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Broken Messiah

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Everything posted by Broken Messiah

  1. Did you know that Chuck Norris doesn't go hunting, because that implies he could fail; he goes killing.
  2. You have to read the instructions carefully, and see what sprites are being used when in the demo and apply it to your game.
  3. I reccomend you look into format recovery programs, they've saved me in rmvx in the past. Heres a good link: http://www.bestshareware.net/howto/recover-files-from-formatted-hard-drives.htm
  4. Thats the second thing. That was all for that photo, I'll upload a another later or one of you can.
  5. Free to Play has one, theres another though.
  6. I reccomend you get a more original title battleground. I see that one a lot, mainly when used with Moghunters FireEmblem Animated Title.
  7. Has made great progress on trailer!:)

  8. Has made great progress on trailer!:

  9. This sucks cause I have start a new project, I've only been working on one game in the last several months since I lost Rebirth, which I also wouldnt be able to use. I have a question, is it a fan game if another game of it doesnt exist?
  10. I'd like a remake of Colosseum. That game was pretty good, or maybe mmorpgs.
  11. However that is built into his tbs I believe, you should take a look at his demo showcasing iso maps, it might help.
  12. Yeah you lost me there, I will say this though: The program RPGToolkit has a built in iso map function that fits your needs, however just about everything on it sucks.
  13. His tactical battle system that he made, however I did find this which allows for 8 way movement. sdk1.zip
  14. It doesnt, i think, thats if you're using his tbs.
  15. If you want a iso tileset you'll have to make one. A good tool to use is Gubids Iso Tileset Renderer, it'll give you a base to sprite on.
  16. Can you upload the animation with a transparency?
  17. Working on iso tilesets

    1. GameFreak001


      I'll make you a 1000, No problem.....

      Let me know what kind of scenery you want....

  18. I usually just brainstorm a idea and go from there
  19. Whats the name of that game? :sweatdrop: i liked it.
  20. If you didn't know, Im participating too. I saw my name wasn't listed.
  21. Broken Messiah


    Thats like calling a gun a shooter lol I made this if it helps: I'm working on animating it, if you need it animated.
  22. Yeah, sorta like two games and there will be a party switch if I decide not to have a sequel(very likely.) I will say that the bad thing IS that it'll be like making two games at once, and even that many more times harder if it was to also allow for gender, that would be like four games.
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