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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. Polraudio

    Gold And Blue

    A cool looking blue windowskin with a golden frame
  2. Wow looks alot better. Easier to find what your looking for EDIT:Added some of my cool windowskins for XP
  3. It looks great to me. Most logo's are plain
  4. a logo my friend Blueliger made for me last night tell me what you think...
  5. Polraudio


    Sorry it took so long. i hate school computers. here it is http://www.box.net/shared/i811ozyaix
  6. Polraudio


    I could upload my psikey and you can see if that does anything diffrent?
  7. Polraudio


    Oooo! i have this problem to. here is what i do, open RMXP when it says the trial thing just close out of the trial box then open RMXP again and it should work(as long as you have your psikey in there)
  8. The only way you can get it to work right is if you format your hard drive and reinstall windows. The registry way is to confusing to do and its a pain to find all the keys
  9. Polraudio


    It should work. i took my psikey before i wiped my computer and put it back on it and i have no problem.
  10. Happy 21st Bday Trickster hope you get lots
  11. Welcome, can't wait for your RPGoogle
  12. I would contact enterbrain with your serial number
  13. A ship tutorial would be great cause thats the only thing i cant do
  14. Yep just add this under def main Audio.bgm_play("Audio/BGM/" + "Name of your music here", 100, 100) I have one question. Can you make it where it ends and goes to the map (without hitting space) after the credits are done?
  15. Hey thanks Leon you helped me to
  16. Polraudio


    1000 copies of Need For Speed Pro Street to burn cause its the worst NFS game ever made
  17. I just tried everything i know and cant figure it out. Marked might know how, i know leon can help if i figure it out i will let you know
  18. I voted for gameplay because i get tired of the same old stuff quick
  19. Well welcome to the forums Gunobby. feel free to express your ideas cause there is no stupid idea or question
  20. So whens the wiki going to be put up?
  21. Welcome to RMXP Unlimited where nothing is limited
  22. 100gb of BW thats quiet alot. i dont see how anyone can go over that ammount unless they had an image that was huge and had alot of views, but thats alot of BW
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