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Everything posted by Kiriashi

  1. No it isn't over. Just postponed until people send in their submissions. They just haven't.. :(
  2. Kiriashi

    Member Titles

    Joey should get one. Kiriashi has spoken...
  3. Hello Joey. How are you?

    ~Normal Kiriashi~


  5. Kiriashi

    Member Titles

    Wow Nisage... You sure do know how to put a guy down. Well if you guys really want me too I can stop being Kiriashi. No more awesome sauce or **stards.. :( I thought it was funny, didn't know it was annoying :(.
  6. Grats on 900 posts, Sarge! And wow, 6 months? Yikes formless what were you thinking xD.
  7. Welcome to the site, Supergroove! Please enjoy your stay and make use of the forums! Send me a PM if you need any help with mapping! ~Kiriashi~

  8. Welcome to the Unlimited forums, mans! If you need any help with mapping, send me a PM!

  9. Heya ComNerd! And welcome to RPG Maker Unlimited! I hope you have a great time here and learn a lot! Please send me a PM of you need any mapping help and ask everyone else for EVERYTHING else in the forums! We can help you with anything!

  10. Welcome to the forums man! We are all very helpful here! Make sure you check out the forums, and send me a PM if you need any help with mapping!


  11. Send me a PM if you need any help with mapping!

  12. Welcome to the forums man! Please enjoy your stay! Make sure you check out our extremely helpful forums and our downloads and gallery sections. We have an "Unlimited amount" of resources!

  13. Kiriashi

    Member Titles

    Haha, no go watch Red VS. Blue and you'll love your new title. My title is "Friendly Fanatic" right? Super...Spammer? That is it. You guys suck, I'm leaving.... EDIT: I TAKE IT BACK I LOVE YOU GUYS! I got lonely when I left.... 37 seconds ago... :( *laughs* Look at your post Leon, and look at how you spelt Polraudio! xD
  14. RUN FOR YOUR LI- oh it's his name.
  15. What exactly could keep this site up? Advertising? Money? I would be more than willing to hand over some cash to Marked to keep this site up... or even buy it. I don't know how stuff like that works. I really love this place, and I don't want it to go down, ever. Especially before I become a Moderator! Sorry to hear that Joey! Go get yerself' some drugs.
  16. Interesting game concept! You've got me interested! WELCOME to unlimited by the way.
  17. That is why you should watch subbed not dubbed, Nisage! Japanese Anime is the only expectable anime.
  18. Nisage, ADD is where you do things before thinking about them (Impulsiveness), ignoring people or not completing tasks due to intentional daydreaming(Inattention), and being unable to sit still, or restless.(Hyperactivity) I started making my game RIGHT OUT OF THE RED....err, BLUE! It is always random when I come up with ideas, except with contests and things, I start them planned.
  19. Wow, that is really stupid. I hope you burned him good'.
  20. Yeah, I really wanna see Enterbrain make some nice tiles for AGM. What should I make next in VX?
  21. I have mastered how animation works, but I have not perfected my artistic skills. What I am asking is, do you want me to make a tutorial that explains how everything works, and walks you through making a few animations? I can easily do this.
  22. Heya Blahix, and welcome to the forums! Please, just ask if you need any help.

  23. Joey, don't scare him xD Welcome to the forums man! I can't wait to see some of your maps. Make sure you post em' here: link Have fun man!
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