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Everything posted by Bigace360

  1. What's up guys, sorry haven't been around in a while had some life issues. Anyways nice to see the layout change looks pretty cool.

    1. zahraa


      Hey welcome back ^^

    2. Polraudio


      Long time no see. Welcome back.

  2. I say go with it as you'll never know when any Persian speaking person would like to use this.
  3. I don't see why not, but what is the significance of event command?
  4. If you want a actual programmer I can do that as long as you already have a story planned out, characters, plot, and elements. Otherwise I don't want to be wasting my time volunteering for a game that may never get any where.
  5. Forgot New Zealand had their own language.
  6. If you want a locked door, just don't check the "Though" option in the event page.
  7. Interesting as I guess it could be good for scripts that are still in the idea stage and once there ready for production, you can give it a published page.
  8. If anyone has a PS4, especially the game Destiny, my username is the same as the one here BigACE360

  9. Destiny is awesome. PS4

    1. ShinkuAura


      I like it too.

      But if anyone wants to know why the game is still being played.

  10. for the "choice window," that's actually a command window, which if you take a look at the list of scripts you can find it labeled as Window_Command. If you go to Scene_Menu and take a look at line 26, you should see a line that looks like this: @command_window = Window_Command.new(160, [s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6]) that is where the window is being called into the scene.
  11. Just realized Pol isn't an admin anymore :annoyed: So he can't change it.
  12. Welcome to GDUnlimited Lzyees! If you have any question on Ruby don't hesitate to ask and I'll try to provide an answer to your questions.
  13. Web Development is confusing

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Marked


      From your description, sounds like a bad system. Which is ironic, because looking at OutSystems website, the software seems to exist for the purpose of efficient systems development. What you describe sounds pretty inefficient.

    3. Bigace360


      It is unless you really know what you're doing. They have tutorials online, but there not really helpful. The guy on the conference call keeps trying get our IT manager to get some of us to take there week long class. The problem is do we really want this system or not before spending money on class that might not be beneficial.

    4. Marked


      Exactly. I'm actually doing a major in my commerce degree on that sorta stuff... So someone who has that qualification should be making this decision, lol. But you got dis..

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  14. True, there is a ton of tutorials on there that could of been archived here, if I had known in advance preserve them before this shit went down. Oh well, let's keep on moving forward, so we don't end up like them.
  15. Naw, I don't care that much about the points unless there was a cash prize at the end of the year for top contributor (highly doubt that). But I do need to get back into more programming after being away for so long.
  16. lol 20 points, when did I upload all of my scripts. Because in that case I should have a rack of points for this year. Still have to get my game out of Hell Development.
  17. Bigace360


    Don't know if anyone noticed this already, and I just found out recently (like 2 weeks ago), but RPGRevolution has closed down. It now just redirects you to this "ActivePro" site. https://www.facebook.com/rpgrevolution
  18. Great learning sites to take from, I also forgot about Tuts+. Great place to learn just need to get more money first.
  19. Of cource 3G is available, it's just horrible majority of the time compared to what it used to be.
  20. To bad there isn't a lot of 4G LTE spots, as my Samsung Galaxy S4 locates more 3G than 4G LTE where ever I go, which is really annoying. So if there trying to get people to switch, they really should put more 4G LTE hotspots.
  21. Is it me, Sprint users, or does the 3G network suck now ever since 4GLTE was released, because I used to be able to use 3G and watch youtube and browse the internet with no problems in the past. However, now it takes forever for the a video or webpage to even load, and sometime the page just says there is an network error. Only time I get anything good is if I'm near a Wifi source or I have my 4GLTE network working on my phone. Several people I know also say the same thing, that their 3G network doesn't work the same as it used to and it seems to just be their for no other purpose, but to be a nuisance. Thoughts?
  22. Bigace360

    Ban 2.0

    Banned for saying there was a cake
  23. Knowing Enterbrain and all there overpriced bullshit, I'll just have to say no! for a replacement we still have this: http://www.gdunlimited.net/tutorials/t/rpg-maker-xp/how-to-use-the-vx-ace-engine-in-your-xp-games
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