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Everything posted by Leon

  1. Emily gets the first cookie point! Yes, I will keep track of these. Anyway, you just might want to fix it and make it oyur own. If anyone from CA catches wind, you can get in some trouble, and a war is the last thing you want.
  2. "We are the members of unlimited. Your uniquness and technology will be added to our own. Resistance is Futile." You may want to change some of the text on this. For example: (A) INFORMATION: "I" / "Me" refers to myself, Dubealex, the root administrator of Creation Asylum. "We" refers to the general community of Creation Asylum. "You" refers to a single member; "you" refers to the reader, not you personally. "The Staff" refers to the entire staff group of Creation Asylum. "Post" refers to any form of communication a member might have within Creation Asylum. P.s. A cookie to whoever can name what that slightly changed quote is from.
  3. Leon

    Move routes

    If it is on autostart or parallel process, it will continue to loop. make sure taht issn't the situation as well.
  4. Leon

    I an having difficulty

    Event page 2, Transfer player. It should be the upper left event button.
  5. Ok, so we know how to make text, and the fact we can make numbers show in windows, but do you know how to have some fun with them? Well, if you want to know how to add some sparkle to your script, keep reading. Today, I will cover the 'Numeric' class, along with Integer and Float. It sounds long, but isnt. You are probably thinking 'Numbers? Math?! How can that be fun?!' Well, believe it or not, math, when used right, is extremely fun. For example, let's say you want to make your window have 2 columns of items, do you know how to do that? Well, I'll teach you, so keep reading: Let's start with the Numeric class. As it implies, it deals with numbers. There are only a handful of methods, but each can be useful in it's own way. Bear in mind 'self' means the variable or the number. SO that means wheter it says something like: -self, you would put -variable or -(80). +self: Just returns the same number. Example: +80 = 80 -self: Makes the number negative. Example: -80 = -80 abs: Returns the absolute value of 'self'. Absolute value is how far from 0 the number is. Example: (-80).abs = 80 ceil: Retuns the smallest integer equal to or greater than self. Example: (8).ceil = 8 floor: Returns the largest integer that does not exceed self. Example: (2).floor = 2 round: Rounds the number off to the closest integer. Example: (8.28475).round = 8 or (8.7245) = 9 (If the first decimal place is equal to or greater than 5, it rounds up.) truncate: Discards the decimal point and all numbers thereafter. Example: (8.28475).round = 8 or (8.7245) = 8 (Like round, but doesnt round up.) Some of those will come in very handy. Others... not so much. In fact, some of these I had never heard of if not for this tutorial, but oh well. The ones I recommend familiarizing yourself with are round, and making a number negative. But, it is nice to know the different things availible, no? I mean, floor and ceil could come in handy if youhave 2 variables being the lowest and highest numbers of a randomly generated number. Round is great if you are editing damage formulas, or multiplying/dividing. Now, on to Integer. I haven't messed with many of the methods here, and I dont want to go into detail on things I am guessing about, so for now, we'll touch the basic methods of the Integer class. Remember, self is 1 number/variable, and other is another number/variable.: self + other: Returns the two values added together. self - other: Returns self - other. self * other: Returns self multiplied by other. self / other: Returns self divided by other. self % other: Returns the remainder of self / other. Note! In lesson 4, We'll cover how this can help us with making multiple columns! self ** other: Returns self multiplied by an exponent. Example: 2 ** 3 = 2*2*2 = 8 That is basic math, as I am sure you realized, but hey, what can you do? Now, let's look at comparisons. THese are things you would use in If statements like: if variable1 >= variable2. This works great for loops or switches.: self == other: Checks if self equals other. self < other: Checks if self is less than other. self <= other: Checks if self is less than OR equal to other. self > other: Checks if self is greater than other. self >= other: Checks if self is greather than or equal to other. between?(min, max): Checks if the number falls between min and max. If so, returns true, else returns false. The last two I'll cover from Integer for now are: .to_s: Turns a number into a string. So if you did: (7).to_s it would come back "7" (String form.) .to_f: Turns an integer into a float number. In other words, gives it a decimal and a '0' after it, then allows that number decimal places. What is a float number? Just a number with decimal point and numbers after said point. At any rate, that is the basics of numbers. In the future, I'll do more details on numbers that will make your coding more effecient, but for now, we're just trying to get you to make your own systems. Til we touch the wonder of Pictures, see you. ~Leon
  6. Welcome. I'm not very keen on playing another person's game unless they show they have talent in game making. As for a favorite series, I am partial to Fire Emblem.
  7. If you are learning RGSS, I suggest the tutorial section, I have even been able to teach a hardhead some of programming ways (No offense, Ark)
  8. Welcome to Unlimited. Stealing is some bad practice, and I recommend giving credit. 99% of people wont play a game if proper credit isn't given, and especially if they recognize the resource as someone else's work. At any rate, I, too, hope you will contribute to the site.
  9. you do the opposite, turning off the switch.
  10. Leon

