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Unka Josh

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Everything posted by Unka Josh

  1. A tricky situation, I'm sure. Have you looked into your options for transitioning?
  2. Well, I created it from a Gaia Avatar Maker, but to be clear, I have never been to Gaia Online. I just liked the Avatar Maker. On the other hand, Unka Josh is Unka Josh wherever he goes. So you could have seen this avatar on rmxp.org, rpg.net, the Anime Central forums... all kinds of places, really.
  3. Emily, you know who you are. Go you! You are officially ahead of a lot of people in life.
  4. Sailor Moon is/was all kinds of awesome, and a series with a lot more impact and subtlety than some people thing. (Girls fight the monsters! Heck, they fight the monsters with the tools and symbols of femininity, instead of masculine symbols! Who else did that before SM?) However... because of my side job, I've run across the reason that you don't see it in US release anymore. It's got nothing to do with the content. The Japanese company that holds the license is not willing, for whatever reason, to let it be licensed again in the U.S., and so that's that. Believe me, if it was just a question of content, a company like FUNimation or Media Blasters would have picked it up by now. (FUNimation is picking up all the popular titles that they can, and Media Blasters will license anything, and make it successful, too.) But the problem isn't stateside. It's in Japan. Damn shame, too.
  5. *sigh* You and me both, friend. You and me both. Had this program for a few years now, and I've finished one short-and-not-as-good-as-it-could-be project. I'm faintly hopeful about my current one, though.
  6. Most favorite? Possibly creating cutscenes. I enjoy creating animations, usually, but it can get tedious after a while. I have fun creating monsters, although there is a point where it gets tedious, as well. I love creating characters and plot. I suck as a pixel artist. If you ever see a project of mine, rest assured-- anything you see in it was created by somebody else, or a program like Character Maker. But what really can bog me down is mapping. I'm slowly getting to the point where I don't suck, but lord, I am not good at it.
  7. You left out Hyperfocussing, where you lock on to an idea with laser-like intensity, unwilling to focus on anything else. Until you lose interest. Us ADD types wind up with a lot of half-finished projects. When I start a new project, I think of the plot first-- often, the beginning and the end, with gleams of bits in the middle. The hard part is filling up that middle, and keeping good pacing.
  8. I made an animations tutorial a little bit ago, but I can't link to it right now, as the site it was on has been hacked, and God only knows if it's going to come back. Mind you, it probably wasn't very different from the one at that site. But if anybody wants, I'll try to recreate it-- I still have the screenshots that I was using for illustration. To clarify Nisage's point, an Animation frame is 192x192 pixels, and an Animation frameset, like Darkness01, is always five frames across. They can, however, be as tall as you like, so there's really not much of a limit to how many different frames can be in a frameset. I often merge a few if I want to do some sort of, say, flaming sword animation.
  9. Hi. I'm Unka Josh. I use RMXP, and, uh, I'm just this guy, you know? Middle-aged, married, a job that underpays me greatly, geeky hobbies, not in as good shape as I used to be. So how's it going?
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