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Everything posted by Satiel

  1. Yup, firefox is great. But, like everything else out there, there are sometimes bugs with it. For instance, on my old computer - the downloads would constantly stop midway only in Firefox O.o But its good all around. The themes are awesome too!
  2. You know you are obsessed with an anime character if you: 13. Use that character's name when you sign up on forums and online games. ^.^
  3. I sent in my profile sheet. What now?
  4. Nope, still doesn't work for me. I get the same error 404 page. ; :lol:
  5. I keep getting this 404 error: http://www.110mb.com/404.htm I get it for any search. Any suggestions?
  6. Well final fantasy is pretty 'out there and famous', even though there are probably more people who HAVEN'T heard of it then people who HAVE. That really goes with anything, like movies and shows, etc. The thing is with nanaki, even fewer people know his name. That is because, when he first joins your party, he mentions his name only once. If you don't remember it, they automatically assign his name as Red XIII, since there is nothing better to call him ><
  7. Indeed. Welcome to the forums Mike. Planning your first game - thats good. Planning is important. Good luck and feel free to ask for help. Cya around!
  8. I have played ff7. Isn't Nanaki the red wolf, also called Red XIII? He's really cool. You find him in the Shinra laboratory place, if I'm not mistaken.
  9. Hey there Ryan, welcome to the forums! *clap clap clap* A FF-fan, eh? *pulls out final fantasy fanboy cap* Glad to have you on the forums, we could use some more final fantasy fans around here. Well, the site's layout is pretty easy to get used to. For creative stuff, like poems, videos, etc. just visit the entertainment forums. If you need have need any help in RMXP, there is this MEGA HUMONGOUS rmxp forum on the board. Feel free to post post post! ^.^ Enjoy!
  10. Welcome to the forums guru! Do you have any projects going on in RMXP? Well, we're here to help if you ever need assistance. Feel free to ask. Cya around the forums!
  11. Well there are 'cracked' versions of the full version out there. So, if you managed to get your hands on that (which is illegal *waves to cops as they walk by*) then you shouldn't have to worry about any differences.
  12. Well about half the time, all you see is this huge red x over them. Meh, its not much of a problem. sorry about all the fuss lol
  13. Check this out: http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i303/Satiel_Death/fast.png Thats what happens to me when using IE. Also, they sometimes are big like that and disappeared (like, just the border of the image is there, not the entire thing). Thats the only problem I have with the images, and its only on IE. Not sure if it is something to worry about though.
  14. Thanks guys! Leon, that was hilarious! "The monkeys in the pentagon are gonna cook our goose Their finger's on the button, all they need it an excuse" Nice! Thanks again guys. It feels good to be old!
  15. Yes. I've seen every episode of GT, so I'm not a newb in this subject xD
  16. Excellent. Welcome to the forums Leon. We could use a moderate scripter around here for when the forums get large and requests start pouring in. I hope your project goes smoothly and progresses without a hitch. 2 months sounds like a good amount of time for a demo, since they usually require alot of work. well, hope you enjoy the forums. Cya around!
  17. Woops, I meant "Unlimited". Well I hope it picks up the forum soon. Google needs to pick up the pace a bit, mr. "we bought youtube". Well its really no surprise that Yahoo is more powerful. I'm not trying to be ignorant or anything, but Yahoo has just been here longer. Hell, they started off as a search engine, so their programming must be top notch.
  18. Oh no! I don't use IE, I use Firefox. But one day I opened up IE to see something and came to the forums real quick to post something. That's when I noticed the weird image problem.
  19. Hmm, what kind of band are they? I'm not sure that I've heard of them ; ^_^
  20. Welcome to the forums Advent! If you ever need some pie, coca cola, or pizza - feel free to ask, I'm always stocked up and ready to dispense. ^.^ Enjoy your stay!
  21. That is frieking amazing. Nice addition to the forums Marked. I just added my location. Should I be able to see where other people are too?
  22. I have had this sometimes with the "fast reply" buttons. They just disappear and are replaced with that damn red "x" thing that means a picture is missing. This really only happens, though, when I use Internet Explorer. IE even makes the spot for the images bigger O_O which is really weird. Other than that, I haven't really had a problem with it.
  23. Definitely yahoo is more powerful. I used to use google to find this place whenever I forgot to save it in my bookmarks. The only way you can find this place is by typing something like "rmxp universe dubealex" in Google, so that it picks up that advertising topic on the creation asylum. XD
  24. I haven't played any full and complete games. My favorite demo though was from the game Final Fantasy: Awakening. It was kinda authentic and had that sort of "final fantasy mixed with rmxp" feel to it. The demo was quite long and there were even chocobos!
  25. Topic Pinned. I think its worth pinning because of everything you said - the fact that people can use it offline, its worth being in a noticable spot so people can get to it quicker. ^.^
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