    A funny video I found

    My girlfriend has a zipper donw her back...
  11. I was highly disappointed with VX. Especially the mapping. I went to map out a beach, and found the layering of trees... distasteful. In XP, you bring it to life, and make it look breath-taking, but in VX, it looks like something out of a bad Game Boy game (not advanced, but the original). I couldn't figure out how to give it multi-layered looks, couldnt get cliffs in there, and there were maybe... 4 tiles i could decorate it with. Overall, I think my girlfriend, who would just tinker with it for kicks, would like it mroe for the cutesy look, than I would for something i would seriously call a game.
  12. The lack of freedom is thanks to the Patriot Act, which is due to go away after the Iraqi War. As for the dollar coins, the reason is simple: The blind. You see, many blind people are getting scammed, and they hope dollar coins will help subside that, even if just a little.
  13. High praise, indeed coming from a such a good scripter. Also, feel free to reference these or anything you need for your set of tutorials. I'll also be sure to read them when written, I am sure I can learn a thing or two.
  14. Eventing is using pre-written methods in the Interpreter class. Without said class, there would be no eventing. If you know hwat to do, you can even write your own events. Also, class is back in session. A new assignment for Lesson 2 has been released.
  15. So, we have looked at windows, we have looked at scenes, and we have seen all the data we can put into a window. Now, we are going to build a status window, something you can actually use without having to build a new CMS. This one will be a basic one, so please, If you have any questions, post them in the Q&A. First, build a window that contains just basic information. Remember: This is to teach you to make your own scene for status. Do what you know you can do, and maybe 1 or 2 things you don't know. Experiment until you can do what you want. Next, build a scene, using what i showed you in Section V. Bear in mind you don't need a command window. Infact, you don't even NEED a window to build a scene, but for this one, we need atleast 1 window telling about the actor. Stuff to include would be: Name, Class, Status, Exp, Level, Stats, Equipment There are many other things you can include if you want. Also, even though you can just copy/paste from the original Window_Status class found in the default scripts, I HIGHLY recommend trying this on your own before refering to that class. Next, Look into Scene_Status and look at how the Input::B, Input::C, and Input::L? if statements work. There are some things there that will confuse you (mainly in L and R) and we'll discuss those later. Lastly, Name your class Scene_Status (for example: class Scene_Status) and use initialize and call up your actor information (An example of this can be found in Scene_Status). If you have any questions, please PM me. If it is a question, the subject should be: Lesson II Assignment Help. If you are turning it in, use: Lesson II Assignment After this lesson, we will be looking closely at Numeric and String before moving onto actor information. These 2 parts are harder to learn, and i will only touch them briefly, but they will show you some of the more fancy things you can do with text than just showing the words. After that, I'll explain in detail how to make a CMS, but believe it or not, with everything I have told you, you should be able to make one.
  16. Welcome back, Ryan. How are things going? It sure has been a while.
  17. Welcome to the site. Please, enjoy.
  18. I know Trickster, you guys. An excellent scripter. If you guys think i'm good, this guy is, in my opinion, better.
  19. Leon


    Welcome. I know I am a day late, and a dollar short (blame that on the holiday season...) but, I can still welcome you.
  20. DarkDragon, you msut bear in mind that not everyone is going to switch over to VX, and those who do, won't do it immediately. I mean, if I have to rewrite all my scripts for VX, I will never switch over.
  21. Welcome to the site! I haven't completed one either. Every time I start one, i come up with more skills to make it better, but don't want to go through the entire game all over again. That is why I have quit taking requests on scripting and icons.
  22. Where one bird flies, the flock does follow.
  23. I'm not saying it is a bad or good idea. I am just putting my input in. No offense intended, or taken. I am just looking at both sides of the fence. It should help now, but with more andmore members (after a while) it may get worse.
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