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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. The only thing you can do is get internet and register it on that computer
  2. How come i'm the only member in the whole forum who has no pips under my title?
  3. Alright i will make it up tonight when i have time
  4. The monster name is 092-Monster06 you should just be able to put it into you battlers folder
  5. XP has one i could upload it for you if you want
  6. Event tab 2 its called change map settings
  7. Looks great good job I like it lots, but the equipment line is a little long tho
  8. Polraudio

    Passability Issue

    Yep just replace layers 2 and 3 with the upper left white tile and that should work
  9. Welcome and remember no question is a dumb question and a question always has an answer from me if its about RMXP. So if you need help i will be there.
  10. VX is not all that great thats why most people are sticking with XP. i would sujest sticking with XP instead.
  11. You could do it with events. you will have to get rid of the graphic after it dies then have the event switch to a diffrent page where the event move route is random then after a while have it switch back to the first page where it shows the event and you can battle it. I dont have RPG Maker in fromt of me at the moment so if you need more help just ask and i could make a demo or something (if you have RMXP)
  12. Hey sunny great site

  13. I don't think you could do it, but it might be possible to do it with scripts. I wouldn't know how if you could tho.
  14. You can use VX as long as its a snow town with 3 buildings that you can enter and exit. As for the reward i don't know yet
  15. I was messing around with the Profile Information and i figured out that you can use the break code to go down a line as you can see i have ALL RMXP EXP: 3 Years Projects Fail: 3 They are all extras that i added you would add it like this on the Other Skills line Spriting<br>Project Number: 2<br>Years of EXP: 3<br>Etc: lala If you add more info later or edit anything on the page you will have to add the break codes again
  16. Polraudio

    snow walking

    Ark would be your best bet
  18. Welcome to the forums wicked sunny. If you need any help just post in the RMXP Support and i will help you with the best of my skills
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