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Everything posted by Kiriashi

  1. Well you should have that page removed. D: Its a LIE.
  2. Kiriashi


    And have you seen what I did to the pic? :shifty:
  3. Depressed, sick and in pain.. need more chocolate milk.

    1. Ecowolfsteen


      *Unzips pants and takes off shirt but realizes you are sick and it's not the time... *

    2. Blackbound


      -gives a cookie-

      -then gives an msn-

      -then gives another cookie-

    3. Kiriashi



    4. Show next comments  114 more
  4. I'm not quite sure what you are talking about. What script are you working with? And you want an attack where the player hits more than once?
  5. You sir know how to make a damn good project topic. I'm using this as an example of good project topics from now on. :3 I'd love to play the game. It looks awesome. I don't have a facebook account though..
  6. Rayman and Spyro were awesome PSX games.. Though I don't really like any other playstation 1 2 or 3 games.
  7. I don't think you have quite enough information ready to begin recruiting. I do wish you luck with the project and hope to see you finish it, but keep updating the first post of this thread so you can give more details of the project. Then when you have enough to work with, you can post some jobs in the recruitment section. Take a look at these project topics and try to make yours a bit more like them. http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/3688-phantasy-star-iv-beneath-a-new-light/ http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/5719-ascension-part1-rebirth/ http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/5091-forever-name-may-change/
  8. If we made a facebook group, then I wouldn't love RMXP Unlimited as much. D:
  9. Kiriashi


    *reads post* Oh its that time again! Yay! *unzips pants*
  10. Lol. Nice "game". The input is actually pointless though. Make it interactive somehow. :3 Goodjob btw.
  11. Haha, thats awesome. Nice find. As for the OK button, press enter. And for main, click Scene_End or whatever is the lowest one you can click, and the press the down arrow key to get to the script you want. Here's a shortlist for the rest just in case you need it. ... ... ... Scene_End Scene_Battle 1 Scene_Battle 2 Scene_Battle 3 Scene_Battle 4 Scene_Shop Scene_Name Scene_Gameover Scene_Debug Main
  12. Hrmm.. Dunno. Maybe It was something else. xD

  13. Rawr.. You can find something to do.

  14. Kiriashi

    new but really

    Or you can add 1 to a variable in the troop event lists for the dogs that counts how many dogs have been killed. That way you can make the two dogs separate battles.
  15. : / There's nothing wrong with torrenting it; its an open source program. They have an official download for it: http://distribution.openoffice.org/p2p/
  16. It most certainly would. :3 As for Python.. bleh. Learn Ruby. And then utilize it with RGSS.
  17. Kiriashi


    DAMN IT! That is the second time today (well yesterday and today considering that was posted at 1:30 AM) I wrote busty instead of busy...
  18. Fine you can have Prince I suppose.. King is still mine though. :P And what the heck do you think you're doing?! You almost gave away our ultimate secret. D:
  19. Seems alright. There's always room for improvement! Good luck.
  20. No. I've already declared myself Halloween king. It's final. Good luck to the nominees.... Who is synchronicity?
  21. Kiriashi


    He just turned 43. Happy birthday man. Sorry I didnt reply sooner. .-. I've been really busty. Rawr.
  22. Recruitment goes in the recruitment section. http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/forum/186-project-recruitment/ And before you post there you must make a topic here about the game. It says so in the rules. .-. I'll lock this topic, and you can edit the first post to give some real information on your project. Details, storyline, ideas, plans, features, screenshots, demo? Topics in here should be at least a page long. THEN you make a topic for recruiting a team in the other section. I can't wait to hear more about the project! I'll be checking in on this topic. ^_^
  23. Holy crap thats a lot. And Eco, why can't you use Open Office?
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