~The Five Map Game Contest~
by Kiriashi~
Until people PM me their unencrypted projects, this contest will stay opened. People have told me that they just don't have enough time right now.
If I were to end it right now, Leon would win by forfeit, and what is the fun in that?
Meanwhile, send me in your progress whenever you can!
Okay, we haven't had a contest in a long time. I'm not including the "Name That..." games because those.. were games. I'm hosting this new contest, and we're going to have a lot of fun! And, the winner gets a special prize, so make sure you enter, there is nothing to lose!
How it works:
We are all going to make a small RPG Maker game. Yeah you heard that right, RPG Maker. You can use either RMVX or RMXP. Neither one will earn you more points, so choose what you're better with.
This game can have only five maps in it. There is no minimum size limit, but the max size is 30x30.
Judging will be done by us all, so that means I can join! We will all vote in a poll I'll make at the end of the contest, and you can't vote for yourself.
Your game can use any tile-sets or auto-tiles, and I will be posting some for you to use.
If you have more questions on the rules, just ask.
To sign up, just say you are entering in a new reply to this topic! So easy.
Make sure you send in your project by March 31st! Please send me the game you made via PM hosted on the site www.2shared.com or www.mediafire.com (preferably 2shared), I will post a zip here at the end of the contest for everyone to judge at the end.
Also, please choose XP if you are uploading an XP game VX if you are uploading a VX game.
MAKE SURE YOU PLAY EVERY PROJECT POSTED HERE. You have to play them in order to vote. You can vote even if you didn't enter the project.
The prize, is either 30 SP points, or 2 window skins and 2 tile-set splices. I will make splices, and Polraudio will be making the window skins.
If Polraudio wins than I will make him to tile-set splices, and he wins 15 SP. If I win then he will make me two window-skins and I win 15 SP.
SP can be spent on services that people have in their profile info under their avatar, example: I make map splices and maps. Leon makes scripts, Polraudio does window-skins.
You can use a different message system script and a different battle system script if you want, or/and make 100 lines of your own script. May I suggest cocoa's UMS script? Make some awesome text with it!
Here are some resources for you to use!
Path Autotile
Water Autotile
You get extra points for using big tile-sets, 'cause that means you have to set up the priorities, bush flags, directions and pass-abilities. If you don't set those up, people probably won't vote for your game.
My Island Tileset
erk's Really Nice tileset
Current Contenders w/ progress next to them: (if you want a pretty color just tell me, xD)
Kiriashi (lost my project with compy problems) 3%
Polraudio 7%
Leon 99.9%
OverLordMao 3%
Nisage 15%
Monkey and Seth ?%
Jesse66126 99.9%
Progress in this order 1. Kiriashi 2. Polraudio 3. Leon 4. OverlordMao 5. Nisage 6. Monkeydlu and Seth 7. Jesse66126