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Everything posted by Kiriashi

  1. NO!! The Monkeys have gone mad! xD Welcome to the forums man! Send a PM my way for any RMXP mapping help.

  2. Welcome yamayamayamayamayama! Welcome to the forums! If you need any RPG Maker XP Mapping help, just send me a PM!

  3. Hey thanatox, and welcome to the forums! If ya' need any help with RMXP Mapping, send me a PM. I'm currently working up some tutorials!

  4. Hey crim! Welcome to the forums! Go introduce yourself in the welcomes forum, and PM me if you need any help with mapping. If I don't reply fast enough for ya', my IM is kiriashi@yahoo.com

  5. Hmm...... so it's like, just another copy of pokemon? I'm not saying Pokemon is original or anything, just close.... ROFL
  6. Hehe, no! xD I'm going to play this game with Leon. Heya lux! P.S. Happy Birthday Formlesstree4!
  7. Yeah, do it like the tree monster, he was REALLY cool. Don't worry about all of em' though, 'cause that method seemed to work for the snakes and krakens.
  8. I've never heard of it! xD When did it air?
  9. Welcome to the great and grand RPG Maker Unlimited, where the RPG Making is slightly limited. If you need any help, just ask, I'll jump on it like.... something that jumps...on...you? BF? xD I'm probably the lead mapper around here since Blackshadow became generally inactive. So yeah, if you need any help with mapping in VX or XP (though the sun mainly shines on my XP side), just send me a PM. I can also make tileset splices, which is where you put to tilesets together, just PM me for one. (She is new here guys, so don't go "You make us pay SP!!! lol". Jesse and I are on like, almost all the time, and we're hosting the RMXP Unlimited Productions game, well more like organizing, you should check it out and send in some ideas, it is a group effort. Dude, you weren't being rude. We must force her to give us unnecessary information about her to us so we can stalk get to know her more. Haha, so true. Good job man! Yeah, there are a lot of things to do in the control panel. Also, don't forget to use the awesome features such as the chat channel under the community tab at the top of the site. Also up there in those bars is the arcade, go see if you can beat our highscores. Also, if you click on my name "Kiriashi" above my avatar, you can go to my member profile and check me out. This works on every member. In my profile to the right, there is a comments section. Join us in the fun on commenting on pages! You can comment on your own comments section to. Comments almost always result in fun weirdness. I would defiantly recommend saying hi to, besides to people who posted here, Polraudio, Arkbennett, Marked (Mod of the site, he is away right now), Emmy (Emiliy_Konichi), OverlordMao, Wyzrd, and formlesstree. Formlesstree and RMXPirate are working on an awesome program called Scrive. Go check that out here: >>>link<<< I hope you enjoy your stay! Leon... oh, I mean Kiriashi.
  10. Yeah, but you can google map them :P. My full name is Michael Dean Sniffen. I asked my girlfriend once: "When we get married, do you want me to take your last name?" xD "Dislikes: Fake people, Scripting. Likes: Games, bringing joy, Scripting" ROFL [annoying voice]I know what Leon's name is, I know what Leon's name is! Ha,haha,ha ha, ha![/annoying voice] EDIT: I googled Michael Sniffen and look what came up: isn't he ugly? P.S. Happy Birthday Formlesstree4!
  11. They look cool, but I think the recoloring is a little too drastic. I mean, you are recoloring the ENTIRE thing when I think it should be only partly recolored.
  12. Dude, Jesse, that sounds so much like me! xD Good luck monkey!
  13. I so totally agree! Also being able to change the title to have a [solved] in it.
  14. It looks like you have some potential in this, but you are going to have to add a lot. Also, that map that you say is too cluttered, it isn't. ALSO, make sure you credit Arramon for making it, I see no where where it mentions this. Add some more to it! ;P
  15. Welcome megane-san.. I mean kun! Please PM me if you need any mapping help!

  16. Radiata Stories sounds like a cliche RPG Maker game! xD Why is it so hard to not be cliche when it comes to RPGs?!
  17. Well you have the belly of the snake nice and yellow but the outside is too bright now xD. Nice kraken, may I reccoment putting snow on him? Just an IMO thing.
  18. I think I remember my brother watching these. And sherry, there is nothing wrong with having memories. :lol:
  19. Hmm, I think that the sounds in that video are all ripped. The beep noise is from mega man on the gba, and that bite noise is from spore I think.
  20. Yeah, it is because he is really busy with stuff. And just to help you out, 'cause as far as I know you are from Germany, here is how you would write that sentence: "What I meant was why hasn't he posted here [in a while]." P.S. Happy Birthday Formlesstree4!
  21. Dude! Those snakes are my new favorite! The only one I don't like is the thunder. The yellow should be brighter IMO. Great job. The Plant snake is absolutly wicked!
  22. Actually, no Nisage. You know where he is, and so do I. Sherry, he is busy. xD P.S. Happy Birthday Formlesstree4!
  23. Okay cool, I'll get back to writing my story. And you are not in your MSN. Get on, or just IM me with whatever you want to use at kiriashi@yahoo.com
  24. You're a girl!?!?!? lol, just kidding. You seem like a very interesting and nice person, Sherry. And lbs means pounds. Weight cannot really be measuered in pounds or in kilograms. The only thing that can really measure right is a newton. The earth has a gravitational attraction force of 9.8 newtons that it exerts for every kilogram of mass in the surface. :/ P.S. Happy Birthday Formlesstree4!
  25. Yeah I've seen someone take a screenshot of something in the database and say "What's this". :lol:!!
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