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Everything posted by Tigurus

  1. I am the only one who doesn't know you :( Welcome back though lol
  2. Yeah ShareX is really good. I first used Piclair but that stopped working. So this works pretty well. Even better. Except that it somehow tells me it interferes with Onedrive while it doesn't <_<
  3. Welcome to the site! Goodluck on your quest for knowledge!
  4. Welcome to the site! Goodluck with your projects!
  5. I also like female centaurs and harpies and mermaids. :shifty: In seriousness, I mostly like dragons. (European Dragons mostly) but generally I love things that are big, threatening, game changing entities. Like a David vs Goliath thing. Eldrazi in Magic the Gathering, Half the bosses in the soul's series, etcetc. Then again, something small and mysterious-ish I like as well. I am content quite fast <_<
  6. 52GB Damn, that's quite a bit. Though the 30GB I got in OneDrive is more than enough. Too much even. I would be happy with 10GB probably.
  7. Yet again, people calling me cute is also quite common lol... :(
  8. I'd never try to be serious, too much work. You're allowed to call me Tiggy. Almost everyone does that lol
  9. I think it really depends on the game, setting and story. Though I guess I rather fight humanoids than fish. I only don't really like fighting dogs. Not only because I am a dog person. It's also because they make dogs damn annoying to fight in games. With my games, I tend to make it everyone a humanoid of some sort, mostly sticking with Humans all together. But just like you said, it has to fit the setting. (Also, how do you battle a giant cucumber? <_<) I also like "against the odd" battles.
  10. RPG Maker VX? Loving games?! Make Friends?! Sounds horrible. Welcome to the Site!
  11. Welcome to the site! Enjoy your stay and goodluck with your future projects :)
  12. Congratz on graduating! And Congratz with your son! Hope to see you around a bit again!
  13. Got a new artist! Let's see how long it takes before this one leaves due to no motivation...lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tigurus


      Well, it's not going to be free and I pay them to make stuff for me. Though it's only graphics I need to pay for, music, coding and all that I do myself + friends.

      But the other people I asked and said "Yes" either magicacally disappeared from the face of the earth, have it too busy with school/college (which is a fair reason) or suddenly don't have motivation after saying yes and not doing shit for 2 weeks lol

      But this one is really hyped about it so! Hurray...

    3. Tigurus


      And it's still $15 so that is still quite an accomplishment. Money is money

    4. zahraa


      Heey good luck!

  14. Making a threat look real: I think this would be depending on what the threat it and your genre. Character Stereotypes: If all characters would be stereotypes, that would be bad because the player would pretty much know how everyone would react to whatever the situation is. One or a few stereotypes are alright though as some people would/could possibly get crazy if everyone is super unique lol Who knows. Female Characters: Female characters need to be unique in their own way and these days it starts to get alright really. The new Lara Croft is really nicely done and there are enough females in RPG's that are quite well done instead of being the "lady in distress". Endings?: Multiple endings aren't bad, but they do need to make sense really. A linear story with suddenly 6 endings (specially f you have to choose them) is not good in my opinion. Should a world always be like every city is its own? Or just have two empires that rule two halves of the world?: No idea what you mean with this but. Why not stuff in between it. A country isn't just 1 city (mostly) But just have 1 world with 2 factions isn't original, nor flexible. Why wouldn't there be more cultures or nations, some allied, some neutral, some rebels. again it depends on the scope and situation though.
  15. I also put it as my default one and I liked it. Images was slightly more of a hassle, not because it didn't find anything good but I tend to open them quickly in the another tap, it didn't liked that very much. But I reckon people hate Bing because it ain't google or something. Certainly some people tend to do that. lol Edit: I found 1 bad thing about Bing...It doesn't like to translate all pages when asked to while google loves to translate stuff.
  16. I never understood the hate for Bing. I never found it worse or better than Google. Atleast it aint Ask Jeeves or Yahoo lol
  17. I'd like this game but I got no money sadly. Bet it will be a few years till I actually will buy it. Not even sure if it will be PC or PS3 but probably PC because that actually have moments it will be buyable lol. And physical as well as I don't have the internet speed to actually get it digital. Aahh well, enjoy it I guess lol
  18. Welcome to the Site! I hope you enjoy your stay. Also, goodluck on your kickstarter. Also x2, do you do drawing requests by any chance?
  19. You would need to sprite an enemy yourself with paint or photoshop or such, or find them on the internet or ask if someone could make them for you. Though I reckon some of the basic monsters would be available as sprites. Regarding that this is quite a famous-ish script.
  20. OOOOOOO You've been served by Zahraa! *gangster pose*
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