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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. I don't know anything about VX yet but i would look at the autotiles that they have already there and build off of that
  2. Or you could do what i do. Cut the face out of the battler and use that
  3. Nope thats for me to do EDIT: I thought i was a mod for all of RMXP so i guess you have to ____________________ Here is the link http://www.creationasylum.net/index.php?showtopic=8513 If that dont fill you needs here is another one http://www.creationasylum.net/index.php?showtopic=20091 If this is what you are looking let me know and i will close the topic
  4. There might be one on creationasylum.net i will look around when i have the time
  5. OMG Thanks so much Isaacsol i always wanted the translated version.
  6. Welcome aboard, Enjoy your stay and post alot
  7. For my castle i used heaven interior and it works great.
  8. Cya in a month Marked. Don't worry about the forum's the staff has it under control
  9. They have a Level up with points on creationasylum.net but the 5 party members i dont know where to find it but if i do i will link it for you
  10. Looks great can't wait to play the demo when it comes out
  11. Welcome aboard. Cant wait to see your pokemon game finished
  12. Wow looks like it will turn out to be a very great game when its finished. Cant wait to see how it turns out, and play it.
  13. My friend is good at making logo's i can have him take a shot at it
  14. Yep, i seen a script for it on rmxp.org i don't know where but i seen it
  15. Happy birthday ^_^ hope you get lots of great stuff
  16. This sounds great i cant wait to see it Leon
  17. Polraudio


  18. Nice way of making a catapiller system. The thing is you have to make 1 event on each map to follow you. Is there any way to change that?
  19. Polraudio

    Transparent Blue

    If you have a menu system that can see the map this windowskin is for you. It lets you see right through it
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