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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. How big is your project file if its not to big could you upload it and i will take a look at it.(Im a visual learner)
  2. Try moving your game to a new project that might help. But redo all of the scripts.
  3. Looking better EDIT: you could make the bushes stick out more.
  4. Try copying Scene_File from a new project and replace the one in your project.
  5. What does everyone think of me?

  6. lol I didn't even look at the date.
  7. Did you add any scripts to your game before this happened. If so try removing scripts that you added till it works.
  8. Not bad. Works nice. You could also do this with items.
  9. It looks good and the trunk on the alive tree is not to dark. Think about the shade under the tree that makes it dark. And you could also add shade. Other than that good job and i cant wait to see more.
  10. Did you mess with the scene file?
  11. We will all miss you Marked. Don't worry I will make sure people get the help they came for.
  12. Cool thanks This is the wrong place for that. Please use PM.
  13. Welcome back Lammorra long time no see.
  14. Looking better. I like the option to add your own scripts. Can my Personal Save Files be in the next version?
  15. Theres almost a whole month left. Thats plenty of time for more people to join.
  16. Loads fine and fast for me. What web viewer are you using?
  17. We've been having lots of spam bots on the forum lately and its driving me nuts. Is there anything we can do about it?
  18. Did you scan your computer lately? You might have a virus or something.
  19. Welcome to the forum. When you have some time post some of your works i would love to see them.
  20. Welcome to Unlimited. Enjoy your stay
  21. If you could post the image that you used it will help me understand more.
  22. Hi and welcome to the forum

  23. Im not a big fan of rap but if you make a sample so we all can hear i might think about it.
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