though, as I prefer the "Tragedy happens, hero is forcibly involved." plotline. :3 Keep up the good work kage
  14. KIND of said it. You didn't EXACTLY say it. :P
  15. Kiriashi


    Super special awesome inspiration:
  16. Madanchi, next time, put spoilers around large images. And Dragon, when quoting something with images, cut the codes in the quote. Anyways.. I really need to get this game. I love Age of Kings so much.
  17. That actually IS what they look like... it's just a fake video. :3
  18. Yeeeeeeah... except one guy loses 50 dollars...
  19. D'awww... Well I guess it's good to expand your interests and capabilities.
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