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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. Congrats Ark well done. Can we see the contestants maps? or just a screenshot.
  2. Welcome to the forums

  3. Me i only post if it interests me. If not i ignore it.
  4. here might be the problem. I did this many of times. You might have went over that area with with another blank tile other than the one in the upper left. So go on the layer 3 and go over all the spots that you can go through with the tile in the upper left corner.
  5. banns Kiriashi for not getting the code right
  6. Bans Kiriashi for scratching out Polraudio!
  7. My favorite scripter.

  8. banns Kiriashi for not having a "Polraudio is awesome!" in his signature
  9. This sounds like fun cant wait to try one of the picture ones.(Im not good a quotes)
  10. Polraudio

    Digimon Script

    I just looked and i cant seem to find it. And this will be also really hard to make.
  11. See it worked then Cant wait to see who won!
  12. bans ratty for banning arky for banning polraudio
  13. Bans arky for misusing his staff powers
  14. My mapping skills are so good it makes the creators of RMXP look like noobs
  15. One sent right your way by me. I have 7 requests and maybe more later if your not to tired from 7.
  16. Polraudio

    CMS question

    I will mess with it tonight and see if i can get it to work.
  17. Im all done and i have it uploaded cant wait to win
  18. Polraudio

    CMS question

    Its a lot easier to make a CMS with scripts.
  19. Polraudio

    CMS question

    I think its the only way to do it if your using events for a CMS
  20. Hey BiddyPocket long time no see. Welcome back. You came back just in time, I need some original music. I will PM you the details later.
  21. He is a tester for my game and he gives me some great ideas for it.(Real Life Friend)
  22. Polraudio


    sorry when my computer crashed i lost all my projects so im going to restart and have it in by Tuesday. Looks like that's your best shot
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