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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. You could make a switch room up at the top and make it where the switches have to be in a certiant order to build the bridge, or a push block idea like Miggypiggy.
  2. I don't have XP in front of me at the moment but i think i removed the limit all the way. Test it and let me know
  3. Post the scripts here and i will see what i can do
  4. One more day for the contest. They must be uploaded by the next day.
  5. If you need me to post the script i can
  6. Great job i love the counters and the broken bridge
  7. I think this is what your looking for http://www.creationasylum.net/index.php?showtopic=1832
  8. Welcome aboard if you need help with scripting ask leon or me.
  9. Best Admin i know

  10. Here you go heres the link to there website www.stencyl.com
  11. I seen one on rmxp.org but it kinda sucks so Stencyl would be your best bet
  12. Polraudio

    Lights at Night

    I never done it but i think you need to edit the tilesets and add some light to some tiles to make it look like lights are above it or around it
  13. Here is a sample I have a request i need a title that says, "Enter The Dream World" It needs to be dark so it looks like a dream and it needs to be 640x480
  14. Actually you can here read this but be warned once you do what it says the 30day trial will be over and you will have to activate it http://www.rpgmakervx.net/?showtopic=1260
  15. Looks great cant wait to play it! so when is the demo out?
  16. Welcome Miggypiggy. I dont like toolkit either its to much work just to make a game. Atleast RMXP is very userfriendly and easy to learn. you will get better over time, and I cant wait to see some of your wrighting.
  17. Welcome back Black Shadow, long time no see
  18. Polraudio

    Battle Formula

    I think Variance is how much of a chance you have on getting a critical hit. But for the secont hit i dont know. Are you using RMXP or RMVX?
  19. If you want to. i wouldnt mind seeing what you can do
  20. Polraudio

    2 Years

    No matter the trouble we can never rid you leon
  21. Polraudio

    2 Years

    It will last alot longer. Anyways Cheers to Emily!
  22. Welcome aboard. Need help? Just remember help is my maiden name
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