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Everything posted by Kiriashi

  1. MAKE ME A SWAMP! :3 I'd be happy to help you with any mapping problems you have btw. So just.. make me a swamp and I'll see what I can do.
  2. Send me your project and I will see why it's happening.
  3. Did you cut out something from the top? There should be a title and stuff. : \
  4. Please look at the date of a topic before you post in it. ^_^ http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/rules-and-policies#necroposting
  5. Again, you have to elaborate on what it is you need. Pictures/videos or a more in depth explanation are required. Almost any kind of world map can be done with events.
  6. $random = rand(8) Will give you a random number between 0 and 8, or in other words nine possible values. ..So what are you asking for?
  7. Totes = totally. Excuse my silly mannerisms. Seriously though, awesome work.
  8. When you make a request for any sort of help and mention another game as an aid, you need to provide screenshot(s)/video(s) of the mentioned feature. Not everyone has played Persona 3. Myself included. :3 As for the stats additions... it doesn't seem that hard to do. I myself do not know ruby/RGSS.. though I really ought to learn. *poutface* I'm sure someone *ahemcoughcough*kellessdee*ahemcoughcough* will help you out soon.
  9. I'm downloading it now. :3 EDIT: Loving this music. Who's it by? Specifically the town theme. EDI 2: Just pressed escape and saw the title option, and selected it thinking it would give me my menu screen. >_< You really ought to put a save query there. EDIT 3: Your npcs need higher frequencies!!!
  10. Could you please post this battle system or link to it? If you post it here, make sure to use the code and spoiler tags. Example: [spoiler][code]paste the script here[/code][/spoiler] ^_^
  11. Ermm.. what? Please try to be a little more clear. I don't understand what the problem is.
  12. Um.. wait what? :S I'm confused.. Why didn't you say this ten months ago? lol.
  13. Holy crap! Did you make these? You're totes' worth hiring.
  14. My client wishes for further discussion of the inquiries on his numerous aliases to be held in private. Quite.
  15. So that would make us J and K. :P ANd now we've totally spammed RB9's intro thread. SHAME ON US!
  16. Hmm.. I dunno. That's kinda' long. I'm thinking should be his nickname. THE ONLY LIMIT IS YOURSELF! ...and a maximum of 5000 variables.
  17. Hmm... I'll have to think about it.
  18. Lmfao. I already did something like this, but its still funny to see other peoples' responses.
  19. Man you guys can be really disturbing.. lol
  20. Nothing changed.. sigh. lol Guess I'll be Omega forever.
  21. Looks like a really weird Fallout.
  22. Kiriashi

    Ccoa's UMS problem

    Nice job kell! Seeing problems solved makes me happy. ^__^ @Roxas, make sure to stick around the forums and ask any further questions you might have.
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