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Everything posted by Kiriashi

  1. You are the one who is wrong Franklin. Plastic surgery is not permanent at all. Learn your facts.
  2. Are you freaking kidding me? You think that a girl show go get plastic surgery just so she can have bigger breasts, and that is an honest thing to do? What's more you list plastic surgery with things like combing your hair as if they're on the same level.
  3. Kiriashi


    I have no idea, but chances the person who made that video has made it so you won't be able to find it. >.<
  4. No? I mean seriously, if you're paying so much attention to something like that then you can't be the one pointing fingers. : / I couldn't care less about breast size, and frankly I think they have the right to try and make themselves more attractive. What's wrong with that?
  5. 138 downloads

    Author Unknown
  6. So what's the deal with this? :3 You gunna do a contest soon or what? ^_^
  7. Gunna be gone for a week. Ya'll be good.

    1. Dragon324


      Cya in a year :P

    2. Marked


      cya right now on msn :>

    3. ShinyToyGuns


      it hasn't been a week yet...why are you here? D=

    4. Show next comments  51 more
  8. Looks pretty darn cool to me! ^_^
  9. I'll take a look at it later today. ^_^
  10. Pretty cool! Kread Ex has some neat stuff. EDIT: BTW, in this screenshot: You have what appears to be light coming from trees above. It looks rather out of place if you don have huge tree trunks going up off the screen. If you MUST keep it, then make the edges less pixely.
  11. Your battle system looks pretty darn awesome! Is it scripted or made with events?
  12. Why are your IP addresses different? Also, try this link: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/index.php?app=core&module=global&section=login
  13. Yes, I meant that it could be a useful reference.
  14. That looks extremely similar to the greenhaired girl sprite in RMVX. Perhaps that could be the basis of your sprite?
  15. Very interesting. xD That bit about the Hall of tormented souls is really cool. Never knew about that.
  16. Hmm.. I suppose that makes sense. It's kinda' funny though; most people don't even really mean Run Time Package when they say RTP, they just mean the default "stuff" with RMXP. Also, aren't you the admin at HBGames? We're honored to have you here. xD
  17. I guess I did call it a forest, but I would not recommend using the plains tileset for a forest.
  18. Kiriashi

    Event Help

    Haha. Well if you have any other questions just ask.
  19. Kiriashi

    Event Help

    No problem. Hopefully you'll stick around the site now that you know how awesome it is. :P
  20. Kiriashi

    Event Help

    Turn on a self switch at the end of the event, then make a new event page with that self switch being on as a condition. The new (third) event page should have Action Button as its trigger. (which it will be if you don't touch anything since that is the default.) BTW to make a door play its opening animation, make do the following: Set Move Route: Door turn left wait 4 frames turn right wait 4 frames turn up EDIT: Also you probably want to do your event on Autorun so that your player can't move while that happens. =)
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