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Everything posted by Kiriashi

  1. I didn't think you would seriously answer that. :P
  2. Make sure you left click the transparency color when you add an autotile to your graphics. In this case it's red. As for the first problem you were having, upload your project folder to media-fire and I will see what I can do. I think I have an idea on how to fix this. Make sure you zip the folder up first (or compress it). And please use the edit button next time instead of double posting just to add an image.
  3. I think you just invented a new word. Now you just have to tell us what it means. :P
  4. Okay, you have a new friend now. ;)

  5. Tis a shame. Oh well... At least you're still here.
  6. No. It is graphically altered. Load this into photoshop and drop something like black or pink or orange behind it. You will see what I mean.
  7. She uploaded it to her first post, which you can click and then view in full size on the actual site. Emmy, that tileset is all blurry for some reason.
  8. I can't seem to open the page from this computer. Gah. I also can't load gmail. WHY IS MY COMPUTER BEING STUPID?! I will have to look at it from another device. When will this be released? When will a public beta be out? Will there a price? And I can beta test if you'd like. ^_^
  9. Okay, so we can only use the tileset that you will upload. Got it. ^_^ Hopefully everyone who is participating will read that post.
  10. The thing I want to see the most is recent activity in my topics, or topics that I've "starred" or something. Also PM's, however I also miss the little popup window that told you that you had new PM's while you were browsing the forums. That was pre' cool.
  11. I don't think I could live without sliding menus! :shok: The dead links also sounds like a problem. The idea of fusing the two denominations of RMXPU sounds pretty sweet, but is it worth it?
  12. I wouldn't have recommended anything that was infected with viruses. Even though there isn't anything wrong with TeamViewer, her mother requested that she didn't install it. You shouldn't tell her to go against her mother's wishes, or blatantly say that you do as if it's cool.
  13. So we don't even have to us the post town tiles? I am after all, if someone just merges two tilesets (Or more) they might not even use the Post town tiles. I also think that we shouldn't be allowed to use ANY OTHER tileset. I find that cheap, and I'd rather not compete against people who can use any tile they find.
  14. You might be using a non transparent tile on a higher layer. Team Viewer let's one person see another person's computer screen. Polraudio and I have been doing it and it works awesome!
  15. What do you mean by "It doesn't come up"? And I coud give you a live mapping lesson via TeamViewer if you'd like tomorrow. ^_^
  16. No problem! I enjoy helping out with mapping! It's my hobby. If you need any quick help, I'm always in the chatroom. ^_^ http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/index.php/chat.html
  17. Welcome back mister writer dude. xD Hopefully you'll be able to get everything back on track! ~Kiriashi
  18. What language exactly do you want to type in? It's best to use the Latin alphabet if you can.
  19. Looks pretty cool Emmy! I will play it as soon as I'm able. You should post a few more screens. ^_^
  20. On the very first layer, anything you place from your tileset will look exactly like it does once it is in the map. So if you place a tree on the first layer, there will be a white box around it. - Layer 1 is for grass and autotiles (E.g. Ground, paths, water) - Layer 2 is for the first (bottom) layer of objects (E.g. Trees, house walls, desks, bookcases, roofs) - Layer 3 is for the second (top) layer of objects (E.g. Windows, books on tables, trees (layered), chimneys) Just keep on experimenting and you will get the hang of it! Here are some more pointers for you to keep in mind: - Square maps are boring. Even though RPG Maker XP can only make square templates, it doesn't stop you putting boundaries in that make the map a different shape. - (I think that this is one of the most important rules) Making your maps huge will create lots of unecessary space that is hard to fill. Only when you're struggling to fit everything you want to into your map is when you have the right size. - Symmetry is not good. It may look neat, but how many times do you see a perfectly symmetrical wood or field? Not often. Remember that nature is crazy and has no regard for neatness or order! - Boundaries. It's amazing how many maps just end, without anything to stop you. Again, it never happens in the real world, so it shouldn't really happen in RPGs. Use trees or raised terrain to make a decent boundary. DON'T CONFUSE THE PLAYER WITH INVISIBLE BOUNDARIES! - Linear maps are also boring and unimaginitive. Paths in lines are not good - but occassionally it can look alright in big towns and / or cities. I'll go into making towns and cities a little later on in the tutorial. - Plain maps with only a few trees, a river and a couple of flowers are barren and boring. Try to add lots of flora and fauna to make the map interesting
  21. Kiriashi


    Well unless the values are farther apart, that doesn't really change much does it?
  22. You should rarely have to use the same tile on more than one layer, if ever. Here's my advice for you if you want some practice. Try to make sure there are details in every inch of the map. No one likes a bland map. EDIT: Gah. I'm a moderator, but I can't delete my own posts...
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