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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. Are you using the legal version? Cause the legal version is the only one that can work with Vista.
  2. Here it is http://www.creationasylum.net/index.php?showtopic=17652
  3. The UMS thats a very good message system to use for this.
  4. DEMO REVIEW Please don't get mad at the review. It has to be done. I played your game and i have a review on what should be fixed or what you can improve on. Lets start with the upper left. You cannot enter the room to the left and where is the wall? Also the room is a little bare and to big. On the bottom wheres the floor? Her stepping is not right. There are to many flowers. For the water you forgot to put it on the 2nd layer so you get black spots on the ends. The fountain you can go through. I would suggest using other tiles that block the player under the fountain. The guards on the top are in the water that's not right. The left guard on the bottom. His graphic is not set right. Every time you talk to to the wood she talks and moves to the left. When the event is over and she has joined i talked to the wood again and she still talked. I cant walk across this part on the dock. What is the Captain standing on? It don't look like a plank in any way. Finally the map that makes me sad just by looking at it. First you its harder than hell to find the entrance to the towns or other places. And having the ability to walk over the towns. that's not right. Other: Other than that its not a bad game. Lots of work to do with the maps. Its also nice to see someone using my windowskins. Tips: Please remember to test your maps at least 20 times and spend at least 30min on each map before moving the the next map. And check your events at least 20 times.
  5. My most favorite part would have to be the story. when ever i come up with a new idea for the story i have to open up RMXP and try this new idea no matter what im doing. My least favorite part would have to be making the monsters the right way. I hate having to get the right amount of HP,MP, STR DEX, etc.. it takes up so much time.
  6. Nice story Welcome back and thank you for making this forum possible.
  7. Hey welcome back. Enjoy your stay and remember no mater what you are always welcome to ask me for help. Its what i do.
  8. I remember you welcome back. I hope you stay active.
  9. I would have to mess around with scripting more to see if i can be done. I will get back to you after i figure it out.
  10. (Sorry for necro post) When is the next demo going to come out i wanna play it.
  11. Just use the conditional branch to find out if they have a certain item.
  12. happy b-day ryan if you are still here My B-day is in 12 days yay.
  13. Polraudio


    I don't think there is a way. But you have a better chance making a full script.
  14. Bans OverlordMao for not realizing where Kiriashi sent the maps and for not spelling realizing right.
  15. Cant wait to see it show us an example when you want.
  16. Hold alt and hit enter once you are in full screen hit your print screen button(Prt Scr) and open paint and paste it in. Save it up and upload it to imageshack.us or photobucket.com and post the image here.
  17. awws........ i wanted one just like this one for XP. This one is the best on i found so far it ever worked in FS unlike others.
  18. Nice i was hoping it was going to come out for VX thanks leon
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