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Broken Messiah

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Everything posted by Broken Messiah

  1. RPGPalace has some nice ones, but there in xp. You would have to convert it though
  2. Yes but my game is graphic heavy :sweatdrop:
  3. Thanks :alright: I remembered that a program like this existed but didn't know where to find it.
  4. Yeah but I didn't want to face reality :sweatdrop:
  5. The Code Geass RPG Game Demo is ready, but the exported size is 100 mb. I know that over half of that is stuff I'm not even using in the Demo, so is there a time effienct way to delete those files?
  6. Because we know the rtp would like a cold one between saving the world and script demos :P
  7. Next time remember to look in the script section :alright: Leon's Mission Script
  8. THIS IS MADNESS! ~Kiriashi~ Noo.... this is not madness...
  9. Sounds good to me. I'm interested :alright:
  10. ~Kiriashi~ I ban myself, and therefore the person who posts after me may not ban me. You must ban the person above you so I have ended this once again. :sweatdrop: ~Siverix~ you didn;t ban the person above you were for breaking the rules and that's why i ban you, kiriashi :clap: ~Kiriashi~ Well I just merged our posts. Now what? ~Broken Messiah~ What? Never heard of this before but whatever :sweatdrop: I ban all who in the future will ban someone, so therefore I win because anyone who was gonna ban after me is banned! :haha: ~Kiriashi~ Now the person below this post will NEVER know who to ban! MUHAHAHAHAHA!
  11. Okay so I was searching google(who is skynet in case you were wondering, learn binary so when the terminators attack we can hack them) and at page like 50 this freeweb website had on the page. It was linked to youtube and since freewebs doesnt let you stream from them I got the link. Enjoy :alright:
  12. If you ever found a way to port it to a game system, let me know. :alright:
  13. A advantage in 3d I would assume would that for a character set you would only need one animation per movement eg. when a 3d character walks and turns, the 3d model just turns by some degree. However imagine how big the download would be.
  14. I was playing this one comedic game but it had a lot of easter eggs and bonus stuff to it that made it interesting lol
  15. @Kiriashi: Quite Literally
  17. Yeah but the thing is the player could just unequip that. Its for my code geass game and the player needs to have a knightmare frame equip at all times.
  18. I was hoping it was possible with scripting like " FOR every player in party IF armor.present = nil DISALLOW Of course I fail at scripting lol
  19. There was this one Bleach game I forgot but it had a cool battlesystem.
  20. Yeah thats what I'm doing but I got a LOT of armor and that would take a lot of time to do. I would rather find a shortcut.
  21. I really would like to know :sweatdrop: And secondly is it possible to have the game constantly update whether someones class change?
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